intitial checkin
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Thu, 18 Jul 1996 15:24:24 +0200
changeset 0 ce9f4417b660
child 1 7ebb34d8f3df
intitial checkin
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jul 18 15:24:24 1996 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+Object subclass:#STXInstaller
+	instanceVariableNames:'stxLibDir stxBinDir actionPercentageHolder actionTextHolder'
+	classVariableNames:'LastBinDir LastLibDir'
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'eXept-tools'
+!STXInstaller  class methodsFor:'startup'!
+    ^ self new open
+    "Created: 17.7.1996 / 14:36:22 / cg"
+! !
+!STXInstaller methodsFor:'installing'!
+    |msg fileSpec filesToCopy numFiles nDone|
+    msg := #('ST/X Installation' '' 'copying:' '' 'to:' '') asStringCollection.
+    fileSpec := #(
+                "/ name            destination   subDir   required
+                ( 'stc/stc'               #bin     nil      false)
+                ( 'rules/stmkmp'          #bin     nil      false)
+                ( 'rules/stmkmf'          #bin     nil      false)
+                ( 'librun/librun.a'       #lib     'lib'    false)
+                ( 'libbasic/libbasic.o'   #lib     'lib'    false)
+                ( 'libbasic2/libbasic2.o' #lib     'lib'    false)
+                ( 'libbasic3/libbasic3.o' #lib     'lib'    false)
+                ( 'libcomp/libcomp.o'     #lib     'lib'    false)
+                ( 'libview/libview.o'     #lib     'lib'    false)
+                ( 'libview2/libview2.o'   #lib     'lib'    false)
+                ( 'libwidg/libwidg.o'     #lib     'lib'    false)
+                ( 'libwidg2/libwidg2.o'   #lib     'lib'    false)
+                ( 'libwidg3/libwidg3.o'   #lib     'lib'    false)
+                ( 'libtool/libtool.o'     #lib     'lib'    false)
+                ( 'projects/smalltalk/*.rc'    #lib   nil    false)
+                ( 'projects/smalltalk/patches' #lib   nil    false)
+                ( 'projects/smalltalk/bitmaps'        #lib nil    false)
+                ( 'projects/smalltalk/configurations' #lib nil    false)
+                ( 'projects/smalltalk/doc'            #lib nil    false)
+                ( 'projects/smalltalk/include'        #lib nil    false)
+                ( 'projects/smalltalk/resources'      #lib nil    false)
+                ( 'projects/smalltalk/rules'          #lib nil    false)
+              ).
+    filesToCopy := OrderedCollection new.
+    fileSpec do:[:entry |
+        |fileName dest subDir required destDir|
+        fileName := entry at:1.
+        dest := entry at:2.
+        subDir := entry at:3.
+        required := entry at:4.
+        dest == #bin ifTrue:[
+            destDir := stxBinDir
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            destDir := stxLibDir
+        ].
+        destDir := destDir asFilename.
+        subDir notNil ifTrue:[
+            destDir := destDir construct:subDir
+        ].
+        filesToCopy add:(fileName -> destDir pathName)
+    ].
+    numFiles := filesToCopy size.
+    nDone := 0.
+    filesToCopy do:[:entry |
+        |fileName destDir|
+        actionPercentageHolder value:(nDone / numFiles * 100) rounded.
+        fileName := entry key.
+        destDir := entry value.
+        msg at:4 put:'    ' , (fileName asText allBold).
+        msg at:6 put:'    ' , (destDir asText allBold).
+        actionTextHolder value:nil.
+        actionTextHolder value:msg.
+        OperatingSystem executeCommand:('cp -r ../../' , fileName , ' ' , destDir).
+        nDone := nDone + 1
+    ].
+    ^ true
+    "Created: 17.7.1996 / 15:16:20 / cg"
+    "Modified: 17.7.1996 / 15:21:09 / cg"
+    |msg dirsToMake numDirs nDone|
+    msg := #('ST/X Installation' '' 'creating directory:' '' '' '') asStringCollection.
+    dirsToMake := OrderedCollection new.
+    dirsToMake add:stxBinDir.
+    dirsToMake add:stxLibDir.
+    dirsToMake add:(stxLibDir asFilename constructString:'lib').
+    dirsToMake add:(stxLibDir asFilename constructString:'doc').
+    dirsToMake add:(stxLibDir asFilename constructString:'include').
+    dirsToMake add:(stxLibDir asFilename constructString:'resources').
+    dirsToMake add:(stxLibDir asFilename constructString:'binary').
+    dirsToMake add:(stxLibDir asFilename constructString:'bitmaps').
+    numDirs := dirsToMake size.
+    nDone := 0.
+    dirsToMake do:[:dirName |
+        |d errMsg stop box|
+        actionPercentageHolder value:(nDone / numDirs * 100) rounded.
+        msg at:4 put:'    ' , dirName.
+        actionTextHolder value:nil.
+        actionTextHolder value:msg.
+        d := dirName asFilename.
+        d exists ifFalse:[
+            OperatingSystem recursiveCreateDirectory:d pathName
+        ].
+        d exists ifFalse:[
+            errMsg := 'failed to create directory: ' , dirName.
+            stop := true
+        ] ifTrue:[
+            d isDirectory ifFalse:[
+                errMsg := 'not a directory: ' , dirName.
