changeset 1 0dd36941955f
child 3 c9845c180bd4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Jun 11 14:54:42 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/newcompiler' }"
+TestCase subclass:#IRBuilderTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:'TestToPush'
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'NewCompiler-IR-Tests'
+!IRBuilderTest class methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!
+	^TestToPush
+testToPush: anObject
+	TestToPush := anObject
+! !
+!IRBuilderTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+        "Redefinition for testing the #send:toSuperOf:"
+    "Created: / 11-06-2008 / 16:08:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	"Redefinition for testing the #send:toSuperOf:"
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushLiteral: 3;
+		pushDup;
+		send: #=;
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = true).
+        | aCompiledMethod irBuilder |
+        irBuilder := IRBuilder new
+                numRargs: 1;
+                addTemps: #(self);              "receiver and args declarations"
+                pushInstVar: 1;
+                pushInstVar: 2;
+                send: #+;
+                returnTop;
+                ir.
+        aCompiledMethod := irBuilder compiledMethod.
+        self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: (3@4) arguments: #() ) = 7).
+    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 13:16:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushTemp: #self	;
+		jumpAheadTo: #end;
+		pushLiteral: 3;
+		jumpAheadTarget: #end;	
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = nil).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushTemp: #self	;
+		pushLiteral: true;
+		"jumpAhaedTo pop the first element of thz stack"
+		jumpAheadTo: #end if: true;
+		pushLiteral: 3;
+		jumpAheadTarget: #end;	
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = nil).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushTemp: #self	;
+		pushLiteral: false;
+		jumpBackTarget: #begin;
+		"jumpAhaedTo pop the first element of the stack"
+		jumpAheadTo: #end if: true;
+		pushLiteral: true;
+		jumpBackTo: #begin;
+		jumpAheadTarget: #end;	
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = nil).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushLiteral: #(test 4 you); 	
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = #(test 4 you)).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushLiteral: true; 	
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = true).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushLiteral: $e; 	
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = $e).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushLiteral: 2.0; 	
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = 2.0).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushLiteral: 2; 	
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = 2).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushLiteral: nil; 	
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: 4 arguments: #() ) = nil).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushLiteral: 'hello'; 	
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = 'hello').
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushLiteral: #you; 	
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = #you).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushLiteralVariable: Object binding;	
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = Object).
+        | iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+        iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+                numRargs: 1;
+                addTemps: #(self);              "receiver and args declarations"
+                pushLiteralVariable: (ArithmeticValue bindingOf: #ArithmeticSignal);   
+                returnTop;
+                ir.
+        aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+        self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = ArithmeticValue arithmeticSignal).
+    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 11:31:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+        | iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+        iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+                numRargs: 1;
+                addTemps: #(self);              "receiver and args declarations"
+                pushLiteralVariable: Smalltalk binding;     
+                returnTop;
+                ir.
+        aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+        self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = Smalltalk).
+    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 11:32:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+        | iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+        iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+                numRargs: 1;
+                addTemps: #(self);              "receiver and args declarations"
+                pushLiteral: true         ;
+                pushLiteral: false;
+                popTop;
+                returnTop;
+                ir.
+        aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+        self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = true).
+    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 13:22:11 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod receiver |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushReceiver;
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	receiver :=  (5@8).
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: receiver arguments: #() ) == receiver).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod  |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 3;
+		addTemps: #(self a b);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushTemp: #a;
+		pushTemp: #b;
+		send: #+;
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #(2 8) ) = 10).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushTemp: #self;
+		send: #class;
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) == UndefinedObject).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod  |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self a);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushTemp: #a;
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: 5 arguments: #() ) = nil).
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod  |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self a);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushThisContext;
+		send: #receiver;
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: 5 arguments: #() ) = 5).
+        | iRMethod aCompiledMethod receiver |
+        ^self.
+        iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+                numRargs: 1;
+                addTemps: #(self);              "receiver and args declarations"
+                pushThisContext;
+                pushLiteral: 5;
+                pushLiteral: ClosureEnvironment;
+                pushLiteral: 1;
+                send: #new:;
+                send: #privSetInstVar:put:;
+                pushThisEnv;
+                returnTop;
+                ir.
+        aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+        receiver := Object new.
+        self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: receiver arguments: #()) isKindOf: ClosureEnvironment)
+    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:47:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
+        | iRMethod aCompiledMethod  |
+        iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+                numRargs: 1;
+                addTemps: #(self);              "receiver and args declarations"
+                pushReceiver;
+                send: #halt toSuperOf: IRBuilderTest;
+                returnTop;
+                ir.
+        aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+        self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self should: [(aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: (IRBuilderTest new) arguments: #())] raise: Error.
+    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 16:09:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	| iRMethod aCompiledMethod  |
+	iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+		numRargs: 1;
+		addTemps: #(self);		"receiver and args declarations"
+		pushLiteral: 4;
+		storeIntoLiteralVariable: (IRBuilderTest bindingOf: #TestToPush);
+		returnTop;
+		ir.
+	aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+	self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #().
+	self assert: (IRBuilderTest testToPush = 4).
+	IRBuilderTest testToPush: nil.
+        | iRMethod aCompiledMethod  |
+        iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+                numRargs: 1;
+                addTemps: #(self a);            "receiver and args declarations"
+                pushLiteral: 34;
+                storeTemp: #a;
+                pushTemp: #a;
+                returnTop;
+                ir.
+        aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+        self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) = 34).
+    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 16:24:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+        | iRMethod aCompiledMethod  |
+        ^self.
+        iRMethod := IRBuilder new
+                numRargs: 1;
+                addTemps: #(self a);            "receiver and args declarations"
+                pushLiteral: ClosureEnvironment;
+                pushLiteral: 1;
+                send: #new:;
+                storeThisEnv;
+                pushThisContext;
+                pushLiteral: 5;
+                send: #privGetInstVar:;
+                returnTop;
+                ir.
+        aCompiledMethod := iRMethod compiledMethod.
+        self assert: (aCompiledMethod isKindOf: CompiledMethod).
+     self assert: ((aCompiledMethod valueWithReceiver: nil arguments: #() ) isKindOf: ClosureEnvironment).
+    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:47:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!IRBuilderTest class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^'$Id$'
+! !