*** empty log message ***
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Sun, 03 Oct 1999 18:55:05 +0200
changeset 1248 fc64935b7ff9
parent 1247 6fb170b75302
child 1249 bb12f148aa96
*** empty log message ***
--- a/ProjectBrowser.st	Sat Oct 02 15:27:55 1999 +0200
+++ b/ProjectBrowser.st	Sun Oct 03 18:55:05 1999 +0200
@@ -1849,7 +1849,7 @@
           #name: 'ProjectBrowser'
           #min: #(#Point 10 10)
           #max: #(#Point 1024 768)
-          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 10 20 613 571)
+          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 509 332 1112 883)
           #menu: #mainMenu
           #icon: #bigProjectBrowserIcon
@@ -1862,47 +1862,59 @@
               #menu: #menu
               #textDefault: true
-           #(#VariableHorizontalPanelSpec
-              #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
-              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 40 0.0 0 1.0 -24 1.0)
-              #handles: 
-             #(#OrderedCollection
-                #Any 0.379433
-                1.0
-              )
+           #(#VariableVerticalPanelSpec
+              #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 32 0.0 0 1.0 -24 1.0)
+              #level: 1
                 #collection: #(
-                 #(#SelectionInTreeViewSpec
-                    #name: 'TreeList1'
-                    #model: #selectedTreeNodeHolder
-                    #menu: #itemMenuHolder
-                    #performer: #itemMenuPerformer
-                    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
-                    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
-                    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
-                    #showRoot: false
-                    #showDirectoryIndicatorForRoot: false
-                    #showDirectoryIndicator: true
-                    #valueChangeSelector: #itemSelected:
-                    #doubleClickSelector: #itemDoubleClicked:
-                    #hierarchicalList: #projectTreeHolder
-                    #selectConditionSelector: #selectionChangeAllowed:
-                    #highlightMode: #label
+                 #(#VariableHorizontalPanelSpec
+                    #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
+                    #component: 
+                   #(#SpecCollection
+                      #collection: #(
+                       #(#SelectionInTreeViewSpec
+                          #name: 'TreeList1'
+                          #model: #selectedTreeNodeHolder
+                          #menu: #itemMenuHolder
+                          #performer: #itemMenuPerformer
+                          #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
+                          #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
+                          #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
+                          #showRoot: false
+                          #showDirectoryIndicatorForRoot: false
+                          #showDirectoryIndicator: true
+                          #valueChangeSelector: #itemSelected:
+                          #doubleClickSelector: #itemDoubleClicked:
+                          #hierarchicalList: #projectTreeHolder
+                          #selectConditionSelector: #selectionChangeAllowed:
+                          #highlightMode: #label
+                        )
+                       #(#SubCanvasSpec
+                          #name: 'SubCanvas1'
+                          #hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
+                          #hasVerticalScrollBar: false
+                          #specHolder: #currentCanvasHolder
+                        )
+                       )
+                    )
+                    #handles: #(#Any 0.389718 1.0)
-                 #(#SubCanvasSpec
-                    #name: 'SubCanvas1'
-                    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
-                    #hasVerticalScrollBar: false
-                    #specHolder: #currentCanvasHolder
+                 #(#ArbitraryComponentSpec
+                    #name: 'ArbitraryComponent1'
+                    #hasBorder: false
+              #handles: #(#Any 0.987879 1.0)
               #name: 'infoBarSubSpec'
               #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -24 1 0 1.0 0 1.0)
+              #level: 1
               #majorKey: #ToolApplicationModel
               #minorKey: #windowSpecForInfoBar
@@ -2122,6 +2134,33 @@
                   #value: #checkInProject
                   #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndProjectFilenameHolderAndProjectCodeIsLoaded
+               #(#MenuItem
+                  #label: '-'
+                )
+               #(#MenuItem
+                  #label: 'CheckIn Classes'
+                  #translateLabel: true
+                  #value: #checkInAllClasses
+                  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndProjectFilenameHolderAndProjectCodeIsLoaded
+                )
+               #(#MenuItem
+                  #label: 'CheckIn Extensions'
+                  #translateLabel: true
+                  #value: #checkInMethods
+                  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndProjectFilenameHolderAndProjectCodeIsLoaded
+                )
+               #(#MenuItem
+                  #label: 'CheckIn Project File'
+                  #translateLabel: true
+                  #value: #checkInProjectFile
+                  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndProjectFilenameHolderAndProjectCodeIsLoaded
+                )
+               #(#MenuItem
+                  #label: 'CheckIn Makefiles'
+                  #translateLabel: true
+                  #value: #checkInMakefiles
+                  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndProjectFilenameHolderAndProjectCodeIsLoaded
+                )
@@ -2277,6 +2316,24 @@
             #translateLabel: true
             #value: #browseMethodFull
+         #(#MenuItem
+            #label: '-'
+          )
+         #(#MenuItem
+            #label: 'Remove...'