+                stop := true
+            ] ifTrue:[
+                (d isReadable
+                and:[d isWritable]) ifFalse:[
+                    errMsg := 'no R/W access to directory: ' , dirName.
+                    stop := false
+                ] ifTrue:[
+                    errMsg := nil
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        errMsg notNil ifTrue:[
+            box := WarningBox new.
+            box title:errMsg.
+            box showAtPointerNotCovering:(WindowGroup activeGroup topViews first).
+        ].
+        Delay waitForSeconds:0.25.
+        nDone := nDone + 1.
+    ].
+    ^ true
+    "Created: 17.7.1996 / 15:24:19 / cg"
+    "Modified: 17.7.1996 / 15:35:30 / cg"
+! !
+!STXInstaller methodsFor:'startup'!
+    "/ check, if we are in the projects/smalltalk directory
+    (Filename currentDirectory pathName endsWith:'projects/smalltalk') ifFalse:[
+        self warn:'must be in the projects/smalltalk directory'.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    [self askForDestination] whileTrue:[
+        self checkForExistingInstallationAndConfirm ifFalse:[
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        self doInstall ifTrue:[
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (self confirm:'installation failed or aborted - retry ?')
+        ifFalse:[
+            ^ self
+        ]
+    ].
+    "Modified: 17.7.1996 / 15:08:30 / cg"
+    "open a dialog to enter destination directories"
+    |d cm l green dark
+     stxLibDirHolder stxBinDirHolder
+    |
+    LastLibDir isNil ifTrue:[
+        LastLibDir := '/usr/local/lib/smalltalk'
+    ].
+    LastBinDir isNil ifTrue:[
+        LastBinDir := '/usr/local/bin'
+    ].
+    stxLibDirHolder := LastLibDir asValue.
+    stxBinDirHolder := LastBinDir asValue.
+    Screen current hasColors ifTrue:[
+        green := (Color red:0 green:80 blue:20) "darkened".
+        dark := Color grey:10.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        green := Color white.
+        dark := Color black.
+    ].
+    d := DialogBox new.
+    d label:'ST/X CD Installation'.
+    l := d addTextLabel:'Smalltalk/X CD installation.'.
+    l adjust:#left; backgroundColor:dark; foregroundColor:Color white.
+    d addVerticalSpace.
+    d addVerticalSpace.
+    d addHorizontalLine.
+    l := d addTextLabel:'Destination directories:'.
+    l adjust:#left; backgroundColor:dark; foregroundColor:Color white.
+    cm := ComboBoxView on:stxBinDirHolder.
+    cm list:(Array 
+                with:'/tmp/stxbin'
+                with:'/usr/local/bin'
+                with:'/usr/bin'
+                with:(Filename homeDirectory constructString:'bin')).
+    d 
+        addLabelledField:cm 
+        label:'binaries' 
+        adjust:#left 
+        tabable:true 
+        from:0.0 to:1.0 separateAtX:0.25
+        nameAs:'binaryBox'.
+    (d componentAt:'binaryBox.label') backgroundColor:dark; foregroundColor:Color white.
+    cm := ComboBoxView on:stxLibDirHolder.
+    cm list:(Array 
+                with:'/tmp/stxlib'
+                with:'/usr/local/lib/smalltalk'
+                with:'/usr/lib/smalltalk'
+                with:((Filename homeDirectory 
+                            construct:'lib')
+                            constructString:'smalltalk')).
+    d 
+        addLabelledField:cm 
+        label:'libraries' 
+        adjust:#left 
+        tabable:true 
+        from:0.0 to:1.0 separateAtX:0.25
+        nameAs:'libraryBox'.
+    (d componentAt:'libraryBox.label') backgroundColor:dark; foregroundColor:Color white.
+    d addAbortButton; addOkButtonLabelled:'install'.
+    d extent:400@300.
+    d allViewBackground:dark.
+    d openAtCenter.
+    d accepted ifTrue:[
+        stxLibDir := LastLibDir := stxLibDirHolder value.
+        stxBinDir := LastBinDir := stxBinDirHolder value.
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    "Modified: 17.7.1996 / 15:08:30 / cg"
+    "look if there is another installation and confirm
+     reinstalling; return true if ok, false if not"
+    stxLibDir asFilename exists ifTrue:[
+        ^ DialogBox
+            confirm:('detected existing installation in ' 
+                     , stxLibDir asText allBold
+                     , '\\continue & overwrite ?') withCRs 
+           yesLabel:'overwrite' noLabel:'cancel'
+    ].
+    ^ true
+    "install ST/X; return true if ok, false if not"
+    |progressView ok|
+    progressView := ProgressIndicator
+                        inBoxWithLabel:'ST/X Installation'
+                        text:#('ST/X Installation' '' '' '' '' '' '' '') asStringCollection
+                        abortable:true.
+    progressView topView extent:400@300.
+    ok := false.
+    progressView showProgressOf:
+            [:progressValue :currentAction |
+              actionPercentageHolder := progressValue.
+              actionTextHolder := currentAction.
+              (self createDirectories) ifTrue:[
+                  ok := self copyFiles
+              ]
+            ].
+    ^ ok
+    "Created: 17.7.1996 / 15:11:27 / cg"
+    "Modified: 17.7.1996 / 15:24:27 / cg"
+    self askAndInstall
+    "Created: 17.7.1996 / 14:37:14 / cg"
+! !
+!STXInstaller  class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header$'
+! !