changeset 137 e665031cade7
parent 120 2c4e52c4c930
child 220 8faa459a7ee9
--- a/rakelib/scm.rb	Mon Mar 06 21:21:07 2017 +0000
+++ b/rakelib/scm.rb	Fri Aug 11 09:23:06 2017 +0200
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
 def which(cmd)
   exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : ['']
   ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path|
-    exts.each { |ext|
+    exts.each {|ext|
       exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}")
       return exe if File.executable?(exe) && !File.directory?(exe)
-  return nil
+  nil
 cvs_rsh_set = false
@@ -30,62 +30,53 @@
   # does not make extra methods (like `sh`) defined in `extensions.rb`
   # visible here. To workaround, define them here. Ugly...
   def sh(cmd, cwd: Dir.pwd, &block)
-    begin 
+    begin
       return RakeFileUtils::sh(cmd, cwd: cwd, &block)
-      return false      
+      return false
   # Make sure CVS_RSH environment variable is properly set. Prefer MSYS2 ssh.exe
   # over plink.exe. For details, see `hglib.rb`, method `sshconf()`  
-  def ensure_cvs_rsh_set()        
-    if @cvs_rsh_set then
-      return
-    end
+  def ensure_cvs_rsh_set
+    return if @cvs_rsh_set
     ssh = nil
-    ssh_configured = ENV['CVS_RSH']    
+    ssh_configured = ENV['CVS_RSH']
     ssh_in_path = which('ssh') ? true : false
     plink_in_path = which('plink') ? true : false
-    if Gem.win_platform? then                        
+    if Gem.win_platform?
       # If CVS_RSH is not set or is set to plink.exe, try to change to 
       # MSYS2 ssh.exe as it gives better performance on (fast) LANs.      
-      if /^.*[pP]link(\.exe)?"?\s*(-ssh)?\s*(-2)?$/ =~ ssh_configured then            
-        if ssh_in_path then
-          ssh = 'ssh'
-        else 
-          if (File.exist? "c:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\ssh.exe") then              
-            ssh = "\"c:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\ssh.exe\""
-          end
-        end
+      if /^.*[pP]link(\.exe)?"?\s*(-ssh)?\s*(-2)?$/ =~ ssh_configured
+        ssh_in_path ? (ssh = 'ssh') : (ssh = %q{"c:\msys64\usr\bin\ssh.exe"} if File.exist? %q{c:\msys64\usr\bin\ssh.exe})
         # Sigh, we should not tamper with SSH configuration wildly. User may have
         # her ssh and mercurial properly configured to use `plink.exe` and `pageant`.
         # If we just start using `ssh.exe` clone/pull might not work beause
         # `ssh.exe` cannot talk to `pageant`. So, if we don't find OpenSSH's 
         # style of agent, don't use `ssh.exe` event if available.
-        if ssh then
-          if ENV['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] then
+        if ssh
+          if ENV['SSH_AUTH_SOCK']
             # Good, OpenSSH agent running but still, be nice and  tell the 
             # user SSH configuration has been tampered wirh. 
             info("Setting CVS_RSH=\"#{ssh}\" for faster transfers")
-          else 
+          else
             # No agent, no fun. Be nice and give user a hit
             warn("Not using CVS_RSH=\"#{ssh}\" option because SSH agent is not running")
             warn("For faster CVS checkout over LAN, consider using ssh-agent or ssh-pageant (if you want to use PuTTY's pageant)")
             ssh = nil
-      end       
-    else                 
-      if not ssh_configured then
-        ssh = "ssh"
+    else
+      ssh = 'ssh' unless ssh_configured
-    if ssh then 
-      ENV['CVS_RSH'] = ssh
-    end
+    ENV['CVS_RSH'] = ssh if ssh
     cvs_rsh_set = true
@@ -97,18 +88,16 @@
   def self._check_type(type)
-    if (type != :cvs and type != :svn and type != :git and type != :hg)
-      raise CheckoutException.new("Unknown version control system type (#{type})")
-    end
+    raise CheckoutException.new("Unknown version control system type (#{type})") if type != :cvs and type != :svn and type != :git and type != :hg
   def self.update(repository, directory, **kwargs)
     type = repository.type
     url = repository.canonical
-    self._check_type(type)    
+    self._check_type(type)
     root = kwargs[:root] || BUILD_DIR
     branch = kwargs[:branch]
-    if branch == nil
+    if branch.nil?