+            #translateLabel: true
+            #value: #removeMethod
+          )
+         #(#MenuItem
+            #label: 'Remove from Project...'
+            #translateLabel: true
+            #value: #removeMethodFromProject
+          )
+         #(#MenuItem
+            #label: 'Move to Project...'
+            #translateLabel: true
+            #value: #moveMethodToProject
+          )
@@ -4055,6 +4112,20 @@
     "Modified: / 23.3.1999 / 14:18:38 / cg"
+    |node methodInfo classOrClassName cls mthd text|
+    self hasMethodNodeSelected ifFalse:[^ nil].
+    node := self selectedTreeNode.
+    methodInfo := node contents value.
+    mthd := methodInfo method.
+    mthd isNil ifTrue:[
+        self valueOfInfoLabel value:'The method is not (yet) loaded.'.
+    ].
+    ^ mthd
     |tree moduleRoots root showWhat|
@@ -4262,44 +4333,8 @@
 !ProjectBrowser methodsFor:'user actions'!
-    "ask fo, and add a single class"
-    |p className cls|
-    p := self currentProject.
-    className := Dialog request:'Class to add:'.
-    className size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
-    cls := Smalltalk classNamed:className.
-    cls isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ a new one
-        (self confirm:'This is a new class. Add ?') ifFalse:[
-            ^ self      
-        ].
-        p
-            addClass:className
-            classFileName:((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:className) , '.st').
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        cls package ~= p package ifTrue:[
-            "/ a new one
-            (self confirm:'Change the classes package from ' , cls package , ' to ' , p package , ' ?') ifFalse:[
-                ^ self      
-            ].
-            cls package:p package.
-        ].
-        p
-            addClass:cls name
-            classFileName:(cls classFilename 
-                            ? ((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:cls) , '.st')).
-    ].
-    self updateClassListForProject:p
-    "ask fo, and add a single class"
+    "ask for, and add a single class"
     |p className cls oldPackage|
@@ -4340,343 +4375,6 @@
-    self addClassesFromFilesInDirectoryWithFilter:nil
-    self addClassesFromFilesInDirectoryWithFilter:[:classOrName | classOrName isBehavior]
-    |project existingClasses prjDirectory anyChange numSTFilesFound|
-    project := self currentProject.
-    existingClasses := project classInfo.
-    anyChange := false.
-    numSTFilesFound := 0.
-    prjDirectory := project directory asFilename.
-    (prjDirectory exists and:[prjDirectory isDirectory]) ifFalse:[
-        self warn:'Invalid project directory: ' , prjDirectory pathName.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    prjDirectory directoryContents do:[:fn |
-        |f oldInfo cls|
-        f := prjDirectory construct:fn.
-        (f hasSuffix:'st') ifTrue:[
-            numSTFilesFound := numSTFilesFound + 1.
-            oldInfo := existingClasses 
-                            detect:[:clsInfo |
-                                        clsInfo classFileName = fn
-                                   ] 
-                            ifNone:nil.
-            oldInfo isNil ifTrue:[
-                "/ extract className from fileName ...
-                cls := Smalltalk filenameAbbreviations keyAtValue:(f withoutSuffix baseName ).
-                cls isNil ifTrue:[
-                    cls := f withoutSuffix baseName asSymbol.
-                    project defaultNameSpace notNil ifTrue:[
-                        cls := (project defaultNameSpace name , '::' , cls) asSymbol
-                    ]
-                ].
-                (aFilterBlockOrNil isNil 
-                or:[aFilterBlockOrNil value:cls]) ifTrue:[
-                    project addClass:cls classFileName:fn.
-                    anyChange := true.
-Transcript showCR:'added ' , fn , ' as class: ' , cls printString.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-Transcript showCR:'skipped ' , fn , ' as class: ' , cls printString.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    anyChange ifTrue:[
-        self updateClassListForProject:project
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        numSTFilesFound == 0 ifTrue:[
-            self information:'No st-sourcefiles found in ' , prjDirectory pathName.
-        ]
-    ]
-    "add classes with this packageId found in the image"
-    |project|
-    project := self currentProject.
-    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
-        aClass isMeta ifFalse:[
-            (aClass isNamespace not or:[aClass == Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
-                aClass package = project package ifTrue:[
-                    (project classInfoFor:aClass) isNil ifTrue:[
-                        project 
-                            addClass:aClass name
-                            classFileName:(aClass classFilename 
-                                            ? ((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass) , '.st')).
