changeset 1 9e312de5f694
child 2 7b5f1be6a996
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Sep 03 11:13:41 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/metacello' }"
+Magnitude subclass:#MetacelloVersionNumber
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Metacello-Core-Model'
+!MetacelloVersionNumber class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+fromString: aString
+	| new components |
+	components := OrderedCollection new.
+	(aString findTokens: '.') do: [:subString | | strs |
+		strs := subString findTokens: '-'.
+		"first subString token could be an integer"
+		components add: (self extractNumericComponent: strs first).
+		strs size > 1
+			ifTrue: [
+				"remaining are uncoditionally Strings, because of leading $-"
+				components addAll: strs allButFirst ]].
+	new := self new: components size.
+	1 to: components size do: [:i | new at: i put: (components at: i) ].
+	^new
+! !
+!MetacelloVersionNumber class methodsFor:'private'!
+extractNumericComponent: subString
+	"$. separated components are integers"
+	| number |
+	number := [subString asNumber] 
+						on: Error 
+						do: [:ex | ex return: subString ].
+	^number asString = subString
+		ifTrue: [ number ]
+		ifFalse: [ subString ]
+! !
+!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'accessing'!
+	| base |
+	base := self copyFrom: 1 to: self size - 1.
+	base at: base size put: (base at: base size) + 1.
+	^base
+	| strm |
+	strm := WriteStream on: String new.
+	self printOn: strm.
+	^strm contents
+! !
+!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'comparing'!
+< aMetacelloVersionNumber
+	| condensed aCondensed |
+	aMetacelloVersionNumber species = self species
+		ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
+	condensed := self collapseZeros.
+	aCondensed := aMetacelloVersionNumber collapseZeros.
+	(condensed ~~ self or: [ aCondensed ~~ aMetacelloVersionNumber ])
+		ifTrue: [ ^ condensed compareLessThan: aCondensed ].
+	^ self compareLessThan: aMetacelloVersionNumber
+= aMetacelloVersionNumber
+	| condensed aCondensed |
+	aMetacelloVersionNumber species = self species
+		ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
+	condensed := self collapseZeros.
+	aCondensed := aMetacelloVersionNumber collapseZeros.
+	(condensed ~~ self or: [ aCondensed ~~ aMetacelloVersionNumber ])
+		ifTrue: [ ^ condensed compareEqualTo: aCondensed ].
+	^ self compareEqualTo: aMetacelloVersionNumber
+"Returns a numeric hash key for the receiver."
+| mySize interval hashValue |
+(mySize := self size) == 0
+  ifTrue: [ ^15243 ].
+"Choose an interval so that we sample at most 5 elements of the receiver"
+interval := ((mySize - 1) // 4) max: 1.
+hashValue := 4459.
+1 to: mySize by: interval do: [ :i | | anElement |
+  anElement := self at: i.
+  (anElement isKindOf: SequenceableCollection)
+    ifTrue: [
+      hashValue := (hashValue bitShift: -1) bitXor: anElement size.
+      ]
+    ifFalse: [
+      hashValue := (hashValue bitShift: -1) bitXor: anElement hash.
+      ].
+  ].
+^ hashValue abs
+match: aVersionPattern
+	"Answer whether the version number of the receiver matches the given pattern string.
+	 A Metacello version number is made up of version sequences delimited by the characters $. and $-.
+	 The $. introduces a numeric version sequence and $- introduces an alphanumeric version sequence.
+	 A version pattern is made up of version pattern match sequences. also delimited by the characters $. 
+	 and $-.. Each pattern match sequence is tested against the corresponding version sequence of the 
+	 receiver, using the 'standard' pattern matching rules. All sequences must answer true for a match.
+	 The special pattern sequence '?' is a match for the corresponding version sequence and all subsequent 
+	 version sequences. '?' as the version pattern matches all versions. No more version pattern 
+	 sequences are permitted once the '?' sequence is used. If used, it is the last version pattern
+	 sequence. "
+	| patternVersion mySize patternSize |
+	patternVersion := aVersionPattern asMetacelloVersionNumber.
+	mySize := self size.
+	patternSize := patternVersion size.
+	mySize = patternSize 
+		ifFalse: [ 
+			mySize < patternSize ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+			(patternVersion at: patternSize) ~= '?' ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+			mySize := patternSize ].
+	1 to: mySize do: [:i | | pattern |
+		pattern := (patternVersion at: i) asString.
+		pattern = '?'
+			ifTrue: [i = mySize ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'Invalid version match pattern: ', aVersionPattern printString ]]
+			ifFalse: [ (pattern match: (self at: i) asString)  ifFalse: [ ^false ]]].
+	^true
+  '1.1.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '*.*.*'. -> true
+  '1.1.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '*.#.*'. -> true
+  '1.10.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '*.#.*'. -> false
+  '1.1.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '*.*'. -> false
+  '1.1.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '*.?'. -> true
+  '1.0' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '1.?'. -> true
+  '2.0' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '1.?'. -> false
+  '1.1.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '?'. -> true
+  '1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '*.?'. -> false
+  '1-alpha5.0' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '1-alpha*.?'. -> true
+  '1-alpha15.0.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '1-alpha*.?'. -> true
+  '1.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '?.?'. -> ERROR: invalid version match pattern
+~> aMetacelloVersionNumber
+	aMetacelloVersionNumber size == 1 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+	^self >= aMetacelloVersionNumber and: [ self < aMetacelloVersionNumber approximateBase ]
+! !
