*** empty log message ***
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 16:11:31 +0200
changeset 781 d1f4401ae467
parent 780 96270af95475
child 782 62f2cd2978d5
*** empty log message ***
--- a/ImgEditV.st	Wed Apr 15 18:29:25 1998 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,843 +0,0 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-ImageView subclass:#ImageEditView
-	instanceVariableNames:'magnification gridMagnification selectColors imageReaderClass
-		resourceClass resourceSelector editMode mouseKeyColorMode
-		undoImage modified coordInfoBlock'
-	classVariableNames:'Clipboard'
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Views-Misc'
-!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    This View will eventually be able to edit bitmap images.
-    For now, it is not.
-    [author:]
-        Claus Gittinger
-    [see also:]
-        Image Form
-    [start with:]
-        ImageEditView openOn:'bitmaps/gifImages/garfield.gif'
-        ImageEditView openOnImage:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/gifImages/garfield.gif')
-! !
-!ImageEditView methodsFor:'accessing'!
-coordInfoBlock: aBlock
-    coordInfoBlock := aBlock
-gridMagnification: aPoint
-    gridMagnification := aPoint
-    ^imageReaderClass
-    ^magnification
-    magnification ~= aPoint
-    ifTrue:
-    [
-        magnification := aPoint asPoint.
-        self scrollToTopLeft.
-        self contentsChanged.
-        self invalidate.
-    ].
-    ^resourceClass
-resourceClass: aClassOrSymbol
-    resourceClass := aClassOrSymbol isClass ifTrue: [aClassOrSymbol name] ifFalse: [aClassOrSymbol asSymbol].
-    ^resourceClass, ' ', resourceSelector
-resourceMessage: aMessage
-    (aMessage notNil and: [aMessage trimBlanks size > 0])
-    ifTrue:
-    [
-        resourceClass := aMessage readStream nextWord asSymbol.
-        resourceSelector := aMessage reversed readStream nextWord reverse asSymbol.
-    ]
-    ifFalse:
-    [
-        ^nil
-    ].
-    ^self resourceClass: resourceClass selector: resourceSelector
-    ^resourceSelector
-resourceSelector: aStringOrSymbol
-    resourceSelector := aStringOrSymbol asSymbol
-   ^selectColors at: mouseKeyColorMode
-selectedColor: aColor
-    selectColors at: mouseKeyColorMode put: aColor
-! !
-!ImageEditView methodsFor:'drawing'!
-redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h
-    |ih iw dotW dotH minX maxX minY maxY color last lastY runW x0 xI yI maskColor|
-    ih := image height.
-    iw := image width.
-    dotW := magnification x.
-    dotH := magnification y.
-    minX := (x // dotW).
-    minX >= iw ifTrue:[minX := iw - 1].
-    minY := (y // dotH).
-    minY >= ih ifTrue:[minY := ih - 1].
-    maxX := (x + w) // dotW + 1.
-    maxX > iw ifTrue:[maxX := iw].
-    maxY := (y + h) // dotH + 1.
-    maxY > ih ifTrue:[maxY := ih].
-    lastY := -1.
-    x0 := minX.
-    runW := 0.
-    maskColor := false.
-    image colorsFromX:minX y:minY toX:maxX-1 y:maxY-1 do:
-    [:xx :yy :color|
-        yy ~~ lastY ifTrue:
-        [
-            runW ~~ 0 ifTrue:
-            [
-                |origin|
-                origin := (x0 * dotW + margin)@(lastY * dotH + margin).
-                self fillRectangle: (origin extent: (runW@dotH)).                    
-                0 to: runW by: dotW do: [:xxx| self drawFrameAt: ((origin x + xxx) @origin y)].
-                maskColor ifTrue:
-                [
-                    self drawMaskPointAt: origin
-                ].
-                runW := 0.
-            ]. 
-            x0 := xx.
-            lastY := yy.
-        ]. 
-        color ~~ last ifTrue:
-        [
-            runW ~~ 0 ifTrue:
-            [
-                |origin|
-                origin := (x0 * dotW + margin)@(yy * dotH + margin).
-                self fillRectangle: (origin extent: (runW@dotH)).
-                0 to: runW by: dotW do: [:xxx| self drawFrameAt: ((origin x + xxx) @origin y)].
-                maskColor ifTrue:
-                [
-                    self drawMaskPointAt: origin
-                ].
-                runW := 0.
-            ].