-                    ]
-                 ]
-             ]
-        ]
-    ].                 
-    self updateClassListForProject:project
-    |ns p classes nBad uniqueClasses|
-    p := self currentProject.
-    classes := p classes
-                collect:[:clsOrName |
-                            |cls realName|
-                            clsOrName isSymbol ifTrue:[
-                                realName := clsOrName.
-                                (realName includes:$:) ifTrue:[
-                                    (realName startsWith:'Smalltalk::') ifTrue:[
-                                        realName := (realName copyFrom:'Smalltalk::' size + 1) asSymbol
-                                    ]
-                                ].
-                                cls := Smalltalk at:realName
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                cls := clsOrName
-                            ].
-                            cls
-                        ].
-    "/ remove duplicates - but want to preserve order
-    "/ thats why we do not use asIdentitySet asOrderedCollection
-    uniqueClasses := OrderedCollection new.
-    classes do:[:cls | (uniqueClasses includesIdentical:cls) ifFalse:[uniqueClasses add:cls]].
-    nBad := classes inject:0 into:[:sum :el | el isNil ifTrue:[sum+1] ifFalse:[sum]].
-    nBad ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        classes := classes select:[:cls | cls notNil].
-        self warn:('Oops - %1 classes could not be found.\\You should probably load them first.' bindWith:nBad) withCRs.
-    ].
-    SystemBrowser
-        browseClasses:classes title:('Classes in ' , p name) sort:true.
-    |p|
-    p := self currentProject.
-    p isNil ifTrue:[
-        self information:'No project selected'.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    self withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
-        "/ prepare the building ...
-        (p propertyAt:#deliverLoadAllFile) == true ifTrue:[
-            p createLoadAllFile
-        ].
-        (p propertyAt:#deliverSources) == true ifTrue:[
-            p createSourceFiles
-        ].
-        (p propertyAt:#deliverMakefiles) == true ifTrue:[
-            self buildMakefiles
-        ].
-        (p propertyAt:#deliverCompiledBinary) == true ifTrue:[
-            self buildCompiledClassLibrary
-        ].
-        (p propertyAt:#deliverByteCode) == true ifTrue:[
-            self buildByteCodeClassLibrary
-        ].
-        "/ now, deploy ...
-        (p propertyAt:#deliverZipArchive) == true ifTrue:[
-            p buildZipArchive
-        ].
-        (p propertyAt:#deliverTarArchive) == true ifTrue:[
-            p buildTarArchive
-        ].
-        (p propertyAt:#deliverGZipArchive) == true ifTrue:[
-            p buildGZipArchive
-        ].
-    ].
-    "compile a binary class library in the projects directory"
-    |p diagnosticFile diagnostic error textBox|
-    p := self currentProject.
-    p isNil ifTrue:[
-        self information:'No project selected'.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    "/ check for directory ...
-    (self checkForProjectDirectoryFor:p) ifFalse:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    "/ check for Make.proto ...
-    (self checkForMakeProtoFor:p) ifFalse:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    "/ check for Makefile ...
-    (self checkForMakefileFor:p) ifFalse:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    "/ now, execute the makefile found there ...
-    diagnosticFile := Filename newTemporary.
-    diagnostic := diagnosticFile writeStream.
-    error := false.
-    [
-        self withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
-            OperatingSystem
-                executeCommand:'make' 
-                inputFrom:nil 
-                outputTo:diagnostic 
-                errorTo:diagnostic 
-                inDirectory:(p directory asFilename pathName) 
-                onError:[error := true].
-        ].
-        diagnostic close.
-        textBox := TextBox new.
-        textBox initialText:(diagnosticFile readStream contents).
-        textBox title:'Make Diagnostic output:'.
-        textBox readOnly:true.
-        textBox noCancel.
-        textBox label:'Make Diagnostic output'.
-        textBox extent:(600@250); sizeFixed:true.
-        textBox showAtPointer.
-    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
-        diagnosticFile delete
-    ].
-    |p |
-    p := self currentProject.
-    p isNil ifTrue:[
-        self information:'No project selected'.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    self withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
-        p createLoadAllFile.
-    ]
-    |p |
-    p := self currentProject.
-    p isNil ifTrue:[
-        self information:'No project selected'.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    self withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
-        p createProtoMakefile.
-        p createMakefile
-    ].
-    |p classes methods anyMethodMissing|
-    p := self currentProject.
-    p isNil ifTrue:[
-        self information:'No project selected'.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    "/ check in classes ...
-    classes := p classes.
