intitial checkin
Thu, 26 Jun 1997 14:50:18 +0200
changeset 181 e0a85c343cb7
parent 180 9d2689bbd277
child 182 5e0f65e92d95
intitial checkin
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jun 26 14:50:18 1997 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by Claus Gittinger / eXept Software AG
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+NoteBookView subclass:#UIGalleryView
+	instanceVariableNames:'majorKey minorKeys minorKeysHolder'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Interface-UIPainter'
+View subclass:#Canvas
+	instanceVariableNames:'dragMode clientSpecHolder inputView selection specification
+		lastClickPoint menuSelector raiseMenuSelector uiBuilder'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:UIGalleryView
+DropObject subclass:#DropSpec
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:UIGalleryView::Canvas
+!UIGalleryView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by Claus Gittinger / eXept Software AG
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+    implements a selection panel, keeping widgets which could be placed
+    into other components by drag & drop or copy @ paste. The objects
+    which are draged/droped must be kind of UISpecification's.
+    The UISelectionPanel used by the UIPainter is implemented in this way.
+    [author:]
+        Claus Gittinger
+        Claus Atzkern
+    [see also:]
+        UIPainter
+        UISelectionPanel
+    opens a gallery
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+    |top sel|
+    top := StandardSystemView new label:'gallery'; extent:500@300.
+    sel := UIGalleryView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+    sel labels:#(    'Buttons'
+                     'Panels'
+                     'Text'
+                   ).
+    sel minorKeys:#( #standartButtonToggle
+                     #standartPanels
+                     #standartText
+                   ).
+    sel majorKey:UISelectionPanel.
+    top open.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
+! !
+!UIGalleryView methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "get the builder used to setup a window from a specification (or nil in case
+     of using a new builder)
+    "
+  ^ canvas builder
+    "set the builder used to setup a window from a specification (or nil in case
+     of using a new builder)
+    "
+    canvas builder:aBuilderOrNil
+    ^ self
+labels:listOfLabels minorKeys:listOfMinorKeys majorKey:aMajorKey
+    "setup for labels, selectors and class provider
+    "
+    self labels:listOfLabels.
+    minorKeys := listOfMinorKeys.
+    majorKey  := aMajorKey.
+    "get the class providing the window specifications
+    "
+  ^ majorKey
+    "get the class providing the window specifications
+    "
+    (majorKey := aKey) notNil ifTrue:[
+        aKey isBehavior ifFalse:[
+            majorKey := Smalltalk at:aKey asSymbol
+        ]
+    ].
+    self selection:nil
+    "get the list of selector keys
+    "
+  ^ minorKeys
+    "set the list of selectors
+    "
+    minorKeys := aListOfSelectors.
+    tabRaw selection:nil.
+! !
+!UIGalleryView methodsFor:'accessing holders'!
+    "get the holder which keeps the current selection or in case of
+     no selection the specification under the cursor
+    "
+  ^ canvas clientSpecHolder
+    "set the holder which keeps the current selection or in case of
+     no selection the specification under the cursor
+    "
+    canvas clientSpecHolder:aHolder
+    ^ canvas menuSelector
+    ^ canvas menuSelector:aSelector
+    "get the holder keeping the minor keys; the selectors to access
+     specifications from a class associated with the majorKey.
+    "
+  ^ minorKeysHolder
+    "set the holder keeping the minor keys; the selectors to access
+     specifications from a class associated with the majorKey.
+    "
+    minorKeysHolder notNil ifTrue:[
+        minorKeysHolder removeDependent:self. 
+    ].
+    (minorKeysHolder := aValueHolder) notNil ifTrue:[
+        minorKeysHolder addDependent:self.
+    ].
+    self minorKeys:(minorKeysHolder value)
+! !
+!UIGalleryView methodsFor:'change & update'!
+    "selection changed
+    "
+    |specification selector selection application|
+    selection := tabRaw listIndexOf:something.
+    (selection notNil and:[minorKeys size >= selection]) ifTrue:[
+        selector := minorKeys at:selection.
+        (majorKey respondsTo:selector) ifTrue:[
+            specification := majorKey perform:selector
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (application := self application) notNil ifTrue:[
+                Object messageNotUnderstoodSignal handle:[:ex|
+                    (application class respondsTo:selector) ifTrue:[
+                        specification := application class perform:selector
+                    ]
+                ] do:[
+                    specification := application aspectFor:selector
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    canvas specification:specification.
+    self selectionChangedTo:(tabRaw selection).
+update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
+    "one of my models changed its value
+    "
+    changedObject == minorKeysHolder ifTrue:[
+        ^ self minorKeys:( minorKeysHolder value)
+    ].
+    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject.
+! !
+!UIGalleryView methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    minorKeysHolder notNil ifTrue:[
+        minorKeysHolder removeDependent:self. 
