changeset 64 ed6b45e838b7
parent 56 20989de12cfb
child 67 c4ac76afe03d
--- a/	Sun Mar 08 07:37:59 2015 +0000
+++ b/	Sun Mar 08 07:38:42 2015 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+"{ Encoding: utf8 }"
 "{ Package: 'jv:libgdbs' }"
 "{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
@@ -39,7 +41,11 @@
          (gdb) exec-file <aStringOrFilename>
-    self send: (GDBMI_file_exec_and_symbols arguments: { aStringOrFilename asString }) wait: false.
+    self 
+          send:(GDBMI_file_exec_and_symbols arguments:{
+                          aStringOrFilename asString
+                      })
+          andWait:false.
     "Created: / 28-02-2015 / 00:19:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -119,56 +125,221 @@
 !GDBDebugger methodsFor:'commands'!
 send: command
-    "Execute given `command` and wait until it finishes. 
-     Command can be either an instance of GDBCommand or
-     a String. If String, it is assumed to be a CLI command
-     string.
-     "
-    ^ self send: command wait: true.
+    "Execute given `command` and wait until it finishes and return its result.
+     `command` may be either a GDBCommand or string, in which case it will
+     be parsed into a GDBCommand. 
+   "
+    ^ self send:command andWait:true.
     "Created: / 03-06-2014 / 00:10:38 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    "Modified (comment): / 28-02-2015 / 00:40:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (comment): / 08-03-2015 / 05:50:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
-send: command wait: wait
-    "Sends given `command` to GDB. If `aBoolean` is true, wait for
-     command to finish. Otherwise, return immediately."
+send:command andWait:wait 
+    "Sends given `command` to GDB. If `wait` is true, wait for
+     command to finish and return the command result.  
+     Otherwise, return nil immediately.
-    | cmd token blocker handler1 handler2 result |
+     `command` may be either a GDBCommand or string, in which case it will
+     be parsed into a GDBCommand.           
+    "
+    | cmd  token  blocker  handler1  handler2  result |
     cmd := command.
-    cmd isString ifTrue:[ 
-        cmd := GDBCLICommand new value: cmd.
+    cmd isString ifTrue:[
+        cmd := GDBCLICommand new value:cmd.
-    (wait and:[Processor activeProcess == connection eventDispatchProcess]) ifTrue:[ 
-        self error: 'Cannot send commands from within event dispatching process. Would deadlock'.
-    ].
     token := self nextCommandSequnceNumber.
-    cmd token: token.
-    ^ wait ifTrue:[ 
-        handler1 := [ :ev |
-                    ev token == token ifTrue:[ 
-                        connection eventAnnouncer unsubscribe: handler1.
-                        result := ev result.
-                        connection eventAnnouncerInternal when: GDBEventSetProcessingFinished do: handler2. 
-                    ]].
-        handler2 := [ :ev |
-                    connection eventAnnouncerInternal unsubscribe: handler2.         
-                    blocker signal.
-                    ].
+    cmd token:token.
+    ^ wait ifTrue:[
+        self assert:Processor activeProcess ~~ connection eventDispatchProcess
+            message:'Cannot send commands from within event dispatching process. Would deadlock'.                
+        handler1 := [:ev | 
+            ev token == token ifTrue:[
+                connection eventAnnouncer unsubscribe:handler1.
+                result := ev result.
+                connection eventAnnouncerInternal when:GDBEventSetProcessingFinished
+                    do:handler2.
+            ]
+        ].
+        handler2 := [:ev | 
+            connection eventAnnouncerInternal unsubscribe:handler2.
+            blocker signal.
+        ].
         blocker := Semaphore new.
-        connection eventAnnouncer when: GDBCommandResultEvent do: handler1.
-        connection pushEvent: (GDBCommandEvent new command: cmd).
+        connection eventAnnouncer when:GDBCommandResultEvent do:handler1.
+        connection pushEvent:(GDBCommandEvent new command:cmd).
         blocker wait.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        connection pushEvent: (GDBCommandEvent new command: cmd).
+    ]
+    ifFalse:[
+        connection pushEvent:(GDBCommandEvent new command:cmd).
     "Created: / 02-06-2014 / 23:45:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    "Modified: / 28-02-2015 / 00:42:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 08-03-2015 / 05:51:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
+send:command andWaitFor:eventHandlers
+    "Sends given `command` to GDB and then wait for events mathing 
+     `eventHandlers`. 
+     Params:
+     `command`      may be either a GDBCommand or string, in which case it will
+                    be parsed into a GDBCommand.
+     `eventHandler` may be either nil or event class or one arg block or collection
+                    of event classes or blocks.
+                    - If nil then do not wait for anything (use nil for async send)
+                    - If event class, then wait for an event of that class. Note, that
+                      subclasses are handled too.
+                    - If block, then wait for an event for which the block returns true.
+                    - If collectio, then wait for a sequence of events, each matched as above.
+     Returns:       a matching event or events (in case a collection of handlers has been passes)"
+    ^ self send: command andWaitFor: eventHandlers withTimeoutMs: nil
+    "Created: / 08-03-2015 / 06:03:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
+send:command andWaitFor:eventHandlers withTimeoutMs:timeout 
+    "Sends given `command` to GDB and then wait for events mathing 
+     `eventHandlers`. Raise a TimeoutError if expected events don't arrive
+     in specified time.
