author Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>
Wed, 02 Nov 2016 22:00:20 +0000
changeset 69 23cdc822cfc5
child 70 8e73f248c6d4
child 84 c3ee903ac366
permissions -rw-r--r--
Initial support for Jenkins pipelines.

 * Jenkins Pipeline definitions for Smalltalk/X jv-branch
 * Following pipelines are defined here:
 *  * `build()` - compiles and tests all supported configurations
 *    No artifacts are archived
 *  * `integration()` - like `build()` pipeline, then all test pass on all
 *    configurations, archive artifacts and push staged changes to opstream.

 * Supported configurations
configurations = [
    'NODE': ['windows' , 'linux' ],
    'ARCH': ['i386', 'x86_64' ]

 * "Default" pipeline:
def build() {
    matrix ( configurations ) {
        stage ( "Checkout - {${env.NODE}-${env.ARCH}} " ) {
            checkout scm
            sshagent([ scm.getCredentialsId() ]) {
                sh  "ruby Jenkinsfile.rb --project \"stx:jv-branch\" --arch ${env.ARCH} --repository-set \"ci-jv\" update"

        stage ( "Compile - {${env.NODE}-${env.ARCH}}") {
            sh "ruby Jenkinsfile.rb --project \"stx:jv-branch\" compile"

        stage ( "Test - {${env.NODE}-${env.ARCH}}") {
            sh "ruby Jenkinsfile.rb --project \"stx:jv-branch\" test"
            junit allowEmptyResults: true, testResults: "reports/*build${env.BUILD_NUMBER}*.xml"

 * "Integration" pipeline
def integration() {
     * If a single test fails, abort the pipeline. There's no point
     * archiving a broken build.
    if (currentBuild.result == 'UNSTABLE') {

def combine(configurations, axes = null, axis = 0, partial = new HashMap(), combinations = []) {
    def axes0 = axes
    if (axes0 == null) {
        axes0 = configurations.keySet().toArray();
    if ( axis < axes0.length ) {
        for ( value in configurations[axes0[axis]] ) {
            def combined = partial.clone()
            combined[axes0[axis]] = value
            combine(configurations, axes0, axis + 1, combined, combinations)
    } else {
    return combinations;

def matrix(configurations, block) {
    def combinations = combine(configurations).toArray()
    def branches = [:]
    for (i = 0; i < combinations.length; i++) {
        def index = i
        def conf = combinations[i];
        branches["${conf.NODE}-${conf.ARCH}"] = {
            node ( conf.NODE ) {
                def newEnv = []
                for (k in conf.keySet()) {
                withEnv ( newEnv ) {
                    ws ("workspace/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.ARCH}") {
    parallel branches

def any(configurations, block) {
    def axes = configurations.keySet().toArray()
    def conf = [:]
    for (axis in axes) {
        conf[axis] = configurations[axis][0]
    node ( conf.NODE ) {
        def newEnv = []
        for (k in conf.keySet()) {
        withEnv ( newEnv ) {
            ws ("workspace/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.ARCH}") {

def artifacts() {
    matrix ( configurations ) {
        stage ( "Artifacts - {${env.NODE}-${env.ARCH}}") {
            sh "ruby Jenkinsfile.rb --project \"stx:jv-branch\" artifacts"
            archiveArtifacts artifacts: "artifacts/*build${env.BUILD_NUMBER}*.zip, artifacts/*build${env.BUILD_NUMBER}*.bz2, artifacts/*build${env.BUILD_NUMBER}*.sha256", fingerprint: true//, onlyIfSuccessful: true

def push_to_upstream() {
    any ( configurations ) {
        withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: '1c40eb8f-c7ff-4ef7-8fc8-96aa6310907c', passwordVariable: 'pass', usernameVariable: 'user']]) {
            sh "rake \"workflow:push-upstream[${user}, ${pass}]\""

 * A test pipeline. Does not build anything but usefull for
 * testing configuration and matrix() / any() functions
def test_pipeline() {
    matrix( configurations ) {
        echo "Testing matrix() ${env.NODE}, ${env.ARCH}"

    any ( configurations ) {
        echo "Testing any() ${env.NODE}, ${env.ARCH}"

return this;