+        minorKeysHolder := nil.
+    ].
+    super destroy.
+    "setup default attributes
+    "
+    canvas := Canvas.
+    super initialize.
+    tabRaw action:[:something| self selectionChangedTo:something ].
+! !
+!UIGalleryView::Canvas methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "get the builder used to setup a window from a specification (or nil in case
+     of using a new builder)
+    "
+  ^ uiBuilder
+    "set the builder used to setup a window from a specification (or nil in case
+     of using a new builder)
+    "
+    uiBuilder := something.
+    "get the holder which keeps the current selection or in case of
+     no selection the specification under the cursor
+    "
+    ^ clientSpecHolder
+    "set the holder which keeps the current selection or in case of
+     no selection the specification under the cursor
+    "
+    (clientSpecHolder := aHolder) notNil ifTrue:[
+        clientSpecHolder value:selection
+    ].
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'menuSelector' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ menuSelector!
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'menuSelector' (automatically generated)"
+    menuSelector := something.!
+    "get current specification
+    "
+   ^ specification
+    "set a new specification
+    "
+    |builder|
+    self selection:nil.
+    self subViews copy do:[:aSubView|
+        aSubView ~~ inputView ifTrue:[
+            aSubView destroy
+        ]
+    ].
+    aSpecOrSpecArray notNil ifTrue:[
+        specification := UISpecification from:aSpecOrSpecArray.
+        builder := uiBuilder ? UIBuilder new.
+        specification buildViewFor:builder in:self.
+        subViews do:[:v|
+            (v ~~ inputView and:[(self findSpecFor:v) notNil]) ifTrue:[
+                v borderWidth:1.
+            ]
+        ].
+        self shown ifTrue:[
+            self realizeAllSubViews.
+            inputView raise
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        specification := nil
+    ]
+! !
+!UIGalleryView::Canvas methodsFor:'building'!
+    "build spec out of spec
+    "
+    |spec comp coll|
+    (aSpec notNil and:[aSpec canUIDrag]) ifFalse:[
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    spec := aSpec copy.
+    (aSpec class supportsSubComponents and:[aSpec component notNil]) ifFalse:[
+        ^ spec
+    ].
+    comp := aSpec component.
+    spec component:nil.
+    comp canUIDrag ifFalse:[
+      ^ spec
+    ].
+    coll := OrderedCollection new.
+    comp do:[:anEntry||spc|
+        (spc := self buildSpecFrom:anEntry) notNil ifTrue:[
+            coll add:spc
+        ]
+    ].
+    coll isEmpty ifTrue:[
+      ^ spec
+    ].
+    comp := comp copy.
+    comp collection:coll.
+    spec component:comp.
+  ^ spec
+! !
+!UIGalleryView::Canvas methodsFor:'drag & drop'!
+    "start drag of selection
+    "
+    |dragObj spec name|
+    spec := self findSpecFor:selection.
+    spec notNil ifTrue:[
+        spec := self buildSpecFrom:spec.
+        name := spec className asString.
+        name := name copyFrom:1 to:(name size - ('Spec' size) + 1). 
+        name at:1 put:(name at:1) asLowercase.
+        name at:(name size) put:$1.
+        spec name:name.
+        self showUnselected.
+        dragObj := DropSpec for:selection specification:spec.
+        self showSelected.
+        DragAndDropManager startDrag:dragObj from:inputView.
+    ]
+! !
+!UIGalleryView::Canvas methodsFor:'event handling'!
+buttonMotion:state x:x y:y
+    "start a drag on selection
+    "
+    |sensor|
+    (lastClickPoint notNil and:[selection notNil]) ifTrue:[
+        sensor := self sensor.
+        sensor anyButtonPressed ifTrue:[
+            (lastClickPoint dist:(x@y)) > 10.0 ifTrue:[
+                ^ self startDrag
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+buttonPress:button x:x y:y
+    "change selection
+    "
+    |application|
+    button == 1 ifTrue:[
+        lastClickPoint := Point x:x y:y.
+        self selection:(self findObjectAtX:x y:y).
+    ]  ifFalse:[
+        lastClickPoint := nil.
+        (menuSelector notNil and:[(application := self application) notNil]) ifTrue:[
+            Object messageNotUnderstoodSignal handle:[:ex|
+            ] do:[
+                application aspectFor:menuSelector
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+exposeX:x y:y width:w height:h
+    "handle an expose event from device; redraw selection
+    "
+    super exposeX:x y:y width:w height:h.
+    (selection notNil and:[self sensor hasExposeEventFor:selection]) ifFalse:[
+        self showSelected.
+    ].
+! !
+!UIGalleryView::Canvas methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    inputView := InputView origin:0.0@0.0 extent:1.0@1.0 in:self.
+    inputView eventReceiver:self.
+    inputView enableButtonEvents.