-    classes do:[:aClass |
-        |clsName|
-        aClass isBehavior ifFalse:[
-            aClass isSymbol ifTrue:[
-                clsName := aClass
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                clsName := aClass className
-            ].
-            Transcript showCR:('ProjectBrowser: cannot checkIn unloaded class: ' , clsName).
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            aClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
-                Transcript showCR:('ProjectBrowser: cannot checkIn unloaded class: ' , aClass name).
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                aClass owningClass isNil ifTrue:[ "/ skip private classes
-                    Transcript showCR:('ProjectBrowser: checking in class: ' , aClass name).
-                    self checkInClass:aClass.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    "/ check methods ...
-    anyMethodMissing := false.
-    methods := p methods.
-    methods size > 0 ifTrue:[
-        methods do:[:aMethod |
-            aMethod isMethod ifFalse:[
-                Transcript showCR:('ProjectBrowser: cannot checkIn unloaded method: ' , aMethod className , ' ' , aMethod methodName).
-                anyMethodMissing := true.
-            ]
-        ].
-        anyMethodMissing ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'ProjectBrowser: cannot save method patches & extensions due to missing method(s)'.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            Transcript showCR:('ProjectBrowser: checking in patches & extensions').
-            self checkInMethods:methods
-        ].
-    ].
-    "/ check in the project file itself
-    self checkInProjectFile.
-    "inspect the current project"
-    self hasProjectSelected ifTrue:[
-        self currentProject inspect.
-    ]
     |node classOrClassName cls|
@@ -4730,15 +4428,6 @@
     "Modified: / 26.4.1999 / 22:49:20 / cg"
-    "load all classes as contained in the project into the system"
-    self withReadCursorDo:[
-        self currentProject loadClassesFromProjectDirectory.
-    ].
     |oldNode newProject|
@@ -4862,87 +4551,10 @@
-    "make the selected Project the current project"
-    |project|
-    self hasProjectSelected ifTrue:[
-        project := self currentProject.
-        Project current:project.
-        self showWhat value == #current ifTrue:[
-            self updateProjectTree
-        ]
-    ]
 self halt.
-    self newProject:Project new.
-    |newNode|
-    newNode := self nodeFor:newProject.
-    self addProjectNodeToTree:newNode.
-    self projectTreeHolder root:projectTree.
-"/    self projectTreeHolder selectNode:newNode.
-"/    self projectTreeHolder expand:newNode.
-    self readAspectsFromProject.
-    newProject wasLoadedFromFile ifFalse:[
-         self updateListOfRequiredPrerequisiteClasses.
-    ]
-    |projectNode subProjectsNode newNode parentProject newProject|
-    projectNode := self currentProjectNode.
-    projectNode notNil ifTrue:[
-        parentProject := projectNode contents.
-        subProjectsNode := projectNode children detect:[:child | child contents == #subprojects].
-self halt.
-        parentProject notNil ifTrue:[
-            newProject := Project new.
-            newNode := self nodeFor:newProject.
-            parentProject addSubProject:newProject.
-            subProjectsNode add:newNode.
-            self projectTreeHolder root:projectTree.
-            self projectTreeHolder selectNode:newNode.
-        ]    
-    ]    
-    self openHTMLDocument: 'tools/pbrowser/TOP.html'
-    |fn|
-    fn := Dialog 
-        requestFileName:'filename:' 
-        default:nil
-        ifFail:nil
-        pattern:'*.prj'
-        fromDirectory:(FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory).
-    fn notNil ifTrue:[
-        self loadFromProjectFile:fn.
-    ]
@@ -4960,68 +4572,6 @@
-    |projectToRemove selectedNode subNode newNode parentNode parentProject newProject|
-    self hasProjectNodeSelected ifTrue:[
-        selectedNode := self selectedTreeNode.
-        projectToRemove := selectedNode contents.
-        (self confirm:'Really remove the project ?') ifTrue:[
-            self withExecuteCursorDo:[
-                self projectTreeHolder removeSelection.
-                projectToRemove removeFromSystem.
-            ]
-        ]
-    ]
-    |nm projectNode selectedProject|
-    projectNode := self currentProjectNode.
-    projectNode notNil ifTrue:[
-        selectedProject := projectNode contents.
-        nm := Dialog 
-                request:'Rename to:'
-                initialAnswer:selectedProject name.
-        nm size > 0 ifTrue:[
-            selectedProject name:nm.
-"/            selectedNode name:nm.
-"/            selectedNode changed.
-        ]
-    ]
-    |d p|
-    self modifiedChannel value ifTrue:[
-        (self confirm:'Changes not confirmed; save anyway ?') ifFalse:[^ self]
-    ].
-    p := self currentProject.