       if type == :svn
         branch = 'trunk'
       elsif type == :hg
@@ -117,70 +106,75 @@
     wc = root / directory
-    if (! File.exist? wc)
+    unless File.exist? wc
       self.checkout(repository, directory, **kwargs)
     case type
-      when :svn    then _update_svn(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
-      when :cvs    then _update_cvs(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
-      when :git    then _update_git(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
-      when :hg     then _update_hg(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
+      when :svn
+        _update_svn(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
+      when :cvs
+        _update_cvs(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
+      when :git
+        _update_git(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
+      when :hg
+        _update_hg(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
+      else
+        error("Type #{type} not found")
   def self._update_hg(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
     wc = root / directory
     separator = kwargs[:separator] || '.'
-    revision =  kwargs[:revision] 
-    if directory != nil then      
-      url = "#{repository.canonical}/#{directory.gsub('/', separator)}"
-    end
+    revision = kwargs[:revision]
+    url = "#{repository.canonical}/#{directory.gsub('/', separator)}" unless directory.nil?
     hg = HG::Repository.new(wc)
       paths = hg.paths
-      if repository.staging then
-        if not paths.has_key? 'staging'           
+      if repository.staging
+        unless paths.has_key? 'staging'
           paths['staging'] = "#{repository.staging}/#{directory.gsub('/', separator)}"
           hg.paths = paths
-      if repository.upstream then        
-        if not paths.has_key? 'upstream'           
+      if repository.upstream
+        unless paths.has_key? 'upstream'
           paths['upstream'] = "#{repository.upstream}/#{directory.gsub('/', separator)}"
           hg.paths = paths
-      if not paths.has_key? 'canonical'
+      unless paths.has_key? 'canonical'
         paths['canonical'] = "#{repository.canonical}/#{directory.gsub('/', separator)}"
         hg.paths = paths
       # If revision is not specified, then look for an active bookmark
       # and update to it. If no bookmark is active, then look for bookmark
-      # `master`. If it exist, then update to `master`. If it 
+      # `master`. If it exist, then update to `master`. If it
       # does not, then update to tip or throw an error.
       # The error is thrown if there's no bookmark `master` and
-      # branch has multiple heads since it's not clear which 
+      # branch has multiple heads since it's not clear which
       # head rev to use.
-      if not revision then
-        revision = hg.bookmark()
-        if not revision then
+      unless revision
+        revision = hg.bookmark
+        unless revision
           bookmarks = hg.bookmarks(branch)
-          if (bookmarks.has_key? 'master') then
+          if bookmarks.has_key? 'master'
             revision = 'master'
-            if (hg.heads(branch).size > 1) then
-              raise CheckoutException.new("HG: Cannot checkout #{directory}: branch #{branch} has multiple heads but no bookmark named 'master'!")
