changeset 0 f46260ba26b1
child 7 b6fe3a90f6e0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rakelib/test.rake	Sun May 22 00:32:07 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+desc "Run tests"
+task :'test' => :'test:all'
+desc "Run tests (alias for target test)"
+task :'tests' => :'test'
+task :'setup:tasks' => :'setup:tasks:test'
+def run_report(app, packages, report, global_opts = '', report_opts = '')
+  #run_report_st = BUILD_DIR / 'stx' / 'goodies' / 'builder' / 'reports' / 'report-runner-old.st'
+  run_report_st = BUILD_DIR / 'stx' / 'goodies' / 'builder' / 'reports' / 'report-runner.st'
+  coveragerportformat_dot_st = BUILD_DIR / 'stx' / 'goodies' / 'builder' / 'reports' / 'Builder__CoverageReportFormat.st'
+  report_dir = File.expand_path(REPORT_DIR)
+  if app
+    exe_dir = BUILD_DIR / app.directory
+    if win32?
+      exe = "#{app.executable}.com"
+    else
+      exe = "./#{app.executable}"
+    end
+  else
+    exe_dir = BUILD_DIR / 'stx' / 'projects' / 'smalltalk'
+    if win32?
+      exe = "stx.com"
+    else
+      exe = "./stx"
+    end
+  end
+  chdir exe_dir do
+    packages_args = ''
+    packages.each { | p | packages_args += " -p #{p}" }
+    if File.exist?(coveragerportformat_dot_st)
+        runner_opts = "-abortOnSEGV -I --execute #{run_report_st}"
+    else
+        runner_opts = "-I -f #{run_report_st}"
+    end
+    #sh "#{exe} -I --quick -execue f #{run_report_st} -o #{report_dir} -r #{report} -p #{pkg.name}"
+    sh "#{exe} #{runner_opts} #{global_opts} -D #{report_dir} -r #{report} #{report_opts} #{packages_args}"
+  end
+task :'setup:tasks:test' do
+  app = project.application
+  packages = []
+  project.packages.each do | pkg |
+    if pkg.test
+      task "test:package:#{pkg.name}" => [ 'stx:goodies/builder/reports', REPORT_DIR ] do
+        if pkg.coverage
+          run_report(app, [ pkg.name ], 'Builder::TestReport',  '', '--coverage')
+        else
+          run_report(app, [ pkg.name ], 'Builder::TestReport')
+	end
+      end
+      task :'test:packages' => "test:package:#{pkg.name}"
+    end
+    if pkg.lint
+      task "lint:package:#{pkg.name}" => [ 'stx:goodies/builder/reports', REPORT_DIR ]  do
+	#puts "LINT DISABLED (because of some bug in recent SmallLint - runs out of memory)"
+	run_report(app, [ pkg.name ], 'Builder::LintReport')
+      end
+      task :'lint:packages' => "lint:package:#{pkg.name}"
+    end
+  end
+task :'setup:tasks' => :'setup:tasks:test'
+task :'test:setup' => :'setup'
+task :'lint:setup' => :'setup'
+namespace :'test' do
+  task :'all' => [ :'setup', :'pre', :'main', :'post' ]
+  task :'pre'
+  task :'post'
+  directory REPORT_DIR
+  task :'setup'
+  task :'main' => [:'setup', :'packages' ]
+  task :'packages'
+desc "Run static analysis on the code (SmallLint)"
+task :'lint' => :'lint:all'
+namespace :'lint' do
+  task :'all' => [ :'setup', :'pre', :'main', :'post' ]
+  task :'pre'
+  task :'post'
+  directory REPORT_DIR
+  task :'setup'
+  task :'main' => [:'setup', :'packages' ]
+  task :'packages'
+task BUILD_DIR / 'stx' / 'goodies' / 'builder' / 'reports'  => BUILD_DIR do
+  if File.exist?(BUILD_DIR / 'stx' / 'goodies' / 'builder' / 'reports')
+    update(:'swing:hg', 'stx/goodies/builder', :branch => 'jv')
+  else
+    checkout(:'swing:hg', 'stx/goodies/builder', :branch => 'jv')
+  end
+#task :'compile:post' => [ :'stx:builder/hudson', :'test' ]
+task 'stx:goodies/builder/reports' => [ BUILD_DIR / 'stx' / 'goodies' / 'builder' / 'reports',
+					:'compile:config' ] do
+  chdir BUILD_DIR / 'stx' / 'goodies' / 'sunit' do
+    make
+  end
+  chdir BUILD_DIR / 'stx' / 'goodies' / 'builder' / 'reports' do
+    if (unix? and File.exist?("Makefile.init"))
+      make "-f" "Makefile.init"
+    else
+      make
+    end
+  end