author Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>
Fri, 14 Dec 2018 11:41:47 +0000
changeset 131 815f0bf03155
parent 119 be31a77e2d9c
child 180 a47acd6d73ca
permissions -rw-r--r--
Improve `--gdb` command line option handling ...to allow user to specify (shell) command to launch GDB. In some cases (like when gdb is launched on remote machine through SSH), we cannot use UNIX PTYs to have native GDB CLI console. For cases like this, introduce new `--no-pty` option to force VDB to use emulated console even if current platform supports PTY (using PTY when available is preferred).

jv:vdb - Visual / VM Debugger
Copyright (C) 2015-now Jan Vrany

This software is licensed under 'Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License'

You may find a full license text in LICENSE.txt or at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
"{ Package: 'jv:vdb' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

StandaloneStartup subclass:#VDBStartup

!VDBStartup class methodsFor:'documentation'!

jv:vdb - Visual / VM Debugger
Copyright (C) 2015-now Jan Vrany

This software is licensed under 'Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License'

You may find a full license text in LICENSE.txt or at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
! !

!VDBStartup class methodsFor:'constants & defaults'!

    "the key under which this application stores its process ID in the registry
     as a collection of path-components.
     i.e. if #('foo' 'bar' 'baz') is returned here, the current applications ID will be stored
     in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\foo\bar\baz\CurrentID.
     (would also be used as a relative path for a temporary lock file under unix).
     Used to detect if another instance of this application is already running."

    ^ #('vdb')

    "Modified: / 21-09-2014 / 01:29:12 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"

    "answer an application-specific unique uuid.
     This is used as the name of some exclusive OS-resource, which is used to find out,
     if another instance of this application is already running.
     Under win32, a mutex is used; under unix, an exclusive file in the tempDir could be used.
     If redefined, please return a real UUID (i.e. UUID fromString:'.....') and not a string or
     similar possibly conflicting identifier.
     You can paste a fresh worldwide unique id via the editor's more-misc-paste UUID menuFunction."

    ^ UUID fromString:'57b09330-4126-11e4-a80f-606720e43e2c'

    "Modified: / 21-09-2014 / 01:29:30 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
! !

!VDBStartup class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    "enable/disable the --debug startup option.
     Can be redefined in subclasses to enable it"

    ^ true

    "Created: / 08-09-2014 / 19:30:40 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
! !

!VDBStartup class methodsFor:'private'!

loadPreferenceFile: file

    "Created: / 07-06-2017 / 09:49:58 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
! !

!VDBStartup class methodsFor:'queries'!

    ^ 'vdb'

    "Created: / 06-06-2017 / 22:50:44 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
! !

!VDBStartup class methodsFor:'startup'!

    "Application entry point. `argv` is the array of command arguments (as Array of Strings)"

    | optparser positional settingsFile settingsSuppressed cmd noPTY replay
      programExecutable programArgs programPid attach
      debugger debuggerApp |

    "/ This is awkward. We HAVE TO load prefetences when VDB is compiled standalone
    "/ application or run from a command line (`--load jv:vdb` --run VDBStarup`.
    "/ We MUST NOT load preferences when `VDBStarup main` is run from running IDE.
    "/ for example while developing.
    "/ The trick is that there's no good and easy way to check this, so we have to
    "/ check whether this method is called from `Smalltalk >> start`. Bleh.
    Standalone := Smalltalk isStandAloneApp
                    or:[ thisContext sender method == (Smalltalk class compiledMethodAt: #start) ].
    settingsSuppressed := Standalone not.

    noPTY := false.
    replay := false.
    attach := false.

    "/ Parse options...
    optparser := CmdLineParser new
                    ignoreUnknownOptions: true;
                    on: #('--help') do:[
                        self usage
                    on: #('--preferences') do:[:filename |
                        | file |

                        file := filename asFilename.
                        file isReadable ifFalse:[
                            self error: 'preference file does not exists or not readable: ' , filename.
                        file isRegularFile ifFalse:[
                            self error: 'preference file is not a regular file: ' , filename.
                        settingsFile := file.
                    on: #('--no-preferences') do:[
                        settingsSuppressed := true
                    on: #('--replay') do:[
                        replay := true
                    on: #('-d' '--gdb') do:[ :str |
                        cmd := str
                    on: #('--no-pty') do:[
                        noPTY := true
        positional := optparser parse:argv.
    ] on: CmdLineOptionError do:[:ex |
        self error: ex description.

