author Jan Vrany <>
Tue, 02 Dec 2008 09:43:42 +0000
changeset 7 0de2eaa86456
parent 6 49a61123c743
child 9 04518c7fb91c
permissions -rw-r--r--
IRBytecodeGenerator emits lineno instructions only when lineno differs from the last one

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/newcompiler' }"

Object subclass:#IRBytecodeGenerator
	instanceVariableNames:'seqOrder orderSeq jumps literals lastLiteral currentSeqId
		currentSeqNum lastSpecialReturn instrMaps instrMap maxTemp stacks
		stack primNum numArgs properties code seqCode lastLine'
	classVariableNames:'BytecodeTable Bytecodes SpecialConstants SpecialSelectors'

IRBytecodeGenerator comment:'I generate bytecodes in response to ''instructions'' messages being sent to me.  I rewrite jumps at the end so their jump offsets are correct (see #bytecodes).  For example, to create a compiled method that compares first instVar to first arg and returns ''yes'' or ''no'' (same example as in IRBuilder), do:

	BytecodeGenerator new
		numArgs: 1;
		pushInstVar: 1;
		pushTemp: 1;
		send: #>;
		if: false goto: #else;
		pushLiteral: ''yes'';
		label: #else;
		pushLiteral: ''no'';

You can send #ir to the compiledMethod to decompile to its IRMethod, and you can send #methodNode to either to decompile to its parse tree.

!IRBytecodeGenerator class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    ^ self basicNew initialize.

    "Created: / 11-06-2008 / 13:53:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!IRBytecodeGenerator methodsFor:'accessing'!

properties: aDictionary

    properties := aDictionary.

    "Created: / 17-09-2008 / 12:17:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!IRBytecodeGenerator methodsFor:'accessing default'!


    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 13:51:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!IRBytecodeGenerator methodsFor:'initialize'!


        literals := OrderedCollection new.
        "The following dicts are keyed by sequence id given by client in label: (and gotos)."
        seqOrder := IdentityDictionary new.  "seqId -> seq order num"
        seqCode := IdentityDictionary new.  "seqId -> seq bytecodes"
        jumps := IdentityDictionary new.  "seqId -> last jump instr"
        instrMaps := IdentityDictionary new.  "seqId -> (clientInstr -> bytecode pos)"
        stacks := IdentityDictionary new.  "seqId -> stackCount"
        maxTemp := 0.
        primNum := 0.
        numArgs := 0.
        currentSeqNum := 0.
        orderSeq := OrderedDictionary new.  "reverse map of seqOrder"
        lastLine := 0.

        "starting label in case one is not provided by client"
        self label: self newDummySeqId.

    "Modified: / 02-12-2008 / 09:08:44 / Jan Vrany <>"

numArgs: n

        numArgs := n

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:39:46 / Jan Vrany <>"

primitiveNode: aPrimitiveNode

        "There are no primitives in St/X"
        literals isEmpty ifFalse: [self error: 'init prim before adding instructions'].
        aPrimitiveNode spec ifNotNil: [literals add: aPrimitiveNode spec].
        primNum _ aPrimitiveNode num.

    "Modified: / 17-09-2008 / 12:16:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!IRBytecodeGenerator methodsFor:'instructions'!

goto: seqId

	stacks at: seqId put: (stack linkTo: (stacks at: seqId ifAbsentPut: [nil])).

	self saveLastJump: (Message
		selector: #from:goto:
		arguments: {currentSeqId. seqId}).
	self from: currentSeqId goto: seqId.

if: bool goto: seqId

	| otherwiseSeqId |
	otherwiseSeqId _ self newDummySeqId.
	self if: bool goto: seqId otherwise: otherwiseSeqId.
	self label: otherwiseSeqId.

if: bool goto: seqId1 otherwise: seqId2

	stack pop.
	stacks at: seqId1 put: (stack linkTo: (stacks at: seqId1 ifAbsentPut: [nil])).
	stacks at: seqId2 put: (stack linkTo: (stacks at: seqId2 ifAbsentPut: [nil])).

	self saveLastJump: (Message
		selector: #from:if:goto:otherwise:
		arguments: {currentSeqId. bool. seqId1. seqId2}).
	self from: currentSeqId if: bool goto: seqId1 otherwise: seqId2.