-            self paint: (last := color).
-            image mask notNil ifTrue:
-            [  
-                maskColor := false.
-                (image mask colorAt: xx@yy) = Color black ifTrue:
-                [
-                    self paint: (last := self viewBackground).
-                    maskColor := true.
-                ].
-                last := nil.
-            ].
-            runW := 0.
-            x0 := xx.
-        ].  
-        runW := runW + dotW
-    ].
-    runW ~~ 0 ifTrue:
-    [
-        |origin|
-        origin := (x0 * dotW + margin)@(lastY * dotH + margin).
-        self fillRectangle: (origin extent: runW@dotH).
-        0 to: runW by: dotW do: [:xxx| self drawFrameAt: ((origin x + xxx) @origin y)].
-        maskColor ifTrue:
-        [
-            self drawMaskPointAt: origin.
-        ].
-        runW := 0.
-    ].
-redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h
-    |ih iw xI yI|
-    image isNil ifTrue:[^self].
-    magnification = (1@1) ifTrue:
-    [
-        super redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h.
-        self drawFrame.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    self clippingRectangle: (x@y extent: w@h). 
-    self redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h.
-    "/ right of image ?
-    adjust == #center ifTrue:
-    [
-        xI := (width - (margin * 2) - ih) // 2.
-        yI := (height - (margin * 2) - iw) // 2.
-    ]
-    ifFalse:
-    [
-        xI := yI := margin
-    ].
-    (x + w - 1) > (xI + (magnification x * image width)) ifTrue:
-    [
-        self clearRectangleX:(xI + (magnification x * image width))
-                           y:y
-                       width:(x + w - (magnification x * image width) - xI)
-                      height:h
-    ].
-    (y + h - 1) > (yI + (magnification y * image height)) ifTrue:
-    [
-        self clearRectangleX:margin
-                           y:(yI + (magnification y * image height))
-                       width:w
-                      height:(y + h - (magnification y * image height) - yI)  
-    ].
-    self drawFrame.
-    self clippingRectangle: nil.
-! !
-!ImageEditView methodsFor:'edit modes'!
-    editMode isNil ifTrue: [editMode := 'point'].
-    ^editMode
-    editMode := aMode
-    ^mouseKeyColorMode printString
-    mouseKeyColorMode := aMode asInteger
-! !
-!ImageEditView methodsFor:'event handling'!
-buttonMotion:state x:x y:y
-    self selectedColor notNil & image notNil & (self imageContainsPoint: x@y) & (editMode = 'point')
-        ifTrue: [^self pointAt: x@y].
-buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    self selectedColor notNil & image notNil & (self imageContainsPoint: x@y)
-    ifTrue:
-    [   
-        undoImage := image copy.
-        mouseKeyColorMode := button.
-        (editMode = 'point')   ifTrue: [self pointAt: x@y].
-        (editMode = 'replace') ifTrue: [self replaceAt: x@y].
-        (editMode = 'paste')   ifTrue: [self pasteAt: x@y].
-        (editMode = 'box') | (editMode = 'copy') ifTrue: [self boxAt: x@y].
-        ^self
-    ].
-! !
-!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image drawing'!
-boxAt: aPoint
-    |firstPoint currentPoint lastCurrentPoint currentExtent imageFirstPoint imageExtent|
-    firstPoint := lastCurrentPoint := aPoint//magnification*magnification.
-    [Display anyButtonPressed]
-    whileTrue:
-    [   
-        currentPoint := (0@0) max: (image extent * magnification min: (self translation negated + (device translatePoint: self sensor mousePoint from:device rootView id to:self id))).
-        currentPoint := currentPoint//magnification*magnification.
-        currentExtent := (firstPoint - currentPoint) abs.
-        currentPoint ~= lastCurrentPoint ifTrue:
-        [
-            self redraw: ((firstPoint min: lastCurrentPoint) - 1 extent: (firstPoint - lastCurrentPoint) abs + 2).
-            editMode = 'copy'
-            ifTrue:
-            [
-                self xoring: [self fillRectangle: ((firstPoint min: currentPoint) + 1 extent: currentExtent - 1)]
-            ].
-            editMode = 'box'
-            ifTrue:
-            [
-                self selectedColor ~= Color noColor
-                    ifTrue: [self paint: self selectedColor]
-                    ifFalse: [self paint: self viewBackground].
-                self fillRectangle: ((firstPoint min: currentPoint) + 1 extent: currentExtent - 1)
-            ]. 
