author Jan Vrany <>
Mon, 19 Oct 2015 11:23:47 +0100
changeset 299 26fa4f7e4b8e
parent 296 5c907ddba18b
child 300 7644dc89cdad
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed typos in Thanks Jan Kurs for spotting!


*Benchmarking made easy*

CalipeL is a simple tool to ease development and maintenance
of benchmarks and performance regressions. CalipeL has been heavily 
inspired by [SUnit][1] and [Caliper][2]

The basic ideas that drove the development:

- Benchmarking and (especially) interpreting benchmark results is always
  a monkey business. The tool should produce raw numbers, letting the 
  user to whichever statistics she needs to make up (desired) results. 
- Benchmark results should be kept and managed at a single place so one
  can view and retrieve all past benchmark results pretty much the same
  way as one can view and retrieve past versions of the software from 
  a source code management tool. 

## Features

- *simple* - creating a benchmark is as simple as writing a method in a class
- *flexible* - a special set-up and/or warm-up routines could be specified at benchmark-level as well as set of parameters to allow fine-grained measurements
under different conditions 
- *batch runner* - contains a batch runner allowing one to run benchmarks from a command line or at CI servers such as Jenkins. 
- *web* - comes with simple web interface to gather and process benchmark results. [Example...](

## Supported Languages / Runtimes

* [Smalltalk/X jv-branch][6]
* [Pharo][5]

Planned (would be nice if somebody does it)

* Java (on hold)
* Ruby
* Python

## Installation

See [Installation instruction]( on [wiki][3].

## More Information

...could be found on [wiki][3].

## Authors

* Jan Vraný `<jan.vrany [*]>`
* Marcel Hlopko `<marcel [*]>`