	^ self defaultStackCounter new

label: seqId 
	(currentSeqId notNil and: [(jumps at: currentSeqId) isNil]) 
			["make previous implicit goto explicit"

			self goto: seqId].
	lastSpecialReturn := nil.
	currentSeqId := seqId.
	currentSeqNum := currentSeqNum + 1.
	seqOrder at: seqId put: currentSeqNum.
	orderSeq at: currentSeqNum ifAbsentPut: [seqId].
	code := seqCode at: seqId ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new].
	jumps at: seqId ifAbsentPut: [nil].
	instrMap := instrMaps at: seqId ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new].
	stack := stacks at: seqId ifAbsentPut: [self initializeStackCounter]

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 13:58:56 / Jan Vrany <>"

line: line

    lastLine = line ifTrue:[^self].
    lastLine := line.

    (line < 256) 
                nextPut: #lineno;
                nextPut: line]
                nextPut: #lineno16;
                nextPut: line]

    "Created: / 02-12-2008 / 09:02:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 02-12-2008 / 10:38:20 / Jan Vrany <>"


        stack pop.

        self nextPut: #drop

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:17:22 / Jan Vrany <>"


        stack push.

        self nextPut: #dup

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:15:10 / Jan Vrany <>"

pushInstVar: index

        stack push.

        (index between: 1 and: 10)
            ifTrue:[self nextPut:('pushInstVar',index printString) asSymbol]
            ifFalse:[self nextPut:#pushInstVar; nextPut: index].

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:19:57 / Jan Vrany <>"

pushLiteral: object

        stack push.

            nextPut: #pushLitS;
            nextPut: (self addLiteral: object).

    "Modified: / 03-11-2008 / 14:32:04 / Jan Vrany <>"

pushLiteralVariable: object

        stack push.

            nextPut: #pushGlobalS;
            nextPut: (self addLiteral: object)

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:13:42 / Jan Vrany <>"


        stack push.

        self nextPut: #pushSelf

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:14:25 / Jan Vrany <>"

pushTemp: index

    | instr idx |

    stack push.
    maxTemp := index max: maxTemp.

    idx := index.
    instr := index <= numArgs
                ifFalse:[idx := idx - numArgs.#pushMethodVar].
        nextPut: instr;
        nextPut: idx

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:46:22 / Jan Vrany <>"


        stack push.

        self nextPut: #pushThisContext

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:31:32 / Jan Vrany <>"


	self saveLastJump: #return.

	self send: #privRemoteReturnTo:.

returnConstant: obj

        self saveLastJump: #return.
        code size = 0 ifTrue: [
                lastSpecialReturn := Message selector: #returnConstant: argument: obj].

        obj = true ifTrue:[^self nextPut: #retTrue].
        obj = false ifTrue:[^self nextPut: #retFalse].
        obj = nil ifTrue:[^self nextPut: #retNil].
        obj = 0 ifTrue:[^self nextPut: #ret0].

        self pushLiteral: obj.
        self returnTop.

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:07:40 / Jan Vrany <>"

returnInstVar: index

	self saveLastJump: #return.
	code size = 0 ifTrue: [
		lastSpecialReturn := Message selector: #returnInstVar: argument: index].

	self pushInstVar: index.
	self returnTop.

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 13:56:42 / Jan Vrany <>"


        self saveLastJump: #return.

        code size = 0 ifTrue: [
                lastSpecialReturn := Message selector: #returnReceiver].

        self nextPut: #retSelf

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:29:31 / Jan Vrany <>"


        self saveLastJump: #return.

        self nextPut: #retTop

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:04:55 / Jan Vrany <>"

send: selector numArgs: sendNumArgs

        stack pop: sendNumArgs.

            nextPut: #send;
            nextPut: lastLine;
            nextPut: (self addLiteral: selector);
            nextPut: sendNumArgs.

    "Created: / 01-12-2008 / 19:47:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 02-12-2008 / 09:10:31 / Jan Vrany <>"

send: selector numArgs: sendNumArgs toSuperOf: behavior

        stack pop: sendNumArgs.

            nextPut: #superSend;
            nextPut: lastLine;
            nextPut: (self addLiteral: selector);
            nextPut: sendNumArgs;
            nextPut: (self addLiteral: behavior superclass)

    "Created: / 01-12-2008 / 19:48:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 02-12-2008 / 09:10:37 / Jan Vrany <>"

storeInstVar: index

        nextPut: #storeInstVar;
        nextPut: index.