-    p isNil ifTrue:[
-        self information:'Select a project first.'.
-        ^self
-    ].
-    p directory isNil ifTrue:[
-        d := (Dialog request:'Project Directory:').
-        d size == 0 ifTrue:[
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        p directory:d
-    ].
-    self withCursor:Cursor write do:[
-        p saveAsProjectFile.
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 26.4.1999 / 22:43:57 / cg"
@@ -5260,55 +4810,6 @@
     l addAll:methodInfo.
-    "validate classes in project against classes found in the image"
-    |project classesInProjectOnly classesInImageOnly bindings|
-    project := self currentProject.
-    classesInImageOnly := IdentitySet new.
-    classesInProjectOnly := IdentitySet new.
-    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
-        aClass isMeta ifFalse:[
-            (aClass isNamespace not or:[aClass == Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
-                aClass package = project package ifTrue:[
-                    (project classInfoFor:aClass) isNil ifTrue:[
-                        classesInImageOnly add:aClass name.
-                    ]
-                 ]
-             ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    project classInfo do:[:clsInfo |
-        |clsName cls|
-        clsName := clsInfo className.
-        cls := Smalltalk at:clsName asSymbol.
-        (cls isBehavior not) ifTrue:[
-            classesInProjectOnly add:clsName
-        ].
-    ].
-    (classesInImageOnly isEmpty and:[classesInProjectOnly isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
-        self information:'Set of classes in project and image are equal.'.
-        ^ self.
-    ].
-    classesInImageOnly := classesInImageOnly asOrderedCollection sort.
-    classesInProjectOnly := classesInProjectOnly asOrderedCollection sort.
-    bindings := IdentityDictionary new.
-    bindings at:#classesInImageOnly put:classesInImageOnly.
-    bindings at:#classesInProjectOnly put:classesInProjectOnly.
-    SimpleDialog
-        openDialogInterfaceSpec:(self class classValidationDialogSpec)
-        withBindings:bindings
-    "Modified: / 26.9.1999 / 16:03:50 / cg"
 ! !
 !ProjectBrowser methodsFor:'user actions - canvas'!
@@ -5506,6 +5007,680 @@
     self valueOfInfoLabel value:nil
 ! !
+!ProjectBrowser methodsFor:'user actions - menu'!
+    "ask for, and add a single class"
+    |p className cls|
+    p := self currentProject.
+    className := Dialog request:'Class to add:'.
+    className size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
+    cls := Smalltalk classNamed:className.
+    cls isNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ a new one
+        (self confirm:'This is a new class. Add ?') ifFalse:[
+            ^ self      
+        ].
+        p
+            addClass:className
+            classFileName:((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:className) , '.st').
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        cls package ~= p package ifTrue:[
+            "/ a new one
+            (self confirm:'Change the classes package from ' , cls package , ' to ' , p package , ' ?') ifFalse:[
+                ^ self      
+            ].
+            cls package:p package.
+        ].
+        p
+            addClass:cls name
+            classFileName:(cls classFilename 
+                            ? ((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:cls) , '.st')).
+    ].
+    self updateClassListForProject:p
+    "add all classes found from files in the project directory"
+    self addClassesFromFilesInDirectoryWithFilter:nil
+    "add all classes found from files in the project directory,
+     but only if class is currently present in the image."
+    self addClassesFromFilesInDirectoryWithFilter:[:classOrName | classOrName isBehavior]
+    "helper to add all classes found from files in the project directory"
+    |project existingClasses prjDirectory anyChange numSTFilesFound|
+    project := self currentProject.
+    existingClasses := project classInfo.
+    anyChange := false.
+    numSTFilesFound := 0.
+    prjDirectory := project directory asFilename.
+    (prjDirectory exists and:[prjDirectory isDirectory]) ifFalse:[
+        self warn:'Invalid project directory: ' , prjDirectory pathName.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    prjDirectory directoryContents do:[:fn |
+        |f oldInfo cls|
+        f := prjDirectory construct:fn.
+        (f hasSuffix:'st') ifTrue:[
+            numSTFilesFound := numSTFilesFound + 1.
+            oldInfo := existingClasses 
+                            detect:[:clsInfo |
+                                        clsInfo classFileName = fn
+                                   ] 
+                            ifNone:nil.
+            oldInfo isNil ifTrue:[
+                "/ extract className from fileName ...
+                cls := Smalltalk filenameAbbreviations keyAtValue:(f withoutSuffix baseName ).
+                cls isNil ifTrue:[
+                    cls := f withoutSuffix baseName asSymbol.
+                    project defaultNameSpace notNil ifTrue:[
+                        cls := (project defaultNameSpace name , '::' , cls) asSymbol
+                    ]
+                ].
