author Jan Vrany <>
Tue, 23 Jun 2020 12:16:02 +0100
changeset 294 0f3980335d2b
parent 283 e6e50f9b9987
child 295 a04034567c92
permissions -rw-r--r--
CI: do not archive (and publish) i686 versions any more 32bit Intel is phasing out already - Microsoft is dropping i686 Windows 10, many Linux distros are dropping i686 architecture too. We still build and test 32bit versions, but no longer archive it nor publish it to save space and bandwidth. We might make it available again upon request.

 * Jenkins Pipeline definitions for Smalltalk/X jv-branch
 * Following stepss are defined here:
 *  * `build()` - compiles and tests all supported configurations
 *    No artifacts are archived
 *  * `integration()` - like `build()` steps, then all test pass on all
 *    configurations, archive artifacts and push staged changes to opstream
 *    (if approvec by the user)

import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider;
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardUsernameCredentials;
import com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.SSHUserPrivateKey;

 * Supported configurations. To overwrite, do:
 *     ...
 *     steps = load "steps.groovy"
 *     ...
 *     steps.configurations = [ 'BUILD_TARGET': 'mips-sgi-irix' ]
 *     ...
 * Default value: see below.
configurations = [
    'BUILD_TARGET': ['i686-pc-mingw32' , 'x86_64-w64-mingw32', 'i686-pc-linux-gnu', 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' ]

/** Branch to build. To overwrite do:
 *     ...
 *     steps = load "steps.groovy"
 *     ...
 *     steps.branch = "issue-123"
 *     ...
 * Default value:
 * For multibranch jobs, this is the value of BRANCH_NAME environment variable.
 * For normal jobs this is the value of 'Branch' field from SCM configuration.
 * Due to Jenkins internals, the fallback to use SCM configuration must be done
 * by 'user' of this variable (i.e., use `branch != null ? branch : scm.getBranch())
branch = env.BRANCH_NAME

 * Workspace to use. To overwrite do:
 *     ...
 *     steps = load "steps.groovy"
 *     ...
 *     steps.workspace = "some-other-job"
 *     ...
 * Default value:
 * Name of current job.
workspace = env.JOB_NAME

 * "Default" steps:
def build() {
    stage ( "Build" ) {
        matrix ( configurations ) {
            stage ( "Checkout - {${env.BUILD_TARGET}} " ) {
                sshagent([ scm.getCredentialsId() ]) {
                    branch_to_use = branch != null ? branch : scm.getBranch()
                    sh  """
                        if [ -f build.rb ]; then
                            hg pull --ssh ssh ${scm.getSource()}
                            hg clone --ssh ssh ${scm.getSource()} .
                        hg up ${branch_to_use}
                    sh  "ruby build.rb --project \"stx:jv-branch\" --build-target ${env.BUILD_TARGET} update"

            stage ( "Compile - {${env.BUILD_TARGET}}") {
                sh "ruby build.rb --project \"stx:jv-branch\" --build-target ${env.BUILD_TARGET} compile"

    stage ( "Test" ) {
        matrix ( configurations ) {
            stage ( "Test - {${env.BUILD_TARGET}}") {
                 * Some tests requires display, so:
                 *  * on *NIX hosts, launch Xvfb
                 *  * on Windows, do nothing. Windows slave must be configured
                 *    so it has an access to interactive window station (which
                 *    means it has to run under user session, not as a service)
                if ( isUnix() ) {
                    wrap([$class: 'Xvfb', autoDisplayName: true, additionalOptions: '-screen 0 1024x768x24 -pixdepths 24 4 8 15 16 32', parallelBuild: true]) {
                        sh "ruby build.rb --project \"stx:jv-branch\" --build-target ${env.BUILD_TARGET} test"
                } else {
                    sh "ruby build.rb --project \"stx:jv-branch\" --build-target ${env.BUILD_TARGET} test"
                junit allowEmptyResults: true, testResults: "reports/*build${env.BUILD_NUMBER}*.xml"

 * "Integration" steps
def integration() {
     * If a single test fails, abort the steps. There's no point
     * archiving a broken build.
    println "Smalltalk/X built, job status is: ${currentBuild.result}"
    if ( currentBuild.result == 'UNSTABLE' ) {

     * Check if there are changes to be pushed to upstream. If so,
     * ask user to approve that push
    if ( changes() ) {
        def integrate = false;

        if (env.JENKINS_URL == "") {
            integrate = true;
        } else {
            integrate = input(message: 'Integrate all staged changes to upstream?',
                              parameters: [
                                    booleanParam(name: "Integrate changes",
                                         description: 'If checked, all staged changes will be pushed to an upstream repository',
                                         defaultValue: true)]);
        if ( integrate ) {


 * Publish built artifacts to download server
def publish(dir = "private-builds") {
    Calendar current = Calendar.getInstance()
    Calendar scheduled = current.clone()