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:49:52 / Jan Vrany <>"

storeIntoLiteralVariable: object

        stack pop.
            nextPut: #storeGlobalS;
            nextPut: (self addLiteral: object)

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 16:23:06 / Jan Vrany <>"

storeTemp: index

        stack pop.
        maxTemp := index max: maxTemp.

        index <= numArgs ifTrue:[self error:'Cannot store to method argument!!'].

            nextPut:index - numArgs

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 16:24:28 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!IRBytecodeGenerator methodsFor:'mapping'!

mapBytesTo: instr
	"Associate next byte with instr"

	instrMap add: instr -> (code size + 1)

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 13:56:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!IRBytecodeGenerator methodsFor:'old style blocks'!


	self saveLastJump: #return.

	self nextPut: (Bytecodes at: #returnTopFromBlock).

fromBlock: curId goto: seqId

	| distance from to |

	from _ seqOrder at: curId.
	to _ seqOrder at: seqId ifAbsent: [^ self].
	distance _ (from + 1 to: to - 1) inject: 0 into: [:size :i | 
				size + (seqCode at: (orderSeq at: i)) size].
	distance > 1023 ifTrue: [self error: 'forward jump too big'].
	self nextPut: (Bytecodes at: #longUnconditionalJump) first + (distance // 256) + 4.
	self nextPut: distance \\ 256.

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 13:58:56 / Jan Vrany <>"

jumpOverBlock: seqId

	stacks at: seqId put: (stack linkTo: (stacks at: seqId ifAbsentPut: [nil])).
	self saveLastJump: (Message
		selector: #fromBlock:goto:
		arguments: {currentSeqId. seqId}).
	self fromBlock: currentSeqId goto: seqId.
! !

!IRBytecodeGenerator methodsFor:'private'!

addLastLiteral: object

        lastLiteral ifNil: [^ lastLiteral := object].
        (lastLiteral = object)
                ifFalse: [self error: 'there can only be one last literal'].

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 13:49:30 / Jan Vrany <>"

addLiteral: object

    (literals includesIdentical: object)
        ifFalse:[literals add: object].
    ^ literals identityIndexOf: object

    "Modified: / 03-11-2008 / 13:49:25 / Jan Vrany <>"

from: fromSeqId goto: toSeqId

	| distance from to |
	from _ seqOrder at: fromSeqId.
	to _ seqOrder at: toSeqId ifAbsent: [^ self].
	from + 1 = to ifTrue: [^ self].  "fall through, no jump needed"

	from < to ifTrue: [ "jump forward"
		distance _ (from + 1 to: to - 1) inject: 0 into: [:size :i | 
				size + (seqCode at: (orderSeq at: i)) size].
		self jumpForward: distance.
	] ifFalse: [ "jump backward"
		distance _ ((to to: from - 1) inject: 0 into: [:size :i |
				size + (seqCode at: (orderSeq at: i)) size])
			+ code size.
		self jumpBackward: distance.

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 13:58:56 / Jan Vrany <>"

from: fromSeqId if: bool goto: toSeqId otherwise: otherwiseSeqId

	| distance from to otherwise |
	from _ seqOrder at: fromSeqId.
	to _ seqOrder at: toSeqId ifAbsent: [^ self jump: 0 if: bool].  "not done yet"
	otherwise _ seqOrder at: otherwiseSeqId ifAbsent: [^ self jump: 0 if: bool].  "not done yet"
	from < to ifFalse: [self errorConditionalJumpBackwards].
	from + 1 = otherwise ifFalse: [self errorFallThroughSequenceNotNext].
	distance _ (from + 1 to: to - 1)
		inject: 0
		into: [:size :i | size + (seqCode at: (orderSeq at: i)) size].
	self jump: distance if: bool.

