changeset 260 cd63f2ae1a72
parent 245 0a69ce2f0505
child 286 930f7307f70b
--- a/	Sun Nov 09 18:04:29 2014 +0100
+++ b/	Sun Nov 23 23:51:26 2014 +0000
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-*Benchmarking made easy*
-CalipeL is a simple framework to ease development and maintenance
-of benchmarks and performance regressions. CalipeL has been heavily 
-inspired by [SUnit][1] and [Caliper][2]
-The basic ideas behind are:
-- Benchmarking and (especially) interpreting benchmark results is always
-  a monkey business. Therefore the framework should be as simple as 
-  possible so everybody understands the meaning of numbers it gives.
-- Benchmark results should be kept and managed at single place so one
-  can view and retrieve all past benchmark results pretty much the same
-  way as one can view and retrieve past versions of the software from
-  VCS.
-## Features
-- *simple* - creating a benchmark is as simple as writing a method in a class
-- *flexible* - a special set-up and/or warm-up routines could be specified at benchmark-level as well as set of parameters to allow fine-grained measurements
-under different conditions 
-- *multi-language* - supports multiple languages to allow for language/runtime comparison
-- *web* - comes with simple web interface to gather and process benchmark results. [Example...](
-## Supported Languages
-* [Smalltalk/X][4]
-* [Pharo][5]
-* Java
-* Ruby
-* Python
-## More Information
-...could be found on [wiki][3].
-## Authors
-* Jan Vraný `<jan.vrany [*]>`
-* Marcel Hlopko `<marcel [*]>`
+*Benchmarking made easy*
+CalipeL is a simple framework to ease development and maintenance
+of benchmarks and performance regressions. CalipeL has been heavily 
+inspired by [SUnit][1] and [Caliper][2]
+The basic ideas behind are:
+- Benchmarking and (especially) interpreting benchmark results is always
+  a monkey business. Therefore the framework should be as simple as 
+  possible so everybody understands the meaning of numbers it gives.
+- Benchmark results should be kept and managed at single place so one
+  can view and retrieve all past benchmark results pretty much the same
+  way as one can view and retrieve past versions of the software from
+  VCS.
+## Features
+- *simple* - creating a benchmark is as simple as writing a method in a class
+- *flexible* - a special set-up and/or warm-up routines could be specified at benchmark-level as well as set of parameters to allow fine-grained measurements
+under different conditions 
+- *multi-language* - supports multiple languages to allow for language/runtime comparison
+- *web* - comes with simple web interface to gather and process benchmark results. [Example...](
+## Supported Languages
+* [Smalltalk/X][4]
+* [Pharo][5]
+* Java (in progress)
+* Ruby
+* Python
+## More Information
+...could be found on [wiki][3].
+## Authors
+* Jan Vraný `<jan.vrany [*]>`
+* Marcel Hlopko `<marcel [*]>`
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