changeset 221 a0f64acd117d
parent 169 f9f519bb10b6
child 238 8d6be42520be
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/build.rb	Mon Mar 12 21:22:55 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+A help script to build a Smalltalk/X jv-branch (mainly) on a Jenkins CI. 
+If no TARGET is given, invokes target `jenkins:job`.
+require 'optparse'
+def run()
+  optparse = do | opts |
+    opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [TARGET1 [TARGET1 [...]]\n"
+    opts.on('-p', '--project PROJECT', "PROJECT to build. Overrides project specified by the environment variable.") do | value |
+      ENV['PROJECT'] = value
+      self.class.const_set('PROJECT', value)  
+    end
+    opts.on('-t', '--build-target BUILD_TARGET', "Target to build for in form of GNU target triplet (such as 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu'). Overrides build target specified by the environment variable.") do | value |
+      ENV['BUILD_TARGET'] = value
+      self.class.const_set('BUILD_TARGET', value)  
+    end
+    opts.on('-r', '--repository-set REPOSET', "Repository set to use. Overrides repository set specified by the environment variable.") do | value |
+      ENV['REPOSITORYSET'] = value
+      self.class.const_set('REPOSITORYSET', value)  
+    end    
+    opts.on(nil, '--help', "Prints this message") do
+      puts
+      exit 0
+    end
+  end
+  optparse.parse!
+  # Make sure a repository set is defined. make it an error if not. 
+  if not ENV['REPOSITORYSET'] then
+    puts "ERROR: Repository set not specified. "
+    puts "       Use --repository-set option or set REPOSITORYSET environment"
+    exit 126
+  end
+  # If run outside a Jenkins build environment (such as from a command line), 
+  # define some variables to make it look more like a proper  Jenkins build 
+  # environment. 
+  ENV['WORKSPACE'] ||= '.'
+  ENV['BUILD_NUMBER'] ||="%Y%m%d")
+  ENV['JOB_NAME'] ||= 'interactive'
+  # If no target is given, run target jenkins:job
+  if ARGV.size == 0 then
+    ARGV << 'jenkins:job'
+  end
+  # Wipe out `reports` directory. This is needed for two reasons: 
+  #
+  # 1) There's a bug in Cobertura plugin so it does not expand 
+  #    variables in .xml file pattern so the pattern cannot include
+  #    BUILD_NUMBER to tell reports for particular build. 
+  #    See
+  # 2) More importantly, when additional axis is used (such as JDK
+  #    or Mercurial version) then value of this axis is not reflected
+  #    in report filename. So again, all files, even those from previous
+  #    builds would be matches which is not what we want. 
+  # 
+  # A workaround is to wipe-out `reports` directory before each buld,
+  # so once this script finishes, all reports there are for this build.
+  # The downside is that we have to limit number of executors to 1,
+  reports_dir = File.join(ENV['WORKSPACE'], 'reports')
+  if File.exist? reports_dir then
+    require 'fileutils'    
+    FileUtils.rm_rf reports_dir
+  end
+  # When run under Jenkins, we do want to see full backtrace if something
+  # fails. 
+  ARGV << '--trace'
+  require 'rake'
+run if __FILE__ == $0