changeset 9 04518c7fb91c
child 10 0fd549e0c784
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Mar 30 14:47:18 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/newcompiler' }"
+Object subclass:#IRFunction
+	instanceVariableNames:'startSequence primitiveNode tempKeys tempMap numRargs properties
+		additionalLiterals maxOrderNumber sourceMap environmentIr
+		compiledCode'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'NewCompiler-IR'
+!IRFunction methodsFor:'accessing'!
+addLiteral: aSymbol
+	additionalLiterals add: aSymbol.
+addLiterals: anArray
+	additionalLiterals addAll: anArray.
+addTemps: newKeys
+    | keys i new |
+    keys := self tempKeys.
+    i := keys size - 1. "zero-based (index 0 equals receiver)"
+    new := OrderedCollection new.
+    newKeys do: 
+        [:key |
+        tempMap at: key ifAbsentPut: 
+            [new add: key.
+            i := i + 1]].
+    self tempKeys: keys, new.
+    "Modified: / 30-03-2009 / 11:15:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^additionalLiterals.
+	" return irNodes as a flat collection "
+	| irInstructions |
+	irInstructions := OrderedCollection new.
+	startSequence withAllSuccessorsDo: [:seq | seq do: [:bc | irInstructions add: bc]].
+	^irInstructions
+allInstructionsMatching: aBlock
+	" return irNodes as a flat collection "
+	| irInstructions |
+	irInstructions := OrderedCollection new.
+	startSequence withAllSuccessorsDo: [:seq | seq do: [:bc | (aBlock value: bc) ifTrue: [irInstructions add: bc]]].
+	^irInstructions
+	^self allInstructionsMatching: [:bc | bc isSend].
+	^ startSequence withAllSuccessors
+	^self allInstructionsMatching: [:bc | bc isTempAccess].
+	^self allInstructionsMatching: [:bc | bc isTempRead].
+	^self allInstructionsMatching: [:bc | bc isTempStore].
+	^self.
+	^self.
+	^ self numRargs - 1
+	^ numRargs
+	^ primitiveNode
+	^properties
+properties: propDict
+	properties := propDict.
+	^ startSequence
+	^ tempKeys
+    ^ tempMap
+	"All temp names in context order"
+	| varNames |
+	varNames _ OrderedCollection new.
+	self tempKeys do: [:var | | name |
+		name _ var asString.
+		"vars are unique but inlined to:do: loop vars may have the same name, so munge the names to make them different"
+		[varNames includes: name] whileTrue: [name _ name, 'X'].
+		varNames add: name.
+	].
+	^ varNames asArray
+! !
+!IRFunction methodsFor:'accessing - defaults'!
+    "raise an error: must be redefined in concrete subclass(es)"
+    ^ self subclassResponsibility
+! !
+!IRFunction methodsFor:'debugging support'!
+    ^Tools::Inspector2Tab new
+        label: 'IR Code';
+        priority: 75;
+        view: ((ScrollableView for:TextView) contents: self longPrintString; yourself)
+    "Created: / 11-06-2008 / 01:05:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!IRFunction methodsFor:'decompiling'!
+	^ IRDecompiler new decompileIR: self
+! !
+!IRFunction methodsFor:'initialize'!
+        primitiveNode := PrimitiveNode primitiveNumber: 0.
+        tempKeys := OrderedCollection new.
+        tempMap := Dictionary new.
+        properties := Dictionary new. 
+        additionalLiterals := OrderedCollection new.
+    "Modified: / 30-03-2009 / 11:16:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
+numRargs: n
+	numRargs _ n
+primitiveNode: aPrimitiveNode
+	primitiveNode _ aPrimitiveNode
+startSequence: irSequence
+	startSequence _ irSequence.
+	irSequence method: self.
+tempKeys: objects
+	tempKeys _ objects
+! !
+!IRFunction methodsFor:'inlining'!
+addInstructionsAfter: aCollection
+	| returningSeqs  lastInstr |
+	aCollection ifEmpty: [^self].
+	returningSeqs := self allSequences select: [:each | each last isReturn].
+	lastInstr := returningSeqs last last.
+	lastInstr addInstructionsBefore: aCollection.
+addInstructionsBefore: aCollection
+	(self startSequence nextSequence first) addInstructionsBefore: aCollection.
+	^self removeReturnSelf removeEmptyStart.
+	self allSequences last removeLast.
+	self removeReturn.
+	self allSequences last removeLast.
+! !
+!IRFunction methodsFor:'instructions - helpers'!
+pushTemp: tempName in: irFunction level: level
+    | index kind |
+    index := tempMap 
+                at: tempName 
+                ifAbsent:
+                    [environmentIr
+                        ifNil:[self error:'No such temp: ', tempName]
+                        ifNotNil:[^environmentIr pushTemp: tempName in: irFunction level: level + 1]].
