author Jan Vrany <>
Sun, 24 Jan 2016 22:26:45 +0000
changeset 12 6e775bad5027
parent 11 cfe5c9d79fbc
child 24 5aace704e3c8
permissions -rw-r--r--
More tests for CompiledCodeObject and ObjectFileLoader.

"{ Package: 'jv:dragonfly' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

TestCase subclass:#CompiledCodeObjectTests

!CompiledCodeObjectTests class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    documentation to be added.

        Jan Vrany <>

    [instance variables:]

    [class variables:]

    [see also:]

! !

!CompiledCodeObjectTests methodsFor:'running'!

    "common setup - invoked before testing."

    super setUp.
    jitEnabled := ObjectMemory justInTimeCompilation: true.

    "Modified: / 06-12-2015 / 00:10:50 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "common cleanup - invoked after testing."

    super tearDown.
    ObjectMemory justInTimeCompilation: jitEnabled

    "Modified: / 06-12-2015 / 00:11:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CompiledCodeObjectTests methodsFor:'test data'!

    ^ 123

    "Created: / 06-12-2015 / 00:15:13 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ #(Literal 2)

    "Created: / 07-12-2015 / 16:52:28 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ OrderedCollection size + 10

    "Created: / 07-12-2015 / 16:51:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CompiledCodeObjectTests methodsFor:'tests'!

    | object section |
    self ensureCompiled: #methodWithConstant.
    object := (self class >> #methodWithConstant) codeObject.
    self assert: object compiledCode == (self class >> #methodWithConstant).
    self assert: object sections size == 2. "/ No literals no ILC's, only code and special cells

    section := object sectionNamed: '.text'.
    self assert: section format = SectionFormatText.
    self assert: section size > 1.
    self assert: ((1 to: section size) allSatisfy:[:i | (section at: i) <= 255 ]).

    section := object sectionNamed: '.stx.codeobj.specialcells'. 
    self assert: section format = SectionFormatINTVector.
    self assert: section size == 1.
    self should: [ section at: 0 ] raise: PrimitiveFailure.
    self assert: (section at: 1) isInteger.
    self should: [ section at: 2 ] raise: PrimitiveFailure.
    self should: [ section at: 0 put: 123 ] raise: PrimitiveFailure.
    self should: [ section at: 1 put: 'Invalid' ] raise: PrimitiveFailure.
    self should: [ section at: 2 put: 123 ] raise: PrimitiveFailure.
    section at: 1 put: 10.
    self assert: (section at: 1) == 10.

    self ensureCompiled: #methodWithLiteral.
    object := (self class >> #methodWithLiteral) codeObject.
    self assert: object sections size == 3. "/ No ILC's but literals, code and special cells

    section := object sectionNamed: '.text'.
    section := object sectionNamed: '.stx.codeobj.specialcells'. 
    section := object sectionNamed: '.stx.codeobj.literals'. 
    self assert: section format = SectionFormatOBJVector.
    self assert: section size == 1.
    self assert: (section at: 1) = #(#Literal 2). 
    self assert: (self methodWithLiteral) = #(#Literal 2). 
    section at: 1 put: 123.
    self assert: (section at: 1) == 123. 
    self assert: (self methodWithLiteral) == 123.

    self ensureCompiled: #methodWithSend.
    object := (self class >> #methodWithSend) codeObject.
    self assert: object sections size == 4. "/ Literals (for the selector), ILC, code and special cells
    section := object sectionNamed: '.text'.
    section := object sectionNamed: '.stx.codeobj.specialcells'. 
    section := object sectionNamed: '.stx.codeobj.ilcs'. 
    self assert: section format = SectionFormatILCVector.
    self assert: section size == 2.

    "Created: / 06-12-2015 / 00:15:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 23-01-2016 / 22:15:02 / Jan Vrany <>"


    "Tests creation of new code object for method which has
     not yet been compiled"

    | method object section |

    method := Method new.
    method numberOfArgs: 0.
    method numberOfVars: 0.
    method stackSize: 0.          

    object := CompiledCodeObject forCompiledCode: method text: 6 literals: 1 ilcs: 0.
    self assert: object compiledCode == method.

    section := object sectionNamed: '.text'.
    self assert: section format = SectionFormatText.
    self assert: section size == 6.
    self assert: ((1 to: section size) allSatisfy:[:i | (section at: i) == 0 ]).

    section := object sectionNamed: '.stx.codeobj.literals'.
    self assert: section format = SectionFormatOBJVector.
    self assert: section size == 1.
    self assert: ((1 to: section size) allSatisfy:[:i | (section at: i) isNil ]).

    "Created: / 24-01-2016 / 20:49:54 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Tests creation of new code object for method which has
     not yet been compiled"

    | method object section |

    method := Method new.
    method numberOfArgs: 0.
    method numberOfVars: 0.
    method stackSize: 0.          

    object := CompiledCodeObject forCompiledCode: method text: 0 literals: 1 ilcs: 0.
    self assert: object compiledCode == method.

    self assert: (object hasSectionNamed: '.text') not.

    object allocateTextSection: 10.
    section := object sectionNamed: '.text'.

    self assert: section format = SectionFormatText.
    self assert: section size == 10.
    self assert: ((1 to: section size) allSatisfy:[:i | (section at: i) == 0 ]).

    "Created: / 24-01-2016 / 20:50:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CompiledCodeObjectTests methodsFor:'utilities'!

ensureCompiled: selector
    ((self class >> selector) code isNil or:[ (self class >> selector) byteCode isNil ]) ifTrue:[
        self class recompile: selector.
        self assert: (self class >> selector) code isNil.
        self perform: selector.
        self assert: (self class >> selector) code notNil.

    "Created: / 06-12-2015 / 00:13:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CompiledCodeObjectTests class methodsFor:'documentation'!


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
! !