author Jan Vrany <>
Tue, 23 Jul 2019 12:32:01 +0100
changeset 180 a47acd6d73ca
parent 142 dae35d5b3d72
child 204 fbf9eff7df60
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add `VDBStartupA` into `jv:vdb/application` This class is just a placeholder, all logic is in its superclass, `VDBStatup`. The reason for this is the way the initial package path is computed (see `AbstractOpratingSystem >> defaultPackagePath`) The code there assumes that startup class is from the same package as the application itself. This way, we have a startup class in the application package but still have `VDBStartup` available when only `jv:vdb` is loaded (like when developing and.or using VDB from Smalltalk/X IDE.

# Visual / VM Debugger

*Visual / VM Debugger* (*VDB* for short) is a simple standalone graphical front-end for [GDB][2]aimed to debug, not only, virtual machines. It provides easy-to-use, easy-to-extend user interface while keeping full power of GDB command line and scripting facilities. 

## Features

  * integrated support for reverse-debugging,
  * source-and-assembly view with detailed instruction analysis (basic blocks, 
    jump targets and so on),
  * data structure inspector,
  * configurable memory view,
  * integrated *GDB* command line with completion (even on Windows!),
  * integrated support for reverse debugging using *GDB's* native reverse 
    debugging or [rr][11],
  * ability to run *GDB* remotely through SSH on a remote server or on a 
    development board

## Obligatory Screenshot

![Visual/VM Debugger](doc/vdb-001.png)

## Prerequisites

It is recommended to use GDB built from [][4] as it contains changes required by *VDB*. For more information about building patched GDB see [][9].

## Building from Source

*Visual / VM Debugger* is a part of [Smalltalk/X jv-branch][3] since version 8.0.0. To build VDB, just follow instructions how to [build Smalltalk/X jv-branch][6] and then run either:

./build/stx/projects/smalltalk/smalltalk --load jv:vdb --run VDBStartup

Or evaluate following in a workspace: 

Smalltalk loadPackage: 'jv:vdb'.
VDBStartup main.
VDBStartup main: #('--help')

For more details, see [documentation][10], sections [Building from Source](
and [Invoking and Configuring](

## Pre-built binaries

Download and unpack latest [Smalltalk/X jv-branch toy archive][5]
and run run:

stx --load jv:vdb --run VDBStartup

Or evaluate following in a workspace: 

Smalltalk loadPackage: 'jv:vdb'.
VDBStartup main.
VDBStartup main: #('--help')

## Documentation

Some documentation can be found in [doc][10] directory, see [doc/][10]

## Reporting issues

Use [Smalltalk/X jv-branch issue tracker][6] to [report issues][7] (you may need
to login using your Google account in order to submit an issue). Alternatively,
send a message to [Smalltalk/X mailing list][8]. 

## Author

Jan Vrany `<jan.vrany [at]>`

## License


This software is licensed under [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License][1]. You may find a full license text in `LICENSE.txt`.

In short, you are free to:

* **Share** — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format,
* **Adapt** — remix, transform, and build upon the material,

under the following terms: 

* **Attribution** — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made, 
* **NonCommercial** — You may not use the software for commercial purposes.

For permissions beyond the scope of this license please contact author at 
`<jan.vrany [at]>`

[10]: doc/