+    inputView enableButtonMotionEvents.
+    inputView enableMotionEvents.
+! !
+!UIGalleryView::Canvas methodsFor:'searching'!
+findObjectAtX:x y:y
+    "find the origin/corner of the currentWidget
+    "
+    |point id p e|
+    point := Point x:x y:y.
+    id    := inputView id.
+    subViews do:[:v|
+        v ~~ inputView ifTrue:[
+            p := device translatePoint:point from:id to:(v id).
+            (     p x >= 0 and:[p x <= v width
+             and:[p y >= 0 and:[p y <= v height
+             and:[(self findSpecFor:v) notNil]]]]
+            ) ifTrue:[
+                ^ v
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+  ^ nil
+    "returns subspec assigned to instance or nil
+    "
+    |name components spec|
+    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
+        name := anObject name.
+        specification do:[:aSpec|
+            aSpec name = name ifTrue:[
+                aSpec canUIDrag ifTrue:[^ aSpec]
+                               ifFalse:[^ nil]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+! !
+!UIGalleryView::Canvas methodsFor:'selection'!
+handlesOf:aComponent do:aOneArgBlock
+    "evaluate the block on each handle; the argument to the block
+     is a rectangle
+    "
+    aComponent notNil ifTrue:[
+        aOneArgBlock value:(aComponent origin       - (2@2) extent:6@6).
+        aOneArgBlock value:(aComponent corner       - (1@1) extent:6@6).
+        aOneArgBlock value:(aComponent topRight     - (1@2) extent:6@6).
+        aOneArgBlock value:(aComponent bottomLeft   - (2@1) extent:6@6).
+        aOneArgBlock value:(aComponent leftCenter   - (2@0) extent:6@6).
+        aOneArgBlock value:(aComponent rightCenter  - (1@0) extent:6@6).
+        aOneArgBlock value:(aComponent topCenter    - (0@2) extent:6@6).
+        aOneArgBlock value:(aComponent bottomCenter - (0@1) extent:6@6).
+    ]
+    "selection changed
+    "
+    |name spec|
+    selection ~~ anObject ifTrue:[
+        self showUnselected.
+        spec := self findSpecFor:anObject.
+        spec notNil ifTrue:[
+            selection := anObject.
+            self showSelected
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            selection := nil
+        ].
+        clientSpecHolder notNil ifTrue:[
+            clientSpecHolder value:spec
+        ]
+    ]
+    "show selected
+    "
+    self shown ifFalse:[^ self].
+    selection notNil ifTrue:[
+        self clippedByChildren:false.
+        self handlesOf:selection do:[:aRectangle|
+            self fillRectangle:aRectangle
+        ].
+        self clippedByChildren:true.
+    ].
+    "show unselected
+    "
+    |r currSel|
+    (currSel := selection) isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    selection := nil.
+    self shown ifFalse:[^ self].
+    self clippedByChildren:false.
+    self handlesOf:currSel do:[:aRectangle|
+        self clearRectangle:aRectangle
+    ].
+    self clippedByChildren:true.
+    r := currSel bounds.
+    subViews do:[:sv|
+        |absOrg absFrame|
+        sv ~~ inputView ifTrue:[
+            (sv bounds intersects:r) ifTrue:[
+                sv borderColor:(Color gray:5).
+                sv borderColor:(Color black).
+                sv withAllSubViewsDo:[:v|
+                    v fill:v viewBackground.
+                    v exposeX:0 y:0 width:9999 height:9999.
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    selection := currSel.
+! !
+!UIGalleryView::Canvas::DropSpec class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+for:aView specification:aSpec
+    "create drop object for a view derived from a specification
+    "
+    |point extent root device|
+    device := aView device.
+    root   := device rootView.
+    extent := aView extent.
+    point  := device translatePoint:0@0 from:(aView id) to:(root id).
+    DisplayObject := nil.
+    (point x > 0 and:[point y > 0]) ifTrue:[
+        point := point + extent.
+        (point x < root width and:[point y < root height]) ifTrue:[
+            aView topView raise.
+            device sync.
+            aView invalidate.
+            aView windowGroup processExposeEvents.
+            DisplayObject := Image fromView:aView grab:false.
+        ]
+    ].
+    DisplayObject isNil ifTrue:[
+        DisplayObject := Form extent:extent depth:1.
+        DisplayObject colorMap:(Array with:Color white with:Color black).
+        DisplayObject fill:(Color colorId:0).
+        DisplayObject paint:(Color colorId:1).
+        DisplayObject displayRectangleX:0 y:0 width:aView extent x height:aView extent y.
+    ].
+    aSpec class == UISubSpecification ifTrue:[
+        aSpec layout:(LayoutOrigin fromPoint:0@0)
+    ].
+  ^ self new theObject:aSpec
+! !
+!UIGalleryView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header$'
+! !