     * Schedule the upload to the next day, 3am in the morning
    scheduled.add(Calendar.DATE, 1)
    scheduled.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 3)

    build(job:        'stx_jv_publish',
          parameters: [
                        string(name: 'job', value: env.JOB_NAME),
                        string(name: 'bld', value: env.BUILD_NUMBER),
                        string(name: 'srv', value: env.STX_PUBLISH_SERVER),
                        string(name: 'dir', value: "${env.STX_PUBLISH_DIRECTORY}/${dir}")
          quietPeriod: (scheduled.getTimeInMillis() - current.getTimeInMillis()) / 1000,
          wait: false)

 * Utility. Return true, if there are any changes to be pushed to an upstream,
 * false othervise.
def changes() {
    changes = false;
    any ( configurations ) {
        withCredentialsForUpstream() { user, pass ->
            status = sh ( script: "rake \"workflow:out-upstream[${user}, ${pass}]\"", returnStatus: true)
        changes = status == 0;
    return changes;

def combine(configurations, axes = null, axis = 0, partial = new HashMap(), combinations = []) {
    def axes0 = axes
    if (axes0 == null) {
        axes0 = configurations.keySet().toArray();
    if ( axis < axes0.length ) {
        for ( value in configurations[axes0[axis]] ) {
            def combined = partial.clone()
            combined[axes0[axis]] = value
            combine(configurations, axes0, axis + 1, combined, combinations)
    } else {
    return combinations;

def matrix(configurations, block) {
    def combinations = combine(configurations).toArray()
    def branches = [failFast: true]
    for (i = 0; i < combinations.length; i++) {
        def index = i
        def conf = combinations[i];
        branches["${conf.BUILD_TARGET}"] = {
            node ( conf.BUILD_TARGET ) {
                def newEnv = []
                for (k in conf.keySet()) {
                withEnv ( newEnv ) {
                    ws ("workspace/${workspace}/${env.BUILD_TARGET}") {
    parallel branches

def any(configurations, block) {
    def axes = configurations.keySet().toArray()
    def conf = [:]
    for (axis in axes) {
        conf[axis] = configurations[axis][0]
    node ( conf.BUILD_TARGET ) {
        def newEnv = []
        for (k in conf.keySet()) {
        withEnv ( newEnv ) {
            ws ("workspace/${workspace}/${env.BUILD_TARGET}") {

def artifacts() {
    matrix ( configurations ) {
        stage ( "Artifacts - {${env.BUILD_TARGET}}") {
            if (env.BUILD_TARGET != 'i686-pc-mingw32' && env.BUILD_TARGET != 'i686-pc-linux-gnu') {
                sh "ruby build.rb --project \"stx:jv-branch\" --build-target ${env.BUILD_TARGET} artifacts"
                archiveArtifacts artifacts: "artifacts/*build${env.BUILD_NUMBER}*.zip, artifacts/*build${env.BUILD_NUMBER}*.bz2, artifacts/*build${env.BUILD_NUMBER}*.sha256", fingerprint: true//, onlyIfSuccessful: true
            } else {
                echo "Artifacts for ${env.BUILD_TARGET} are no longer archived. Use 64bit."

 * Push changes to upstream reporitory. To be called after a successful
 * build. See #build()
def push() {
    any ( configurations ) {
        stage ( "Push to upstream" ) {
            withCredentialsForUpstream { user, pass ->
                sh "rake \"workflow:push-upstream[${user}, ${pass}]\""

 * Utility. Executes given block with credentials for upstream repository.
def withCredentialsForUpstream(block) {
     * Kludge: Upstream repositories may be on a public BitBucket
     * server. To access repos on BitBucket, I (JV) don't
     * want to use the same key / password as for checkouts from
     * staging repositories,
     * Therefore, also look for another credentials with ID
     * `workflow:push-upstream`. If it exists, then use these to
     * push to upstrem repository. If no such credentials exist,
     * use standard credentials.
     * So, here we go:
    def id1 = "workflow-push-upstream";
    def id2 = scm.getCredentialsId();
    def credentials = null;

    for (StandardUsernameCredentials c : CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(StandardUsernameCredentials.class)) {
      if (c.getId().equals(id1)) {
        credentials = c;
    if (credentials == null) {
      for (StandardUsernameCredentials c : CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(StandardUsernameCredentials.class)) {
        if (c.getId().equals(id2)) {
          credentials = c;

    println "Using upstream credentials ${credentials.getId()}: ${credentials.getDescription()}"

    if (credentials instanceof SSHUserPrivateKey) {
        sshagent([ credentials.getId() ]) {
            // sh "rake \"workflow:push-upstream\""
            block(null, null)
    } else {
        withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: credentials.getId(), passwordVariable: 'pass', usernameVariable: 'user']]) {
            // sh "rake \"workflow:push-upstream[${user}, ${pass}]\""
            block(user, pass)

return this;