+                (aFilterBlockOrNil isNil 
+                or:[aFilterBlockOrNil value:cls]) ifTrue:[
+                    project addClass:cls classFileName:fn.
+                    anyChange := true.
+Transcript showCR:'added ' , fn , ' as class: ' , cls printString.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+Transcript showCR:'skipped ' , fn , ' as class: ' , cls printString.
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    anyChange ifTrue:[
+        self updateClassListForProject:project
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        numSTFilesFound == 0 ifTrue:[
+            self information:'No st-sourcefiles found in ' , prjDirectory pathName.
+        ]
+    ]
+    "add classes with this packageId found in the image"
+    |project|
+    project := self currentProject.
+    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
+        aClass isMeta ifFalse:[
+            (aClass isNamespace not or:[aClass == Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
+                aClass package = project package ifTrue:[
+                    (project classInfoFor:aClass) isNil ifTrue:[
+                        project 
+                            addClass:aClass name
+                            classFileName:(aClass classFilename 
+                                            ? ((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass) , '.st')).
+                    ]
+                 ]
+             ]
+        ]
+    ].                 
+    self updateClassListForProject:project
+    "browse the projects classes"
+    |ns p classes nBad uniqueClasses|
+    p := self currentProject.
+    classes := p classes
+                collect:[:clsOrName |
+                            |cls realName|
+                            clsOrName isSymbol ifTrue:[
+                                realName := clsOrName.
+                                (realName includes:$:) ifTrue:[
+                                    (realName startsWith:'Smalltalk::') ifTrue:[
+                                        realName := (realName copyFrom:'Smalltalk::' size + 1) asSymbol
+                                    ]
+                                ].
+                                cls := Smalltalk at:realName
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                cls := clsOrName
+                            ].
+                            cls
+                        ].
+    "/ remove duplicates - but want to preserve order
+    "/ thats why we do not use asIdentitySet asOrderedCollection
+    uniqueClasses := OrderedCollection new.
+    classes do:[:cls | (uniqueClasses includesIdentical:cls) ifFalse:[uniqueClasses add:cls]].
+    nBad := classes inject:0 into:[:sum :el | el isNil ifTrue:[sum+1] ifFalse:[sum]].
+    nBad ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+        classes := classes select:[:cls | cls notNil].
+        self warn:('Oops - %1 classes could not be found.\\You should probably load them first.' bindWith:nBad) withCRs.
+    ].
+    SystemBrowser
+        browseClasses:classes title:('Classes in ' , p name) sort:true.
+    "build all as specified in the deployment section"
+    |p|
+    p := self currentProject.
+    p isNil ifTrue:[
+        self information:'No project selected'.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    self withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
+        "/ prepare the building ...
+        (p propertyAt:#deliverLoadAllFile) == true ifTrue:[
+            p createLoadAllFile
+        ].
+        (p propertyAt:#deliverSources) == true ifTrue:[
+            p createSourceFiles
+        ].
+        (p propertyAt:#deliverMakefiles) == true ifTrue:[
+            self buildMakefiles
+        ].
+        (p propertyAt:#deliverCompiledBinary) == true ifTrue:[
+            self buildCompiledClassLibrary
+        ].
+        (p propertyAt:#deliverByteCode) == true ifTrue:[
+            self buildByteCodeClassLibrary
+        ].
+        "/ now, deploy ...
+        (p propertyAt:#deliverZipArchive) == true ifTrue:[
+            p buildZipArchive
+        ].
+        (p propertyAt:#deliverTarArchive) == true ifTrue:[
+            p buildTarArchive
+        ].
+        (p propertyAt:#deliverGZipArchive) == true ifTrue:[
+            p buildGZipArchive
+        ].
+    ].
+    "compile a binary class library in the projects directory"
+    |p diagnosticFile diagnostic error textBox|
+    p := self currentProject.
+    p isNil ifTrue:[
+        self information:'No project selected'.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "/ check for directory ...
+    (self checkForProjectDirectoryFor:p) ifFalse:[
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "/ check for Make.proto ...
+    (self checkForMakeProtoFor:p) ifFalse:[
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "/ check for Makefile ...
+    (self checkForMakefileFor:p) ifFalse:[
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "/ now, execute the makefile found there ...
+    diagnosticFile := Filename newTemporary.
+    diagnostic := diagnosticFile writeStream.
+    error := false.
+    [
+        self withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
+            OperatingSystem
+                executeCommand:'make' 
+                inputFrom:nil 
+                outputTo:diagnostic 
+                errorTo:diagnostic 
+                inDirectory:(p directory asFilename pathName) 
+                onError:[error := true].
