author Jan Vrany <>
Mon, 21 Dec 2015 22:46:06 +0100
changeset 2 88445baa732f
child 9 40f9438e9de3
permissions -rw-r--r--
Introduced a CompiledCodeObject - an interface to VM's macine code management. This is an API object alowing to read and write machine code from Smalltalk. The code is managed by the VM, i.e., it's garbage colledted by the VM.

 * $Header$
 * automagically generated from the projectDefinition: jv_dragonfly.
#include <stc.h>

#ifdef WIN32
# pragma codeseg INITCODE "INITCODE"

#if defined(INIT_TEXT_SECTION) || defined(DLL_EXPORT)
DLL_EXPORT void _libjv_dragonfly_Init() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;
DLL_EXPORT void _libjv_dragonfly_InitDefinition() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;

void _libjv_dragonfly_InitDefinition(pass, __pRT__, snd)
OBJ snd; struct __vmData__ *__pRT__; {
__BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libjv_dragonfly__DFN", _libjv_dragonfly_InitDefinition, "jv:dragonfly");


void _libjv_dragonfly_Init(pass, __pRT__, snd)
OBJ snd; struct __vmData__ *__pRT__; {
__BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libjv_dragonfly", _libjv_dragonfly_Init, "jv:dragonfly");