+     Params:
+     `command`      may be either a GDBCommand or string, in which case it will
+                    be parsed into a GDBCommand.
+     `eventHandler` may be either nil or event class or one arg block or collection
+                    of event classes or blocks.
+                    - If nil then do not wait for anything (use nil for async send)
+                    - If event class, then wait for an event of that class. Note, that
+                      subclasses are handled too.
+                    - If block, then wait for an event for which the block returns true.
+                    - If collectio, then wait for a sequence of events, each matched as above.
+     `timeout`       wait at most that much milliseconds, throw TimeoutError otherwise. If `timeout` == mil
+                    then wait for indefinitly
+     Returns:       a matching event or events (in case a collection of handlers has been passes)"
+    | commandObject |
+    command isString ifTrue:[
+        commandObject := (GDBMIParser on:command) parseCommand.
+        commandObject token:self nextCommandSequnceNumber.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        commandObject := command.
+        commandObject token isNil ifTrue:[
+            commandObject token:self nextCommandSequnceNumber.
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ self 
+        do:[ connection pushEvent:(GDBCommandEvent new command: commandObject) ] 
+        andWaitFor: eventHandlers 
+        withTimeoutMs: timeout
+    "Created: / 07-03-2015 / 11:38:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 08-03-2015 / 07:31:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!GDBDebugger methodsFor:'commands-convenience'!
+do: block andWaitFor:eventHandlers
+    "Evaluates a given block and then wait for events.
+     `eventHandlers`. 
+     Params:
+     `block`        block to evaluate
+     `eventHandler` may be either nil or event class or one arg block or collection
+                    of event classes or blocks.
+                    - If nil then do not wait for anything (use nil for async send)
+                    - If event class, then wait for an event of that class. Note, that
+                      subclasses are handled too.
+                    - If block, then wait for an event for which the block returns true.
+                    - If collectio, then wait for a sequence of events, each matched as above.
+     Returns:       a matching event or events (in case a collection of handlers has been passed)"
+    ^ self do: block andWaitFor: eventHandlers withTimeoutMs: nil
+    "Created: / 08-03-2015 / 07:30:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
+do: block andWaitFor:eventHandlers withTimeoutMs:timeout 
+    "Evaluates a given block and then wait for events.
+     `eventHandlers`. Raise a TimeoutError if expected events don't arrive
+     in specified time.
+     Params:
+     `block`        block to evaluate
+     `eventHandler` may be either nil or event class or one arg block or collection
+                    of event classes or blocks.
+                    - If nil then do not wait for anything (use nil for async send)
+                    - If event class, then wait for an event of that class. Note, that
+                      subclasses are handled too.
+                    - If block, then wait for an event for which the block returns true.
+                    - If collectio, then wait for a sequence of events, each matched as above.
+     `timeout`       wait at most that much milliseconds, throw TimeoutError otherwise. If `timeout` == mil
+                    then wait for indefinitly
+     Returns:       a matching event or events (in case a collection of handlers has been passes)"
+    | handlersArray handlerFinal eventsArray blocker |
+    eventHandlers isNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ Asynchronous send...
+        self assert:timeout isNil.
+        block value.
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    "/ Synchronous send...
+    self assert:Processor activeProcess ~~ connection eventDispatchProcess
+        message:'Cannot send commands from within event dispatching process. Would deadlock'.
+    eventHandlers isCollection 
+        ifTrue:[ handlersArray := eventHandlers ]
+        ifFalse:[ handlersArray := Array with:eventHandlers ].
+    eventsArray := Array new:handlersArray size.
+    1 to:handlersArray size do:[:i | 
+        | handler |
+        handler := handlersArray at:i.
+        handlersArray at:i
+            put:[:event | 
+                | matches |
+                matches := handler isBlock ifTrue:[ handler value:event ] ifFalse:[ event isKindOf:handler ].
+                (matches and:[ i == 1 or:[ (eventsArray at:i - 1) notNil ] ]) ifTrue:[
+                    eventsArray at:i put:event.
+                    self announcer unsubscribe:(handlersArray at:i).
+                    i == handlersArray size ifTrue:[
+                        connection eventAnnouncerInternal when: GDBEventSetProcessingFinished do: handlerFinal.
+                    ].
+                ].
+            ].
+        self announcer when:GDBEvent do:(handlersArray at:i).
+    ].
+    handlerFinal := [ :event | connection eventAnnouncerInternal unsubscribe: handlerFinal. blocker signal ].  
+    blocker := Semaphore new.
+    block value.
+    [
+        (blocker waitWithTimeoutMs:timeout) isNil ifTrue:[
+            eventsArray := nil.
+        ].
+    ] ensure:[
+        handlersArray do:[:handler | 
+            handler notNil ifTrue:[
+                self announcer unsubscribe:handler
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+    eventsArray isNil ifTrue:[
+        (TimeoutError newException)
+            parameter:timeout;
+            raise.
+    ].
+    ^ eventHandlers isCollection ifTrue:[ eventsArray ] ifFalse:[ eventsArray first ]
+    "Created: / 08-03-2015 / 07:28:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
 ! !
 !GDBDebugger methodsFor:'event handling'!