+        ].
+        diagnostic close.
+        textBox := TextBox new.
+        textBox initialText:(diagnosticFile readStream contents).
+        textBox title:'Make Diagnostic output:'.
+        textBox readOnly:true.
+        textBox noCancel.
+        textBox label:'Make Diagnostic output'.
+        textBox extent:(600@250); sizeFixed:true.
+        textBox showAtPointer.
+    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
+        diagnosticFile delete
+    ].
+    "generate a loadAll file in the projects directory"
+    |p |
+    p := self currentProject.
+    p isNil ifTrue:[
+        self information:'No project selected'.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    self withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
+        p createLoadAllFile.
+    ]
+    "generate a Make.proto and Makefile in the projects directory"
+    |p |
+    p := self currentProject.
+    p isNil ifTrue:[
+        self information:'No project selected'.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    self withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
+        p createProtoMakefile.
+        p createMakefile
+    ].
+    "check in all classes"
+    |p classes methods anyMethodMissing|
+    p := self currentProject.
+    p isNil ifTrue:[
+        self information:'No project selected'.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "/ check in classes ...
+    classes := p classes.
+    classes do:[:aClass |
+        |clsName|
+        aClass isBehavior ifFalse:[
+            aClass isSymbol ifTrue:[
+                clsName := aClass
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                clsName := aClass className
+            ].
+            Transcript showCR:('ProjectBrowser: cannot checkIn unloaded class: ' , clsName).
+        ] ifTrue:[
+            aClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
+                Transcript showCR:('ProjectBrowser: cannot checkIn unloaded class: ' , aClass name).
+            ] ifTrue:[
+                aClass owningClass isNil ifTrue:[ "/ skip private classes
+                    Transcript showCR:('ProjectBrowser: checking in class: ' , aClass name).
+                    self checkInClass:aClass.
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "check in all extensions (patches)"
+    |p  methods anyMethodMissing|
+    p := self currentProject.
+    p isNil ifTrue:[
+        self information:'No project selected'.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "/ check methods ...
+    anyMethodMissing := false.
+    methods := p methods.
+    methods size > 0 ifTrue:[
+        methods do:[:aMethod |
+            aMethod isMethod ifFalse:[
+                Transcript showCR:('ProjectBrowser: cannot checkIn unloaded method: ' , aMethod className , ' ' , aMethod methodName).
+                anyMethodMissing := true.
+            ]
+        ].
+        anyMethodMissing ifTrue:[
+            Transcript showCR:'ProjectBrowser: cannot save method patches & extensions due to missing method(s)'.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            Transcript showCR:('ProjectBrowser: checking in patches & extensions').
+            self checkInMethods:methods
+        ].
+    ].
+    "check in all classes and extensions"
+    |p|
+    p := self currentProject.
+    p isNil ifTrue:[
+        self information:'No project selected'.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "/ check in classes ...
+    self checkInAllClasses.
+    "/ check methods ...
+    self checkInMethods.
+    "/ check in the project file itself
+    self checkInProjectFile.
+    "inspect the current project"
+    self hasProjectSelected ifTrue:[
+        self currentProject inspect.
+    ]
+    "load all classes as contained in the project into the system"
+    self withReadCursorDo:[
+        self currentProject loadClassesFromProjectDirectory.
+    ].
+    "make the selected Project the current project"
+    |project|
+    self hasProjectSelected ifTrue:[
+        project := self currentProject.
+        Project current:project.
+        self showWhat value == #current ifTrue:[
+            self updateProjectTree
+        ]
+    ]
+    |p mthd newPackage|
+    p := self currentProject.
+    mthd := self selectedMethod.
+    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
+        newPackage := Dialog request:'Move to project:'.
+        (newPackage size > 0 and:[newPackage ~= p package]) ifTrue:[
+            mthd package:newPackage asSymbol.
+            p removeMethod:mthd.
+            self updatePatchesListForProject:p.
+            self projectTree remove:self selectedTreeNode.
+        ]
+    ].
+    self newProject:Project new.
+    |newNode|
+    newNode := self nodeFor:newProject.
+    self addProjectNodeToTree:newNode.
+    self projectTreeHolder root:projectTree.
+"/    self projectTreeHolder selectNode:newNode.
+"/    self projectTreeHolder expand:newNode.
+    self readAspectsFromProject.
+    newProject wasLoadedFromFile ifFalse:[
+         self updateListOfRequiredPrerequisiteClasses.
+    ]
+    |projectNode subProjectsNode newNode parentProject newProject|
+    projectNode := self currentProjectNode.
+    projectNode notNil ifTrue:[
+        parentProject := projectNode contents.