-        ]. 
-        self drawLabel: currentPoint//magnification.
-        lastCurrentPoint := currentPoint.
-    ].
-    imageFirstPoint := (firstPoint min: currentPoint)//magnification.
-    imageExtent := currentExtent//magnification.
-    editMode = 'box'
-    ifTrue:
-    [
-        self selectedColor ~= Color noColor
-        ifTrue:
-        [   
-            image mask notNil ifTrue: [image mask fillRectangleX: imageFirstPoint x y: imageFirstPoint y width: imageExtent x height: imageExtent y with:Color white].
-            image fillRectangleX: imageFirstPoint x y: imageFirstPoint y width: imageExtent x height: imageExtent y with: self selectedColor.
-            self paint: self selectedColor.
-        ] 
-        ifFalse:
-        [
-            image fillRectangleX: imageFirstPoint x y: imageFirstPoint y width: imageExtent x height: imageExtent y with: ((image colorMap includes: Color black) ifTrue: [Color black] ifFalse: [image colorMap first]).
-            image mask notNil ifTrue: [image mask fillRectangleX: imageFirstPoint x y: imageFirstPoint y width: imageExtent x height: imageExtent y with: Color black].
-            self paint: self viewBackground.
-        ].
-        image restored.
-        modified := true.
-    ].
-    editMode = 'copy'
-    ifTrue:
-    [      
-        Clipboard := image subImageIn: (imageFirstPoint extent: imageExtent)
-    ].
-    self redraw: ((firstPoint min: currentPoint) - 1 extent: (firstPoint - currentPoint) abs + 2).    
-pasteAt: aPoint
-    Object errorSignal handle:
-    [:ex|
-        WarningBox warn: 'Pasting into this image failed!!'.
-    ] 
-    do:
-    [   
-        |imagePoint|
-        imagePoint := aPoint//magnification.
-        image copyFrom: Clipboard x:0 y:0 toX: imagePoint x y: imagePoint y width: Clipboard width height: Clipboard height.
-        self redraw: (imagePoint * magnification extent: (Clipboard extent * magnification)).
-        self drawLabel: imagePoint.
-        image restored.
-        modified := true.
-    ]
-pointAt: aPoint
-    |imagePoint|
-    imagePoint := aPoint//magnification.
-    self selectedColor ~= Color noColor
-    ifTrue:
-    [   
-        image mask notNil ifTrue: [image mask colorAt: imagePoint put: Color white].
-        image colorAt: imagePoint put: self selectedColor.
-        self paint: self selectedColor.
-    ] 
-    ifFalse:
-    [
-        image colorAt: imagePoint put: ((image colorMap includes: Color black) ifTrue: [Color black] ifFalse: [image colorMap first]).
-        image mask notNil ifTrue: [image mask colorAt: imagePoint put: Color black].
-        self paint:self viewBackground.
-    ].
-    self fillRectangle: (imagePoint * magnification + 1 extent: magnification).
-    self selectedColor = Color noColor
-    ifTrue:
-    [       
-        self drawMaskPointAt: imagePoint * magnification + 1.
-    ].
-    self drawFrameAt: aPoint.
-    self drawLabel: imagePoint.
-    image restored.
-    modified := true.
-replaceAt: aPoint
-    |imagePoint|
-    imagePoint := aPoint//magnification.
-    self selectedColor ~= Color noColor
-    ifTrue:
-    [   
-        image mask notNil ifTrue: [image mask fillAround: imagePoint withColor: Color white].
-        image fillAround: imagePoint withColor: self selectedColor.
-        self paint: self selectedColor.
-    ] 
-    ifFalse:
-    [
-        image mask notNil ifTrue: [image mask fillAround: imagePoint withColor: Color black].
-        self paint:self viewBackground.
-    ].
-    self drawLabel: imagePoint.
-    self invalidate.
-    image restored.
-    modified := true.
-    undoImage notNil
-    ifTrue:
-    [
-        modified := false.
-        self image: undoImage.
-        self invalidate
-    ]
-! !
-!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image editing'!
-    self image: image flipHorizontal.
-    self image: image flipVertical.
-    self image: image negative.
-    |b newSize|
-    b := EnterBox new.
-    b title:'resize image'.
-    b okText:'apply'.
-    b abortText:'abort'.
-    b initialText:image extent printString.
-    b showAtPointer.
