{5} Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (2 matches)

List tickets accepted, group by ticket owner. This report demonstrates the use of full-row display.

jan vrany (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#265 Left clicking twice on `Senders...` item in menu produces an SmallSense error default defect 5 years ago

Selecting a message in a method and right-clicking to call a menu. Then left clicking twice on Senders... produces an error message.

The error message:

[MessageNotUnderstood]: SmallSense::ParseTreeIndexEntry does not understand: #indexOf: in process NewSystemBrowser [77]

I'm attaching a short screencast to show how it is achived.

vranyj1 (1 match)

#64 VM crashes in fclose() virtual machine defect 9 years ago

The Linux 32bit VM crashes (SEGV) in fclose() when running attached script.

It may or may not be another incarnation of "double-fclose" of "fseek-after-fclose" bugs.

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