author Jan Vrany <>
Wed, 04 Nov 2020 11:10:18 +0000
changeset 310 2cf08578aa5f
parent 246 687c4889e2e6
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Do not ship VDB as part of default build / toy archive The reason is that few people used it and those who did (or will) are those who may want to hack on it. To make this easier when using toy archive, we won't ship VDB in toy archive anymore and instead we'll document on how to install it in VDB's ``

A help script to build a Smalltalk/X jv-branch (mainly) on a Jenkins CI. 
If no TARGET is given, invokes target `jenkins:job`.

Some influential environment variables:

  BUILD_TARGET    target to build, can be also specified on a command line using 
                  --build-target option. 
  CC              C compiler command (only UNIX builds for now)
  CXX             C++ compiler command (only UNIX builds for now)


require 'optparse'

def run()
  optparse = do | opts |
    opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [TARGET1 [TARGET1 [...]]\n"
    opts.on('-p', '--project PROJECT', "PROJECT to build. Overrides project specified by the environment variable.") do | value |
      ENV['PROJECT'] = value
      self.class.const_set('PROJECT', value)  

    opts.on('-t', '--build-target BUILD_TARGET', "Target to build for in form of GNU target triplet (such as 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu'). Overrides build target specified by the environment variable.") do | value |
      ENV['BUILD_TARGET'] = value
      self.class.const_set('BUILD_TARGET', value)  

    opts.on(nil, '--help', "Prints this message") do
      exit 0


    # If run outside a Jenkins build environment (such as from a command line), 
  # define some variables to make it look more like a proper  Jenkins build 
  # environment. 
  ENV['WORKSPACE'] ||= '.'
  ENV['BUILD_NUMBER'] ||="%Y%m%d")
  ENV['JOB_NAME'] ||= 'interactive'

  # If no target is given, run target jenkins:job
  if ARGV.size == 0 then
    ARGV << 'jenkins:job'

  # Wipe out `reports` directory. This is needed for two reasons: 
  # 1) There's a bug in Cobertura plugin so it does not expand 
  #    variables in .xml file pattern so the pattern cannot include
  #    BUILD_NUMBER to tell reports for particular build. 
  #    See
  # 2) More importantly, when additional axis is used (such as JDK
  #    or Mercurial version) then value of this axis is not reflected
  #    in report filename. So again, all files, even those from previous
  #    builds would be matches which is not what we want. 
  # A workaround is to wipe-out `reports` directory before each buld,
  # so once this script finishes, all reports there are for this build.
  # The downside is that we have to limit number of executors to 1,
  reports_dir = File.join(ENV['WORKSPACE'], 'reports')
  if File.exist? reports_dir then
    require 'fileutils'    
    FileUtils.rm_rf reports_dir
  # When run under Jenkins, we do want to see full backtrace if something
  # fails. 
  ARGV << '--trace'

  require 'rake'

run if __FILE__ == $0