-            end            
-          end          
+            if hg.heads(branch).size > 1
+              raise CheckoutException.new("HG: Cannot checkout #{directory}: directory. The ->#{branch}<- branch has multiple heads but no bookmark named 'master'! (All other branches are ignored)")
+            end
+          end
       hg.update(revision || branch)
-    rescue Exception => ex 
+    rescue Exception => ex
       raise CheckoutException.new("HG: Cannot update #{wc}: #{ex.message}")
@@ -188,33 +182,27 @@
   def self._update_svn(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
     wc = root / directory
-    if not sh %W{svn --non-interactive --trust-server-cert update}, cwd: wc
-      raise CheckoutException.new("SVN: Cannot update #{wc}")
-    end
+    raise CheckoutException.new("SVN: Cannot update #{wc}") unless (sh %W{svn --non-interactive --trust-server-cert update}, cwd: wc)
   def self._update_cvs(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
-    ensure_cvs_rsh_set()
+    ensure_cvs_rsh_set
     wc = root / directory
     if File.directory? wc
-      if not sh %W{cvs -z 9 update -A -d}, cwd: wc
-        raise CheckoutException.new("CVS: Cannot update #{wc}")
-      end
+      raise CheckoutException.new("CVS: Cannot update #{wc}") unless (sh %W{cvs -z 9 update -A -d}, cwd: wc)
-      if not sh %W{cvs -z 9 update -A #{File.basename(wc)}}, cwd: File.dirname(wc)
-        raise CheckoutException.new("CVS: Cannot update #{wc}")
-      end
+      raise CheckoutException.new("CVS: Cannot update #{wc}") unless (sh %W{cvs -z 9 update -A #{File.basename(wc)}}, cwd: File.dirname(wc))
-  def self.checkout(repository, directory, **kwargs)    
+  def self.checkout(repository, directory, **kwargs)
     type = repository.type
     url = repository.canonical
     root = kwargs[:root] || BUILD_DIR
     branch = kwargs[:branch]
-    if branch == nil
+    if branch.nil?
       if type == :svn
         branch = 'trunk'
       elsif type == :hg
@@ -223,12 +211,13 @@
     wc = root / directory
-    if (File.exist? wc)
+    if File.exist? wc
       self.update(repository, directory, **kwargs)
-    if (not File.exists? File.dirname(wc))
+    unless File.exists? File.dirname(wc)
       rescue => ex
@@ -236,114 +225,113 @@
     case type
-      when :svn    then _checkout_svn(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
-      when :cvs    then _checkout_cvs(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
-      when :git    then _checkout_git(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
-      when :hg     then _checkout_hg(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)      
+      when :svn
+        _checkout_svn(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
+      when :cvs
+        _checkout_cvs(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
+      when :git
+        _checkout_git(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
+      when :hg
+        _checkout_hg(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
+      else
+        error("Type #{type} not found")
-  def self._checkout_svn(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)    
+  def self._checkout_svn(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
     url = "#{repository.canonical}/#{directory}/#{branch}"
-    if not sh %W{svn --non-interactive --trust-server-cert co #{url} #{directory}}, cwd: root
-      raise CheckoutException.new("SVN: Cannot checkout from #{url}")
-    end
+    raise CheckoutException.new("SVN: Cannot checkout from #{url}") unless (sh %W{svn --non-interactive --trust-server-cert co #{url} #{directory}}, cwd: root)
-  def self._checkout_hg(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)    
+  def self._checkout_hg(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
     separator = kwargs[:separator] || '.'
-    revision =  kwargs[:revision] 
+    revision = kwargs[:revision]
     paths = {}
-    if repository.canonical then
+    if repository.canonical
       paths['canonical'] = "#{repository.canonical}/#{directory.gsub('/', separator)}"
       raise Exception.new("Repository named #{repository.name} does not define mandatory canonical repository URL")
-    if repository.upstream then
+    if repository.upstream
       paths['upstream'] = "#{repository.upstream}/#{directory.gsub('/', separator)}"
-    if repository.staging then
+    if repository.staging
       paths['staging'] = "#{repository.staging}/#{directory.gsub('/', separator)}"
     paths['default'] = paths['staging'] || paths['upstream'] || paths['canonical']
-      hg = HG::Repository.init(root / directory)      
-      # Configure path aliases. 
-      # 
-      # Set the repository as non-publishing, This way when cloning from a staging 
-      # repo changes in draft phase would remain drafs. This is  essential to 
+      hg = HG::Repository.init(root / directory)
+      # Configure path aliases.