+!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'converting'!
+	^self
+! !
+!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'copying'!
+copyFrom: start to: stop 
+	"Answer a copy of a subset of the receiver, starting from element at 
+	index start until element at index stop."
+	| newSize new j |
+	newSize := stop - start + 1.
+	new := self species new: newSize.
+	j := 0.
+	start to: stop do: [:i |
+		new at: j + 1 put: (self at: i).
+		j := j + 1 ].
+	^new
+! !
+!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'enumerating'!
+do: aBlock 
+	"Refer to the comment in Collection|do:."
+	1 to: self size do:
+		[:index | aBlock value: (self at: index)]
+do: elementBlock separatedBy: separatorBlock
+	"Evaluate the elementBlock for all elements in the receiver,
+	and evaluate the separatorBlock between."
+	| beforeFirst | 
+	beforeFirst := true.
+	self do:
+		[:each |
+		beforeFirst
+			ifTrue: [beforeFirst := false]
+			ifFalse: [separatorBlock value].
+		elementBlock value: each]
+! !
+!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'operations'!
+	| int |
+	self size to: 1 by: -1 do: [ :index | 
+		(int := self at: index) isString
+			ifFalse: [ 
+				int > 0
+					ifTrue: [ self at: index put: int - 1 ].
+				^ self ] ]
+	| int |
+	self size to: 1 by: -1 do: [:index | 
+		(int := self at: index) isString 
+			ifFalse: [ 
+				self at: index put: int + 1.
+				^self ]].
+! !
+!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'printing'!
+	"Answer a string that represents the receiver."
+	^ self printString
+printOn: aStream
+	| beforeFirst | 
+	beforeFirst := true.
+	self do:
+		[:each |
+		beforeFirst
+			ifTrue: [beforeFirst := false]
+			ifFalse: [
+				each isString
+					ifTrue: [ aStream nextPut: $- ]
+					ifFalse: [ aStream nextPut: $. ] ].
+		aStream nextPutAll: each asString ]
+! !
+!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'private'!
+	"the rule must be that zeros can be collapsed as long as the series of zeros ends in a string term"
+	| collection newSize new j lastElementIsStringOrZero canCollapse |
+	(self size = 0 or: [ self at: 1 ]) == 0
+		ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
+	collection := OrderedCollection new.
+	lastElementIsStringOrZero := true.
+	canCollapse := true.
+	self size to: 1 by: -1 do: [ :i | 
+		| element |
+		element := self at: i.
+		(canCollapse and: [ element == 0 ])
+			ifTrue: [ 
+				lastElementIsStringOrZero
+					ifFalse: [ 
+						canCollapse := false.
+						collection addFirst: element.]]
+			ifFalse: [ 
+				collection addFirst: element.
+				canCollapse := lastElementIsStringOrZero := element isString ] ].
+	collection size = self size
+		ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
+	newSize := collection size.
+	new := self species new: newSize.
+	j := 0.
+	collection
+		do: [ :element | 
+			new at: j + 1 put: element.
+			j := j + 1 ].
+	^ new
+compareEqualTo: aMetacelloVersionNumber
+	| mySize |
+	aMetacelloVersionNumber species = self species ifFalse: [ ^false ].
+	mySize := self size.
+	mySize = aMetacelloVersionNumber size 
+		ifFalse: [ ^false ].
+	1 to: mySize do: [:i |
+		(self at: i) = (aMetacelloVersionNumber at: i) ifFalse: [ ^false ]].
+	^true
+compareLessThan: aMetacelloVersionNumber
+	| mySize aSize commonSize count more |
+	mySize := self size.
+	aSize := aMetacelloVersionNumber size.
+	commonSize :=  mySize min: aSize.
+	count := 0.
+	more := true.
+	[ more and: [ count < commonSize ]] whileTrue: [
+		(self at: count + 1) = (aMetacelloVersionNumber at: count + 1)
+			ifTrue: [ count := count + 1 ]
+			ifFalse: [ more := false ]].
+	count < commonSize
+		ifTrue: [ 
+			^(self at: count + 1) 
+				metacelloVersionComponentLessThan: (aMetacelloVersionNumber at: count + 1) ].
+	mySize < aSize
+		ifTrue: [ 
+			mySize = 0 ifTrue: [ ^true ].
+			"if the versions at commonSize are equal and the next version slot in aMetacelloVersionNumber 
+			 is a string, then it's considered that I'm > aMetacelloVersionNumber
+			 (i.e., '2.9.9' is greater than '2.9.9-alpha.2')"
+			(self at: commonSize) = (aMetacelloVersionNumber at: commonSize)
+				ifFalse: [ ^true ]. 
+			^(aMetacelloVersionNumber at: commonSize+1) isString not]
+		ifFalse: [ 
+			mySize = aSize ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+			aSize <= 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+			"if the versions at commonSize are equal and the next version slot is a string, 
+			 then it's considered that I'm < aMetacelloVersionNumber
+			 (i.e., '2.9.9-alpha.2' is less than '2.9.9')"
+			(self at: commonSize) = (aMetacelloVersionNumber at: commonSize)
+				ifFalse: [ ^false ].
+			 ^(self at: commonSize+1) isString]
+! !
+!MetacelloVersionNumber class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Id::                                                                                                                        $'
+! !