changeset 60 57c963e85a00
parent 59 9099e2455d9c
child 61 75cb0daa8cf4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rakelib/scm.rb	Mon Oct 24 09:48:37 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+module Rake
+module Rake::StX
+module Rake::Stx::SCM
+  class CheckoutException < Exception
+  end # class CheckoutException
+  def self._check_type(type)
+    if (type != :cvs and type != :svn and type != :git and type != :hg and type != :hgsvn and type != :hgcvs)
+      raise CheckoutException.new("Unknown version control system type (#{type})")
+    end
+  end
+  def self.update(type, repository, directory, *params)
+    self._check_type(type)
+    if params.size() > 0
+      p = params.last
+    else
+      p = {}
+    end
+    root = p[:root] || BUILD_DIR
+    wc = root / directory
+    if (! File.exist? wc)
+      self.checkout(type, repository, directory, *params)
+      return
+    end
+    case type
+      when :svn    then _update_svn(wc)
+      when :cvs    then _update_cvs(wc)
+      when :git    then _update_git(wc, repository, directory, *params)
+      when :hg     then _update_hg(wc, repository, directory, *params)
+      when :hgsvn  then _update_hg_svn(wc)
+      when :hgcvs  then _update_hg_cvs(wc)
+    end
+  end
+  def self._update_hg_svn(wc)
+    _update_hg(wc)
+  end
+  def self._update_hg_cvs(wc)
+    if (File.exist? wc / '.hg')
+        _update_hg(wc)
+    else
+        _update_cvs(wc)
+    end
+  end
+  def self._update_git_svn(wc)
+    cmd = %W{git svn rebase}
+    info "executing cmd: '#{cmd.join(" ")}' in '#{wc}'"
+    puts "executing cmd: '#{cmd.join(" ")}' in '#{wc}'"
+    FileUtils::chdir(wc) do
+      Rake::FileUtilsExt::when_writing(cmd) do
+        if (not system(*cmd))
+          raise CheckoutException.new("GIT-SVN: Cannot update #{wc}")
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def self._update_hg(wc, repository = nil, directory = nil, *params)
+    url = ''
+    if repository != nil and directory != nil then
+      if params.size() > 0
+        p = params.last
+      else
+        p = {}
+      end
+      separator = p[:separator] || '.'
+      url = "#{repository}/#{directory.gsub('/', separator)}"
+    end
+    cmd = %W{hg pull #{url}}
+    info "executing cmd: '#{cmd.join(" ")}' in '#{wc}'"
+    puts "executing cmd: '#{cmd.join(" ")}' in '#{wc}'"
+    Rake::FileUtilsExt::chdir(wc) do
+      Rake::FileUtilsExt::when_writing(cmd) do
+        if (not system(*cmd))
+          raise CheckoutException.new("HG: Cannot pull #{wc}")
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    # Get bookmark if any...
+    bookmark = nil
+    Rake::FileUtilsExt::chdir(wc) do
+      Rake::FileUtilsExt::when_writing(cmd) do
+    	bookmarks = `hg log --template "{bookmarks}" -r "p1()"`
+    	puts "bookmarks: >>#{bookmarks}<<"
+    	bookmark = bookmarks.split(' ')[0]
+      end
+    end
+    cmd = %W{hg update}
+    puts "bookmark: #{bookmark}"
+    if bookmark && bookmark != '' then
+    	cmd << '-r' << "#{bookmark}"
+    end
+    info "executing cmd: '#{cmd.join(" ")}' in '#{wc}'"
+    puts "executing cmd: '#{cmd.join(" ")}' in '#{wc}'"
+    Rake::FileUtilsExt::chdir(wc) do
+      Rake::FileUtilsExt::when_writing(cmd) do
+        if (not system(*cmd))
+          raise CheckoutException.new("HG: Cannot update #{wc}")
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def self._update_svn(wc)
+    d = wc
+    while ((File.basename d) != '/')
+        if File.exist?(d / '.hg' / 'svn')
+            _update_hg(d)
+            return
+        end
+        if File.exist?(d / '.git' / 'svn')
+            _update_git_svn(d)
+            return
+        end
+        d = File.expand_path('..', d)
+    end
+    cmd = %W{svn update}
+    # If we're running on Jenkins, force their version:
+    #   cmd << ' --accept' << 'theirs-full'
+    # end
+    info "executing cmd: '#{cmd.join(" ")}' in '#{wc}'"
+    Rake::FileUtilsExt::chdir(wc) do
+      Rake::FileUtilsExt::when_writing(cmd) do
+        if (not system(*cmd))
+          raise CheckoutException.new("SVN: Cannot update #{wc}")
+        end
+      end
+    end
+	cmd = %W{svn upgrade}
+	system(*cmd)
+    cmd = %W{svn --non-interactive --trust-server-cert update}
+    # If we're running on Jenkins, force their version:
+    #   cmd << ' --accept' << 'theirs-full'
+    # end
+    info "executing cmd: '#{cmd.join(" ")}' in '#{wc}'"
+    Rake::FileUtilsExt::chdir(wc) do
+      Rake::FileUtilsExt::when_writing(cmd) do
+        if (not system(*cmd))
+          raise CheckoutException.new("SVN: Cannot update #{wc}")
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def self._update_cvs(wc)
+    if not File.exist?(wc / 'CVS')
+      return
+    end
+    cmd = %W{cvs -z 9 update -A -d}
+    info "executing cmd: '#{cmd.join(' ')}}' in '#{wc}'"
+    if File.directory?(wc)
+      Rake::FileUtilsExt::chdir(wc) do
+        Rake::FileUtilsExt::when_writing(cmd) do
+          if (not system(*cmd))