+      #
+      # Set the repository as non-publishing, This way when cloning from a staging
+      # repo changes in draft phase would remain drafs. This is  essential to
       # employ evolve extension and being able to fix & evolve changes in clones
       # (on a CI server, for instance) and being able to push back without need to
-      # fiddle around phases. 
-      # 
+      # fiddle around phases.
+      #
       # The downside is that we cannot do an `uncompressed` pull. This is the price
-      # we have to pay. 
+      # we have to pay.
-        phases: { 'publish' => 'false' },
-        paths:  paths
+          phases: {'publish' => 'false'},
+          paths: paths
       hg.pull('staging') if repository.staging
       hg.pull('upstream') if repository.upstream
-      hg.pull('canonical') if repository.canonical      
+      hg.pull('canonical') if repository.canonical
       # If revision is not specified, then look for bookmark
-      # `master`. If it exist, then check out `master`. If it 
+      # `master`. If it exist, then check out `master`. If it
       # does not, then checkout tip or throw an error.
       # The error is thrown if there's no bookmark `master` and
-      # branch has multiple heads since it's not clear which 
+      # branch has multiple heads since it's not clear which
       # head rev to use.
-      if not revision then
+      unless revision
         bookmarks = hg.bookmarks(branch)
-        if (bookmarks.has_key? 'master') then
+        if bookmarks.has_key? 'master'
           revision = 'master'
-          if (hg.heads(branch).size > 1) then
+          if hg.heads(branch).size > 1
             raise CheckoutException.new("HG: Cannot checkout #{directory}: branch #{branch} has multiple heads but no bookmark named 'master'!")
-          end            
-        end          
+          end
+        end
       hg.update(revision || branch)
-    #rescue Exception => e
-    #  raise CheckoutException.new("HG: Cannot clone from #{url}: #{e.message}")
+      #rescue Exception => e
+      #  raise CheckoutException.new("HG: Cannot clone from #{url}: #{e.message}")
-  def self._checkout_cvs(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)    
-    revision =  kwargs[:revision] || nil
+  def self._checkout_cvs(repository, directory, branch, root, **kwargs)
+    revision = kwargs[:revision] || nil
     revision_arg = ''
-    if revision then
-      if not revision.match(/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/) 
-        raise Exception.new("CVS only support date spec as revision: option (YYYY-MM-DD)")
-      end
+    if revision
+      raise Exception.new('CVS only support date spec as revision: option (YYYY-MM-DD)') unless revision.match(/^\d{4}-([0]\d|[1][012])-([012]\d|[3][01])$/)
       revision_arg = " -D #{revision}"
-    ensure_cvs_rsh_set()
-    if not sh "cvs -z 9 -d #{repository.canonical} co #{revision_arg} #{directory}", cwd: root
+    ensure_cvs_rsh_set
+    unless sh "cvs -z 9 -d #{repository.canonical} co #{revision_arg} #{directory}", cwd: root
       raise CheckoutException.new("CVS: Cannot checkout #{directory}from #{repository.url}")
 end # module Rake::Stx::SCM
 def checkout(repo_name, directory, **kwargs)
   # repository should be symbolic name
   repo = Rake::Stx::Configuration::Repository::find(repo_name)
-  if not repo then
-      error("checkout(): No repository found (#{repo_name})")
-  end  
+  error("checkout: No repository found (#{repo_name})") unless repo
   kwargs[:separator] = repo.separator
-  Rake::Stx::SCM.checkout(repo, directory, **kwargs)  
+  Rake::Stx::SCM.checkout(repo, directory, **kwargs)
 def update(repo_name, directory, **kwargs)
   # repository should be symbolic name
   repo = Rake::Stx::Configuration::Repository::find(repo_name)
-  if not repo then  
-    error("update(): No repository found (#{repo_name})")
-  end  
+  error("update: No repository found (#{repo_name})") unless repo
   kwargs[:separator] = repo.separator
   Rake::Stx::SCM.update(repo, directory, **kwargs)