*** empty log message ***
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Thu, 28 Mar 2019 14:39:52 +0100
changeset 547 8846155dc785
parent 546 72e5307ece32
child 548 54b9fecb0bc9
*** empty log message ***
--- a/quickSelfTest/RunUnitTests.st	Thu Mar 28 14:06:01 2019 +0100
+++ b/quickSelfTest/RunUnitTests.st	Thu Mar 28 14:39:52 2019 +0100
@@ -121,51 +121,55 @@
 	(excludedUnitTestClassNames includes:eachClassName) ifTrue:[
 	    self logInfo:'exclude test "%1".' with:eachClassName.
 	] ifFalse:[
-	    (corruptedUnitTestClassNames includes:eachClassName) ifTrue:[
-		self logWarning:'test "%1" is marked as corrupted, please fix' with:eachClassName.
+	    (runTestCases notEmptyOrNil and:[(runTestCases includes:eachClassName) not]) ifTrue:[
+		self logInfo:'not selected: "%1".' with:eachClassName.
 	    ] ifFalse:[
-		(eachClassName notNil
-		and:[
-		    "/ skip non test class classes
-		    (#(
-			'stx_goodies_regression'
-		    ) includes:eachClassName) not
-		and:[
-		    forceTestCase isNil
-		    or:[forceTestCase = eachClassName
-		    or:[forceTestCase = ((eachClassName subStrings:'::') lastIfEmpty:nil)]]
-		]]) ifTrue:[
-		    eachClass := Smalltalk at:eachClassName.
+		(corruptedUnitTestClassNames includes:eachClassName) ifTrue:[
+		    self logWarning:'test "%1" is marked as corrupted, please fix' with:eachClassName.
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    (eachClassName notNil
+		    and:[
+			"/ skip non test class classes
+			(#(
+			    'stx_goodies_regression'
+			) includes:eachClassName) not
+		    and:[
+			forceTestCase isNil
+			or:[forceTestCase = eachClassName
+			or:[forceTestCase = ((eachClassName subStrings:'::') lastIfEmpty:nil)]]
+		    ]]) ifTrue:[
+			eachClass := Smalltalk at:eachClassName.
-		    useCompiledUnitTestClasses ifFalse:[
-			"here we want to test the jitter code
-			 therfore we file in, exit if the class is already present somwhow"
-			eachClass notNil ifTrue:[
-			    self logWarning:'test class "%1" was already present as stc-compiled class before file in.' with:eachClassName.
-			    Smalltalk isSmalltalkDevelopmentSystem ifFalse:[
-				Smalltalk exit:1.
+			useCompiledUnitTestClasses ifFalse:[
+			    "here we want to test the jitter code
+			     therfore we file in, exit if the class is already present somwhow"
+			    eachClass notNil ifTrue:[
+				self logWarning:'test class "%1" was already present as stc-compiled class before file in.' with:eachClassName.
+				Smalltalk isSmalltalkDevelopmentSystem ifFalse:[
+				    Smalltalk exit:1.
+				].
+			    eachClass := Smalltalk
+				fileInClass:eachClassName
+				package:'stx:goodies/regression'.
-			eachClass := Smalltalk
-			    fileInClass:eachClassName
-			    package:'stx:goodies/regression'.
-		    ].
-		    eachClass notNil ifTrue:[
-			(eachClass isTestCaseLike
-			and:[eachClass isAbstract not]) ifTrue:[
-			    self logInfo:'added test "%1".' with:eachClassName.
-			    unitTestSuite addTest:eachClass suite.
+			eachClass notNil ifTrue:[
+			    (eachClass isTestCaseLike
+			    and:[eachClass isAbstract not]) ifTrue:[
+				self logInfo:'added test "%1".' with:eachClassName.
+				unitTestSuite addTest:eachClass suite.
+			    ] ifFalse:[
+				self logInfo:'not a test "%1" (abstract or something else).'
+					with:eachClassName.
+			    ].
 			] ifFalse:[
-			    self logInfo:'not a test "%1" (abstract or something else).'
-				    with:eachClassName.
+			    self logWarning:'test class "%1" is not loaded.' with:eachClassName.
 		    ] ifFalse:[
-			self logWarning:'test class "%1" is not loaded.' with:eachClassName.
+			self logInfo:'skipped test "%1".' with:eachClassName.
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    self logInfo:'skipped test "%1".' with:eachClassName.
@@ -344,17 +348,23 @@
 !RunUnitTests class methodsFor:'logging'!
 log:aString type:aType
-    Transcript notNil ifTrue:[
-	Transcript showCR:'%1 [%2] : %3'
-		with:Timestamp now printString
+    |fmt msg|
+    fmt := '%1 RunUnitTests [%2]: %3'.
+    fmt := 'RunUnitTests [%2]: %3'.
+    msg := fmt
+		bindWith:Timestamp now printString
 		with:(aType printString asLowercase "paddedTo:'warning' size")
+    Transcript notNil ifTrue:[
+	Transcript showCR:msg.
 	^ self
-    Stderr showCR:'%1 [%2] : %3'
-	    with:Timestamp now printString
-	    with:(aType printString asLowercase paddedTo:'warning' size)
-	    with:aString.
+    Stderr notNil ifTrue:[
+	Stderr showCR:msg.
+    ].
     "Modified: / 26-03-2019 / 18:53:48 / Claus Gittinger"