+    kind := (index <= self numArgs)
+                ifTrue: [self tempArgKindForLevel: level]
+                ifFalse:[index := index - self numArgs.self tempVarKindForLevel: level].
+    ^IRInstruction pushTemp: index kind: kind level: level
+    "Created: / 30-03-2009 / 11:54:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 30-03-2009 / 13:59:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
+storeTemp: tempName in: irFunction level: level
+    | index kind |
+    index := tempMap 
+                at: tempName 
+                ifAbsent:
+                    [environmentIr
+                        ifNil:[self error:'No such temp: ', tempName]
+                        ifNotNil:[^environmentIr storeTemp: tempName in: irFunction level: level + 1]].
+    kind := (index <= self numArgs)
+                ifTrue: [self tempArgKindForLevel: level]
+                ifFalse:[index := index - self numArgs.self tempVarKindForLevel: level].
+    ^IRInstruction storeTemp: index kind: kind level: level
+    "Created: / 30-03-2009 / 11:57:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 30-03-2009 / 13:59:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
+tempArgKindForLevel: level
+    ^self subclassResponsibility
+    "Created: / 30-03-2009 / 11:58:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
+tempVarKindForLevel: level
+    ^self subclassResponsibility
+    "Created: / 30-03-2009 / 11:58:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!IRFunction methodsFor:'mapping'!
+    "Return a mapping from bytecode pcs to source code ranges"
+    |start map|
+    "Besides getting start position, make sure bytecodeIndices are filled in"
+    start := self compiledCode initialPC - 1.
+    map := OrderedCollection new.
+    self allSequences do:[:seq | 
+        seq do:[:instr | 
+            |node|
+            ((node := instr sourceNode) notNil 
+                and:[
+                    node debugHighlightStart notNil 
+                        and:[ node debugHighlightStop notNil and:[ instr bytecodeIndex notNil ] ]
+                ]) 
+                    ifTrue:[
+                        map add:instr bytecodeIndex + start 
+                                    -> (node debugHighlightStart to:node debugHighlightStop)
+                    ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ map
+! !
+!IRFunction methodsFor:'optimizing'!
+	startSequence absorbConstantConditionalJumps: IdentitySet new
+	startSequence absorbJumpToSingleInstr: IdentitySet new
+	| predecessor |
+	startSequence 
+		detectSinglePredecessor: (predecessor := IdentityDictionary new)
+		seen: IdentitySet new.
+	startSequence collapseSinglePredecessor: predecessor seen: IdentitySet new
+	maxOrderNumber ifNil: [
+		maxOrderNumber := self startSequence orderNumber.
+		self startSequence withAllSuccessorsDo: [:seq | maxOrderNumber := maxOrderNumber max: seq orderNumber].			
+	].
+	^ maxOrderNumber.
+	maxOrderNumber _ self maxOrderNumber  +1.
+	^ IRSequence new  orderNumber:maxOrderNumber
+	self removeEmptyStart.
+	self absorbJumpsToSingleInstrs.
+	self absorbConstantConditionalJumps.
+	self absorbJumpsToSingleInstrs
+	startSequence size = 1 ifTrue: [
+		"startSeq is just unconditional jump, forget it"
+		startSequence _ startSequence last destination].
+! !
+!IRFunction methodsFor:'printing'!
+longPrintOn: stream
+	IRPrinter new
+		indent: 0;
+		stream: stream;
+		interpret: self
+    | s |
+    s := String new writeStream.
+    self longPrintOn: s.
+    ^s contents.
+    "Created: / 11-06-2008 / 01:05:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!IRFunction methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^ false
+    ^ false
+	^false.
+! !
+!IRFunction methodsFor:'translating'!
+        ^ compiledCode 
+            ifNotNil: 
+                [compiledCode byteCode]                
+            ifNil:
+                [IRTranslator new
+                    interpret: self;
+                    bytecodes]
+    "Created: / 03-11-2008 / 08:38:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ compiledCode 
+        ifNil:[ self compiledCodeUsing:self defaultCompiledCodeClass ]
+    "Created: / 30-03-2009 / 16:34:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ compiledCode := (IRTranslator new)
+                interpret:self;
+                compiledCodeUsing:aCompiledCodeClass
+    "Created: / 11-06-2008 / 11:06:28 / Jan Vrany <>"
+        ^(IRTranslator new
+            interpret: self;
+            literals)
+    "Created: / 03-11-2008 / 09:08:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    compiledCode := aCompiledCode
+    "Created: / 11-06-2008 / 11:05:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!IRFunction class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^'$Id$'
+! !