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 13:58:56 / Jan Vrany <>"

jump: distance if: condition

        |  |
        distance = 0 ifTrue: [
                "jumps to fall through, no-op"
                ^ self popTop].

            nextPut:(condition ifTrue:[#trueJump] ifFalse:[#falseJump]);
            nextPut: distance

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 15:49:07 / Jan Vrany <>"

jumpBackward: distance

        |  |
        distance = 0 ifTrue: [^ self].  "no-op"

            nextPut: distance negated

        dist _ 1024 - distance - 2.
        dist < 0 ifTrue: [self error: 'back jump too big'].
        self nextPut: (Bytecodes at: #longUnconditionalJump) first + (dist // 256).
        self nextPut: dist \\ 256.

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 15:48:56 / Jan Vrany <>"

jumpForward: distance

        distance = 0 ifTrue: [^ self].  "no-op"


    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 15:26:12 / Jan Vrany <>"


	^ Object new

nextPut: byte

	code add: byte

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 13:56:42 / Jan Vrany <>"

saveLastJump: message

        jumps at: currentSeqId put: (Array with: code size with: message).

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 15:40:39 / Jan Vrany <>"

updateJump: seqId
        "Recalculate final jump bytecodes.  Return true if jump bytecodes SIZE has changed, otherwise return false"

        | pair s1 |
        pair := jumps at: seqId.
        pair last == #return ifTrue: [^ false].  "no jump, a return"
        code := seqCode at: seqId.
        s1 := code size.
        code removeLast: (code size - pair first).
        pair last sendTo: self.
        ^ s1 ~= code size

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 15:31:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!IRBytecodeGenerator methodsFor:'results'!


    | byteCodeCompiler |
    byteCodeCompiler := ByteCodeCompiler new.

    byteCodeCompiler literalArray: literals.
    byteCodeCompiler genByteCodeFrom: self symboliccodes.

        with: byteCodeCompiler code
        with: byteCodeCompiler literalArray.

    "Created: / 03-11-2008 / 14:20:32 / Jan Vrany <>"


        ^ self compiledMethodUsing: Method

    "Modified: / 11-06-2008 / 14:01:51 / Jan Vrany <>"

compiledMethodUsing: aCompiledMethodClass

        self symboliccodes

    | bytecodesAndLiteralArray |
    bytecodesAndLiteralArray := self bytecodesAndLiteralArray.

    ^(aCompiledMethodClass new: literals size)
        numberOfArgs: numArgs;
        numberOfVars: maxTemp - numArgs ;
        byteCode: bytecodesAndLiteralArray first;
        literals: bytecodesAndLiteralArray second asArray;

    "Created: / 11-06-2008 / 14:02:03 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 03-11-2008 / 14:22:52 / Jan Vrany <>"


    ^literals asArray

    " old "
    "    literals := literals asArray copyWith: MethodProperties new.

        ^ lastLiteral 
                ifNil: [literals copyWith: nil ] 
                ifNotNil: [literals copyWith: lastLiteral]"

    "Modified: / 03-11-2008 / 13:41:33 / Jan Vrany <>"


	^ numArgs


	^ maxTemp

relativeJumpsToAbsoluteIn: symbolicCode

    symbolicCode withIndexDo:
        [:instr :index|
        (instr isSymbol and:[#(jump trueJump falseJump) includes: instr]) ifTrue:
            offset := symbolicCode at: index + 1.
            (offset > 0)
                ifTrue:[symbolicCode at: index + 1 put: (index + offset + 2)]
                ifFalse:[symbolicCode at: index + 1 put: (index + offset)]]].


    "Created: / 11-06-2008 / 15:56:43 / Jan Vrany <>"


	^ (stacks collect: [:s | s length]) max


        | stream |
        [ orderSeq
                inject: false
                into: [:changed :seqId | (self updateJump: seqId) | changed]
        ] whileTrue.

        stream := (OrderedCollection new: 200) writeStream.
        orderSeq do: [:seqId |
                (instrMaps at: seqId) do: [:assoc |
                        assoc key "instr" bytecodeIndex: stream position + assoc value.
                stream nextPutAll: (seqCode at: seqId).
        ^self relativeJumpsToAbsoluteIn:stream contents

    "Created: / 11-06-2008 / 14:00:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 05-11-2008 / 10:33:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!IRBytecodeGenerator class methodsFor:'documentation'!

! !