changeset 216 800057dbad30
parent 161 4e020e46a29c
child 259 651864c2aa29
--- a/	Mon Feb 22 19:55:25 2021 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Feb 23 13:38:11 2021 +0000
@@ -6,18 +6,153 @@
  * event-based interface
  * convenient API to inspect and query current state of a debugee
- * support for custom disassembler allowing for custom code analysis
+ * support for custom disassembler allowing for custom code analysis (not part
+   of *libgdbs*)
+## Example Use
-## Building from Source
+    | b0 thread frame i r |
+    "Create new debugger object - `gdb`."
+    gdb := GDBDebugger new.
+    "Load an executable to debug, the parameter is a String
+     with path to the executable."
+    gdb executable: GDBDebuggeesResource current binaryFactorial1.
+    "Set breakpoint on function `factorial(int)`, see`factorial.c`(*).
+     Here we use `GDBDebugger >> #send:` to send a standard CLI command
+     to `gdb`. The method blocks and returns once the command is executed.
+     See class `GDBDebugger`, protocol 'commands' for more ways to send a
+     command to GDB.
+     (*)
+    "
+    gdb send: 'b factorial'.
+    "You may ask `gdb` for list of breakpoints, ..."
+    gdb breakpoints.
+    "...retrieve a breakpoint as an object..."
+    b0 := gdb breakpoints first.
+    "...and then use breakpoint object to get details
+     for example on what file and line the breakpoint was
+     put:"
+    'location is %1 : %2' bindWith: b0 file with: b0 line.
+    "Breakpoint objects can also be used to manipulate it,
+     for example to set a condition when the breakpoint should
+     hit. See class `GDBBreakpoint`. "
+    b0 condition: 'i == 1'.
+    "Now let's run debuggee util it hits the breakpoint using
+     GDB's `r` (or `run`) command. Here we (have to) use a different
+     API than plain `#send: - `#send:` executes the command and return
+     as soon as the command is executed. This is not what we want now,
+     here we want to run the debuggee and wait until breakpoint hits
+     (or until some error occur). In theory, this could be hours after
+     the `r` command is executed.
+     For cases like this, libgdb's provides another API:
+     `GDBDebugger >> send:andWaitFor:` to wait for 'stopped' event:"
+    gdb send: 'r' andWaitFor: GDBStoppedEvent.
-*libgsbs* is a part of [Smalltalk/X jv-branch][3] since version 8.0.0. To
-build *libgsbs*, just follow instructions how to [build
-Smalltalk/X jv-branch][6]
+    "Now let's see where we have stopped. Since GDB allows
+     to debug multiple processes (called inferiors in GDB parlance)
+     and each process may have multiple threads, we have to first get
+     a the thread and then ask the thread for first (newest) frame of
+     threads callstack. In this case, there' only one process with
+     only one thread, so getting the thread is easy.
+     Note, that there's always a callstack with at least one frame."
+    thread := gdb selectedInferior threads first.
+    frame := thread stack first.
+    "Again, thread and frame are objects and can be used to access
+     program state"
+    frame func.    " -> 'factorial'"
+    i := frame variables first.
+    i name.        " -> 'i' "
+    i value.       " -> '1' "
+    r := frame registers first.
+    r name.        " -> 'rax' (depending on target architecture, of course) "
+    r value.
+    "Finally, remove all breakpoints and let the program continue and finish..."
+    gdb send: 'del'.
+    gdb send: 'c' andWaitFor: GDBThreadGroupExitedEvent.
+For more examples, load `jv:libgdbs/tests` and see `GDBDebuggerExamples`. You may also
+want to have a look at tests `GDBDebuggerTestsR`.
+## Getting Started...
+### ...on Linux
+1.  Create a directory where to download and install all components - in following
+	steps we use `/where/you/want/it` but naturally, choice is yours:
+        mkdir -p /where/you/want/it
+        cd /where/you/want/it
+2.  Get suitable GDB. Pre-built binaries for Linux (and Windows) can be found
+    at [][11]:
+        wget
+        unzip
+        rm
-## Prerequisites
+    Alternatively, you may want to build suitable GDB from sources, see
+    [doc/][9] for details.
+    **Note** that if you're using pre-built binaries, make sure it
+    does run fine:
+        gdb_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu_YYYY-MM-DD_XXXXXXXX_NN/bin/gdb --help
+    You may have some libraries missing or have different versions than build
+    host, so it might not work. If it does not, you need to build it yourtself.
+    Luckily, building GDB in Linux is straigtforward enough - see
+    [doc/][9] for details
+3.  Get [Smalltalk/X jv-branch][3]. Pre-build "toy" binaries for Linux
+    can be found at [][5]:
+        wget
+        tar xf smalltalkx-jv-branch-8.0.99_buildNNN_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
+        rm smalltalkx-jv-branch-8.0.99_buildNNN_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
+    Alternatively, you may want to build Smalltalk/X from sources, see
+    [build instructions][12]. This is actually preferred way to work with
+    Smalltalk/X.
-As of today, *libgdbs* requires a very recent GDB. Likely you'd need to
-compile a GDB yourself - see [][9]
+4.  Get *jv:libgdbs*:
+        mkdir -p jv
+        hg clone jv/libgdbs
+5.  Start Smalltalk/X:
+        ./smalltalkx-jv-branch-8.0.99_buildNNN_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/stx --package-path /where/you/want/it
+    Please note, that `/where/you/want/it` should be the path to where you
+    created `jv` directory in which libgdbs has been cloned in step 3.
+6.  In Smalltalk/X workspace, load `jv:libgdbs` and set path to suitable GDB:
+		Smalltalk loadPackage: 'jv:libgdbs'.
+        UserPreferences current gdbCommand: '/where/you/want/it/gdb_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu_YYYY-MM-DD_XXXXXXXX_NN/bin/gdb'.
+7.  Now you may create an instance of GDB to play with - in Smalltalk/X
+    workspace execute:
+        gdb := GDBDebugger new.
+### ...on Windows
+For installing on Windows, see [doc/][13]
 ## Documentation
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 [9]: doc/
-[10]: doc/
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+[10]: doc/
+[13]: doc/
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