+        subProjectsNode := projectNode children detect:[:child | child contents == #subprojects].
+self halt.
+        parentProject notNil ifTrue:[
+            newProject := Project new.
+            newNode := self nodeFor:newProject.
+            parentProject addSubProject:newProject.
+            subProjectsNode add:newNode.
+            self projectTreeHolder root:projectTree.
+            self projectTreeHolder selectNode:newNode.
+        ]    
+    ]    
+    self openHTMLDocument: 'tools/pbrowser/TOP.html'
+    |fn|
+    fn := Dialog 
+        requestFileName:'filename:' 
+        default:nil
+        ifFail:nil
+        pattern:'*.prj'
+        fromDirectory:(FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory).
+    fn notNil ifTrue:[
+        self loadFromProjectFile:fn.
+    ]
+    |p mthd|
+    p := self currentProject.
+    mthd := self selectedMethod.
+    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
+        (self confirm:'Really remove the method (from both project and image) ?') ifTrue:[
+            p removeMethod:mthd.
+            mthd who methodClass removeSelector:mthd who methodSelector.
+            self updatePatchesListForProject:p.
+            self projectTree remove:self selectedTreeNode.
+        ]
+    ].
+    |p mthd|
+    p := self currentProject.
+    mthd := self selectedMethod.
+    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
+        (self confirm:'Really remove the method (from the project) ?') ifTrue:[
+            mthd package:#unknown.
+            p removeMethod:mthd.
+            self updatePatchesListForProject:p.
+            self projectTree remove:self selectedTreeNode.
+        ]
+    ].
+    |projectToRemove selectedNode subNode newNode parentNode parentProject newProject|
+    self hasProjectNodeSelected ifTrue:[
+        selectedNode := self selectedTreeNode.
+        projectToRemove := selectedNode contents.
+        (self confirm:'Really remove the project ?') ifTrue:[
+            self withExecuteCursorDo:[
+                self projectTreeHolder removeSelection.
+                projectToRemove removeFromSystem.
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+    |nm projectNode selectedProject|
+    projectNode := self currentProjectNode.
+    projectNode notNil ifTrue:[
+        selectedProject := projectNode contents.
+        nm := Dialog 
+                request:'Rename to:'
+                initialAnswer:selectedProject name.
+        nm size > 0 ifTrue:[
+            selectedProject name:nm.
+"/            selectedNode name:nm.
+"/            selectedNode changed.
+        ]
+    ]
+    "save the project file in the project directory"
+    |d p|
+    self modifiedChannel value ifTrue:[
+        (self confirm:'Changes not confirmed; save anyway ?') ifFalse:[^ self]
+    ].
+    p := self currentProject.
+    p isNil ifTrue:[
+        self information:'Select a project first.'.
+        ^self
+    ].
+    p directory isNil ifTrue:[
+        d := (Dialog request:'Project Directory:').
+        d size == 0 ifTrue:[
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        p directory:d
+    ].
+    self withCursor:Cursor write do:[
+        p saveAsProjectFile.
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 26.4.1999 / 22:43:57 / cg"
+    "validate classes in project against classes found in the image"
+    |project classesInProjectOnly classesInImageOnly bindings|
+    project := self currentProject.
+    classesInImageOnly := IdentitySet new.
+    classesInProjectOnly := IdentitySet new.
+    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
+        aClass isMeta ifFalse:[
+            (aClass isNamespace not or:[aClass == Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
+                aClass package = project package ifTrue:[
+                    (project classInfoFor:aClass) isNil ifTrue:[
+                        classesInImageOnly add:aClass name.
+                    ]
+                 ]
+             ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    project classInfo do:[:clsInfo |
+        |clsName cls|
+        clsName := clsInfo className.
+        cls := Smalltalk at:clsName asSymbol.
+        (cls isBehavior not) ifTrue:[
+            classesInProjectOnly add:clsName
+        ].
+    ].
+    (classesInImageOnly isEmpty and:[classesInProjectOnly isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
+        self information:'Set of classes in project and image are equal.'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    classesInImageOnly := classesInImageOnly asOrderedCollection sort.
+    classesInProjectOnly := classesInProjectOnly asOrderedCollection sort.
+    bindings := IdentityDictionary new.
+    bindings at:#classesInImageOnly put:classesInImageOnly.
+    bindings at:#classesInProjectOnly put:classesInProjectOnly.
+    SimpleDialog
+        openDialogInterfaceSpec:(self class classValidationDialogSpec)
+        withBindings:bindings
+    "Modified: / 26.9.1999 / 16:03:50 / cg"
+! !
 !ProjectBrowser::ProjectTreeItem methodsFor:'accessing'!