+            raise CheckoutException.new("CVS: Cannot update #{wc}")
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def self.checkout(type, repository, directory, *params)
+    self._check_type(type)
+    if params.size() > 0
+      p = params.last
+    else
+      p = {}
+    end
+    root = p[:root] || BUILD_DIR
+    branch = p[:branch]
+    if branch == nil
+      if type == :svn
+        branch = 'trunk'
+      elsif type == :hg
+        branch = 'default'
+      end
+    end
+    wc = root / directory
+    if (File.exist? wc)
+      self.update(type, repository, directory, *params)
+      return
+    end
+    if (not File.exists? File.dirname(wc))
+      begin
+        FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(wc))
+      rescue => ex
+        raise CheckoutException.new("Cannot create directory for working copy (#{ex})")
+      end
+    end
+    case type
+      when :svn    then _checkout_svn(repository, directory, branch, root, *params)
+      when :cvs    then _checkout_cvs(repository, directory, branch, root, *params)
+      when :git    then _checkout_git(repository, directory, branch, root, *params)
+      when :hg     then _checkout_hg(repository, directory, branch, root, *params)
+      when :hgsvn  then _checkout_hg_svn(repository, directory, branch, root, *params)
+      when :hgcvs  then _checkout_hg_cvs(repository, directory, branch, root, *params)
+    end
+  end
+  def self._checkout_svn(repository, directory, branch, root, *params)
+    url = "#{repository}/#{directory}/#{branch}"
+    cmd = %W{svn --non-interactive --trust-server-cert co #{url} #{directory}}
+    info "executing cmd: '#{cmd}'"
+    FileUtils.chdir root do
+      Rake::FileUtilsExt::when_writing(cmd) do
+        if (not system(*cmd))
+          raise CheckoutException.new("SVN: Cannot checkout from #{url}")
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def self._checkout_hg_impl(repository, package, directory, branch, root, *params)
+    url = "#{repository}/#{package}"
+    cmd = %W{hg clone #{url} #{root / directory}}
+    info "executing cmd: '#{cmd}'"
+    Rake::FileUtilsExt::when_writing(cmd) do
+      if (not system(*cmd))
+        raise CheckoutException.new("HG: Cannot clone from #{url}")
+      end
+    end
+    cmd = %W{hg update #{branch}}
+    info "executing cmd: '#{cmd}'"
+    Rake::FileUtilsExt::when_writing(cmd) do
+      Rake::FileUtilsExt::chdir(root / directory) do
+        if (not system(*cmd))
+          raise CheckoutException.new("HG: Cannot switch to branch #{branch}")
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def self._checkout_hg_svn(repository, directory, branch, root, *params)
+    b = branch
+    if b && b.start_with?('branches/')
+        b = b.slice('branches/'.size..-1)
+    end
+    _checkout_hg_impl(repository, directory, directory, b, root, *params)
+  end
+  def self._checkout_hg_cvs(repository, directory, branch, root, *params)
+    raise Exception.new("Cannot checkout HG-CVS repository - you must create WC manually")
+  end
+  def self._checkout_hg(repository, directory, branch, root, *params)
+    if params.size() > 0
+      p = params.last
+    else
+      p = {}
+    end
+    separator = p[:separator] || '.'
+    _checkout_hg_impl(repository, directory.gsub('/', separator), directory, branch, root)
+  end
+  def self._checkout_cvs(repository, directory, branch, root, *params)
+    cmd = %W{cvs -z 9 -d #{repository} co #{directory}}
+    info "executing cmd: '#{cmd}' in '#{root}'"
+    Rake::FileUtilsExt::when_writing(cmd) do
+      Rake::FileUtilsExt::chdir root do
+        if (not system(*cmd))
+          raise CheckoutException.new("CVS: Cannot checkout #{directory}from #{repository}")
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+end # module Rake::Stx::SCM
+def checkout(repo_name, directory, *params)
+  # repository should be symbolic name
+  repo = Rake::Stx::Configuration::Repository::find(repo_name)
+  if not repo then
+      error("checkout(): No repository found (#{repo_name})")
+  end
+  if params.last.is_a? Hash 
+    params.last[:separator] = repo.separator
+  else
+    params << {:separator => repo.separator}
+  end    
+  Rake::Stx::SCM.checkout(repo.type, repo.url, directory, *params)  
+def update(repo_name, directory, *params)
+  # repository should be symbolic name
+  repo = Rake::Stx::Configuration::Repository::find(repo_name)
+  if not repo then  
+    error("update(): No repository found (#{repo_name})")
+  end  
+  Rake::Stx::SCM.update(repo.type, repo.url, directory, *params)
+def cvs(repository, directory, *params)
+  Rake::Stx::SCM.checkout(:cvs, repository, directory, *params)
+def svn(repository, directory, *params)
+  Rake::Stx::SCM.checkout(:svn, repository, directory, *params)
+def hg(repository, directory, *params)
+  Rake::Stx::SCM.checkout(:hg, repository, directory, *params)
+def git(repository, directory, *params)
+  Rake::Stx::SCM.checkout(:git, repository, directory, *params)