author Jan Vrany <>
Tue, 23 Jun 2020 12:16:02 +0100
changeset 294 0f3980335d2b
parent 36 2d53d5e44347
permissions -rw-r--r--
CI: do not archive (and publish) i686 versions any more 32bit Intel is phasing out already - Microsoft is dropping i686 Windows 10, many Linux distros are dropping i686 architecture too. We still build and test 32bit versions, but no longer archive it nor publish it to save space and bandwidth. We might make it available again upon request.

# Smalltalk/X jv-branch build tool

This tools allows anyone to rebuild [Smalltalk/X jv-branch][1] from (almost) scratch. It fetches sources
from various repositories, put them together and compile the whole thing. For those without an access to
**stc** and **librun** sources, it automatically downloads latest pre-build versions from [SWING CI server][2].

## A quick quide for the impatient

In shell, execute:
    hg clone stx-jv
    cd stx-jv

Go out for a short or long walk, depending on your internet connection and CPU power. Once `rake` finishes, you have compiled [Smalltalk/X jv-branch][1]yourself. Have fun!

## Usage

For more details on usage please see [wiki][3].

## Disclaimer

The internals of these build scripts are mess...emh...convoluted. A lot of hacks accumulated over years.
We aim to clean that up, if time allows. For now, it does its job. 

## Contributing

Anyone wishing to help is welcomed! If you encounter a problem. please 
fill in a report to [Smalltalk/X jv-branch bug tracker][4]. 

To contribute,  either

* fork the [repository on BitBucket][5] and [send a pull request][6]. 
* send a patch to [][7].

## License

Copyright (c) 2010-now Jan Vrany <jan.vrany (a)>

This software is licensed under "MIT license". You may find a full license text in `LICENSE.txt`.
