author Jan Vrany <>
Tue, 13 Mar 2018 00:08:25 +0000
changeset 65 3fdd35be056d
parent 60 bcdb393c956f
child 68 6caeb5d7c92b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed handling of log events in `VDBDebuggerApplication` Only raise & flash log window once all log events are received to avoid (timely) flashing when log is large.

 * $Header$
 * automagically generated from the projectDefinition: jv_vdb.
#include <stc.h>

#ifdef WIN32
# pragma codeseg INITCODE "INITCODE"

#if defined(INIT_TEXT_SECTION) || defined(DLL_EXPORT)
DLL_EXPORT void _libjv_vdb_Init() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;
DLL_EXPORT void _libjv_vdb_InitDefinition() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;

extern void _VDBAbstractApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBAbstractPresenter_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBIconLibrary_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBVirtualMemoryMap_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBVirtualMemoryRegion_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _jv_137vdb_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBAbstractContainer_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBAbstractListApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBAbstractUnixConsoleApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBBreakpointApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBBreakpointPresenter_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBDebuggerApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBEventLogApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBFrameApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBFramePresenter_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBMemoryApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBSourceApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBThreadGroupPresenter_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBThreadPresenter_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBVariableObjectPresenter_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBWindowsDebuggerConsoleApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBAbstractTreeApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBBreakpointListApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBTabbingContainer_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBUnixDebuggerConsoleApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBUnixInferiorConsoleApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBStackApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VDBVariableObjectListApplication_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);

extern void _jv_137vdb_extensions_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);

void _libjv_vdb_InitDefinition(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd)
  __BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libjv_vdb__DFN", _libjv_vdb_InitDefinition, "jv:vdb");


void _libjv_vdb_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd)
  __BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libjv_vdb", _libjv_vdb_Init, "jv:vdb");