    "/ Now validate and process options
    settingsSuppressed ifFalse:[
        | settings |

        settingsFile notNil ifTrue:[
            settingsFile exists ifFalse:[
                self error: 'preference file does not exist: ', settingsFile pathName
            settingsFile isDirectory ifTrue:[
                self error: 'preference file is not a regular file: ', settingsFile pathName
            settingsFile isReadable ifFalse:[
                self error: 'preference file is not a readable (check permissions): ', settingsFile pathName
            settings := UserPreferences loadSettingsFrom: settingsFile.
        ] ifFalse:[
            settings := UserPreferences loadSettings.
        UserPreferences setCurrent: settings.

    replay ifTrue:[ 
        OperatingSystem isLinuxLike ifFalse:[ 
            self error: 'replay not supported on this platform'.
        RR available ifFalse:[ 
            self error: 'cannot replay because rr not available'

    "/ Parse positional arguments - there are two forms:
    "/   vdb [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM [ARGS]]
    "/   vdb [OPTIONS] [PID]
    "/ [OPTIONS] have already been processed, the rest is in `positional`
    "/ variable

    positional notEmpty ifTrue:[
        programExecutable := positional first.
        programExecutable asFilename exists ifFalse:[
            "Try to find the executable in PATH..."

            | path |

            path := OperatingSystem pathOfCommand: programExecutable.
            path notNil ifTrue:[
                programExecutable := path.
        programPid := Integer fromString: positional first onError: [ nil ].
        programArgs := positional copyFrom: 2.

        replay ifTrue:[ 
            programArgs notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ 
                self error: 'cannot specify program args when replaying'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ If * programExecutable does not exists
            "/    * AND programPid is not nil (i.e., first positional argument can be converted to an integer)
            "/    * AND programArguments are empty
            "/ then interpret positional argument as PID and attach to it.
            "/ Otherwise, interpret positional arguments
            (programExecutable asFilename exists not and: [ programPid notNil and: [ programArgs isEmpty ]]) ifTrue:[
                attach := true.
            ] ifFalse:[
                programExecutable asFilename exists ifFalse:[
                    self error: 'cannot find program executable: ', programExecutable.

    Debugger := DebugView ? MiniDebugger.
    Inspector := InspectorView ? MiniInspector.

    noPTY ifTrue:[ 
        debugger := GDBDebugger newWithProcess: (GDBStXSimpleProcess newWithCommand: cmd).
    ] ifFalse:[ 
        debugger := GDBDebugger newWithProcess: (GDBLocalProcess newWithCommand: cmd).

    attach ifTrue:[
        debugger attach: programPid
    ] ifFalse:[
        programExecutable notNil ifTrue:[
            debugger executable: programExecutable arguments: programArgs.
    Smalltalk openDisplay.
    debuggerApp := VDBDebuggerApplication new.
    debuggerApp debugger: debugger.
    debuggerApp open.
    replay ifTrue:[ 
        debuggerApp doAttachToRR

        VDBStartup main: #()
        VDBStartup main: #('ls')
        VDBStartup main: #('/bin/ls' '/tmp')

    "Modified: / 13-12-2018 / 15:32:32 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"

    Transcript nextPutAll:'usage: '; nextPutAll: self applicationName; nextPutAll: ' [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM [ARGS]] '; cr.
    Transcript nextPutAll:'       '; nextPutAll: self applicationName; nextPutAll: ' [OPTIONS] [PID]'; cr.
    Transcript nextPutLine:'
 --replay ..................... replay last rr record
 --no-pty ..................... do not use PTY-based GDB console even if current
                                platform supports it. 
 -d | --gdb CMD ............... use CMD to launch GDB (instead of platform
 --preference FILE ............ read user settings from FILE
 --no-preferences ............. do not read user settings at all
 --help ....................... output this message
    Standalone ifTrue:[
        Smalltalk exit: 0.

    "Modified: / 13-12-2018 / 15:29:43 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
! !

!VDBStartup class methodsFor:'documentation'!


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
! !