-    (newSize := Object readFromString: b contents onError:nil) notNil
-    ifTrue:
-    [
-        self image: (image magnifiedBy: newSize/image extent)
-    ].
-    |b rotation|
-    b := EnterBox new.
-    b title:'rotate image'.
-    b okText:'apply'.
-    b abortText:'abort'.
-    b initialText: '0'.
-    b showAtPointer.
-    (rotation := Object readFromString: b contents onError:nil) notNil
-    ifTrue:
-    [   Object errorSignal handle:
-        [:ex|
-            WarningBox warn: 'Image rotation failed.\' withCRs, 'An increase of image depth could help.'.
-        ] 
-        do:
-        [   
-            self image: (image hardRotated: rotation)
-        ]
-    ].
-! !
-!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image emphasis'!
-    self paint:Color black.
-    "self lineWidth: (magnification x//3 min: 3). "
-    self displayRectangle: ((0@0) extent:(image extent * magnification) + 2).
-    self lineWidth:1.
-drawFrameAt: aPoint
-    magnification > gridMagnification
-    ifTrue:
-    [   
-        |lineStartingPoint lineEndingPoint oldColor|
-        lineStartingPoint := aPoint//magnification*magnification.
-        lineEndingPoint   := aPoint//magnification*magnification + magnification.
-        oldColor := self paint.
-        self xoring:
-        [
-            self displayLineFrom: lineEndingPoint 
-                              to: (lineEndingPoint x)@(lineStartingPoint y).
-            self displayLineFrom: lineEndingPoint 
-                              to: (lineStartingPoint x)@(lineEndingPoint y).
-        ].
-        self paint: oldColor.
-    ]
-drawLabel: aLabel
-    coordInfoBlock notNil
-    ifTrue:
-    [         
-        coordInfoBlock value: aLabel printString
-    ]
-drawMaskPointAt: aPoint
-    |sizeOfMaskPoint|
-    sizeOfMaskPoint := magnification//3.
-    self xoring: [self fillRectangle: (aPoint + sizeOfMaskPoint extent: sizeOfMaskPoint)].
-! !
-!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image setting'!
-    (anImage isImage and: [image isNil or: [self checkModified]])
-    ifTrue:
-    [
-        super image: anImage.
-        image photometric = #palette
-        ifTrue:
-        [
-            (image usedColors includes: selectColors first) ifFalse: [selectColors at: 1 put: nil].
-            (image usedColors includes: selectColors last) ifFalse: [selectColors at: 2 put: nil].
-        ].
-        ^self
-    ].
-    ^nil
-loadFromFile: aFileName
-    |fileName newImage|
-    fileName := aFileName asFilename.
-    Object errorSignal handle:
-    [:exeption|
-        WarningBox warn: exeption errorString.
-        ^nil
-    ] 
-    do:
-    [
-        newImage := Image fromFile: fileName name.
-    ].
-    (self image: newImage) notNil
-    ifTrue:
-    [
-        imageReaderClass := ImageReader allSubclasses detect: [:cls| cls isValidImageFile:fileName name] ifNone:
-            [WarningBox warn: 'Unknown image file format'. ^nil].
-    ]
-resourceClass: aClassOrSymbol selector: aStringOrSymbol
-    |aClass|
-    imageReaderClass := nil.
-    self resourceClass: aClassOrSymbol.
-    self resourceSelector: aStringOrSymbol.
-    aClass := Smalltalk at: resourceClass. 
-    (aClass isClass and: [aClass class implements: resourceSelector])
-    ifTrue:
-    [ 
-        ^self image: (aClass perform: resourceSelector) copy
-    ].
-    ^nil
-! !
-!ImageEditView methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    super initialize.
-    magnification := 1@1.
-    gridMagnification := 8@8.
-    modified := false.
-    mouseKeyColorMode := 1.
-    resourceClass := resourceSelector := ''.
-    selectColors := Array with: nil with: nil.
-    self menuHolder:self; menuPerformer:self; menuMessage:#imageMenu. 
-! !
-!ImageEditView methodsFor:'menu actions'!
-    |b newMag|
-    b := EnterBox new.
-    b title:'magnification (magX @ magY)'.
-    b okText:'apply'.
-    b abortText:'abort'.
-    b action:[:string | newMag := (Object readFromString:string onError:nil)].
-    b initialText:(magnification printString).
-    b showAtPointer.
-    newMag notNil ifTrue:[
-        self magnification:newMag.
-    ].
-    "Modified: 31.7.1997 / 11:43:12 / cg"
-    self resourceMessage: (ResourceSelectionBrowser
-        openOnSuperclass: ApplicationModel
-        class: self resourceClass
-        selector: self resourceSelector
-        resourceTypes: #(#image #fileImage))
-    self image: 
-        ((Image fromUser)
-            asDitheredTrueColor8FormOn: Display)
-    |stream psgc|
-    image isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
-    Printer supportsPostscript ifFalse:[
-        self warn:'need a postscript printer'.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    stream := Printer newNative.
-    stream isNil ifTrue:[
-        self warn:'cannot open printer stream'.
-        ^ nil
-    ].
-    self withWaitCursorDo:[
-        psgc := PSGraphicsContext on:stream. "/  extent:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-        psgc displayForm: (image magnifiedBy: magnification) x:0 y:0.
-        psgc close.
-    ]
-    Object errorSignal handle:
-    [:ex|
-        WarningBox warn: ex errorString.
-        ^nil                                 
-    ] 
-    do:
-    [   
-        |fileName|
-        image isNil ifTrue: [^self error: 'No image to save!!'].
-        image fileName isNil ifTrue: [^self error: 'No file name for image detected!!'].
-        fileName := image fileName asFilename.
-        (fileName suffix = 'tiff') | (fileName suffix = 'tif') ifTrue: [imageReaderClass := TIFFReader].
-        fileName suffix = 'xpm' ifTrue: [imageReaderClass := XPMReader].
-        fileName suffix = 'xbm' ifTrue: [imageReaderClass := XBMReader].
-        fileName suffix = 'gif' ifTrue: [imageReaderClass := GIFReader].
-        (fileName suffix = 'jpg') | (fileName suffix = 'jpeg') ifTrue: [imageReaderClass := JPEGReader].
-        imageReaderClass isNil ifTrue: [imageReaderClass := XPMReader. image fileName: image fileName, '.xpm'].
-        image saveOn: image fileName using: imageReaderClass.
-        modified := false.
-    ]
-    "save contents into a file 
-     - ask user for filename using a fileSelectionBox."
-    self saveImageFileAs
-    Object errorSignal handle:
-    [:ex|
-        WarningBox warn: ex errorString.
-        ^nil                                 
-    ] 
-    do:
-    [   
-        |compileString stream aClass|  
-        stream := WriteStream on: ''.
-        self resourceSelector trimBlanks size = 0 ifTrue: [^self error: 'No image selector detected'].
-        (aClass := Smalltalk at: self resourceClass) isClass ifFalse: [^self error: 'No class for image selector detected'].
-        self image storeOn: stream.
-        compileString :=
-            self resourceSelector,
-            '\\' withCRs,
-            '    <resource: #image>\' withCRs,
-            '    ^',
-            stream contents.   
-        ByteCodeCompiler compile: compileString forClass: aClass class inCategory: 'resources'.
-        modified := false.
-    ]
-    |aFileName|
-    (aFileName := (FileBrowserView requestFileName: self image fileName fileFilters: #('*.xpm' '*.gif'))) notNil
-    ifTrue:
-    [
-        self saveImageFileAs: aFileName
-    ].
-saveImageFileAs: aFileName
-    image notNil
-    ifTrue:
-    [
-        image fileName: aFileName.
-        self save
-    ]
-    ifFalse:
-    [
-        WarningBox warn: 'No image detected'
-    ]
-! !
-!ImageEditView methodsFor:'queries'!
-    modified ifTrue:
-    [
-        |aBox|
-        aBox := YesNoBox title:'Image was modified'.        
-        aBox noText:'abort'.
-        aBox yesText:'ignore'.
-        aBox showAtPointer.
-        aBox accepted ifFalse: [^false].
-        modified := false
-    ].
-    ^true
-    "return the images height"
-    image isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
-    ^ (image height * magnification y) rounded
-imageContainsPoint: aPoint
-    |pi|
-    image isNil ifTrue: [^false].
-    pi := ((aPoint - margin + 1) / magnification) floor.
-    ^((0@0 corner:(image extent) - 1) containsPoint:pi)
-    "return the images width"
-    image isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
-    ^ (image width * magnification x) rounded
-! !
-!ImageEditView methodsFor:'release'!
-    undoImage := nil.
-    Clipboard := nil.
-    super destroy.
-! !
-!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header$'
-! !