author Jan Vrany <>
Tue, 18 Sep 2012 18:24:44 +0000
changeset 16 25ac697dc747
parent 14 f01fe37493e9
permissions -rw-r--r--
- Updated from branch master

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/metacello/core' }"

MetacelloAbstractConstructor subclass:#MetacelloAbstractVersionConstructor
	instanceVariableNames:'root configuration project attributeMap attributeOrder
		symbolicVersion currentContext'

!MetacelloAbstractVersionConstructor class methodsFor:'method generation'!

symbolicMethodSelectorAndPragma: selector symbolicVersionSymbol: symbolicVersionSymbol on: strm
		nextPutAll: selector asString , ' spec';
		nextPutAll: '<symbolicVersion: #' , symbolicVersionSymbol asString printString;
		nextPutAll: '>';
! !

!MetacelloAbstractVersionConstructor methodsFor:'accessing'!

addAttribute: anAttribute

	self attributeOrder add: anAttribute


	attributeMap == nil ifTrue: [ attributeMap := Dictionary new ].


	attributeOrder == nil ifTrue: [ attributeOrder := OrderedCollection new ].



configuration: aConfig

	configuration := aConfig


	^self configuration class


    "Created: / 18-09-2012 / 19:08:04 / Jan Vrany <>"



root: aMetacelloSpec
    root := aMetacelloSpec

setProject: aProject

	project := aProject



symbolicVersion: aSymbol

	symbolicVersion := aSymbol
! !

!MetacelloAbstractVersionConstructor methodsFor:'api'!

author: aBlockOrString
    "Define author field of version spec (MetacelloMCVersionSpec).
	 If <aBlockOrString> is a String, the version spec author is set to the String.
	If <aBlockOrString> is a Block, the specifications in <aBlockOrString> are applied to the author spec (MetacelloValueHolderSpec). Not Recommended!!
		spec author: 'dkh'.
		spec author: [
			spec value: 'dkh'. ].

    self root author: aBlockOrString constructor: self

baseline: aString
    self root baseline: aString constructor: self

baseline: aString with: aBlockOrString
    self root baseline: aString with: aBlockOrString constructor: self

blessing: aBlockOrString
    "Define blessing field of version spec (MetacelloMCVersionSpec).
	 If <aBlockOrString> is a String, the version spec blessing is set to the String. It is recommended to use a Symbol.
	If <aBlockOrString> is a Block, the specifications in <aBlockOrString> are applied to the blessing spec (MetacelloValueHolderSpec). Not Recommended!!
		spec blessing: #release.
		spec blessing: [
			spec value: #release. ].
	The blessing should typically be set to one of three values:
		#baseline - indicating that the version spec is specifying a baseline version
		#development - indicating that the version spec is not stabilized and will change over time
		#release - indicating that the version spec has stabilized and will NOT change over time

    self root blessing: aBlockOrString constructor: self

className: aString
    "Define className field of a project spec (MetacelloMCProjectSpec).
		spec project: 'CoolBrowser' with: [
			spec className: 'ConfigurationOfCoolBrowser'. ].

	The className field is OPTIONAL in the project spec. If omitted, the className will be created by prepending 'ConfigurationOf' to the project name.

    self root className: aString constructor: self

configuration: aString with: aBlockOrString
    self root configuration: aString with: aBlockOrString constructor: self

description: aBlockOrString
    "Define description field of version spec (MetacelloMCVersionSpec).
	 If <aBlockOrString> is a String, the version spec blessing is set to the String. It is recommended to use a Symbol.
	If <aBlockOrString> is a Block, the specifications in <aBlockOrString> are applied to the blessing spec (MetacelloValueHolderSpec). Not Recommended!!
		spec description: 'Descriptive comment'.
		spec description: [
			spec value: 'Descriptive comment'.

    self root description: aBlockOrString constructor: self

file: aString
    "Define file field of a package spec (MetacelloPackageSpec) or project spec (MetacelloMCProjectSpec).

	For a package spec, the file: field is optional in a baseline. In a baseline, the file field may be used to specify a package branch for the package:
		spec package: 'MyPackage' with: [
			spec file: 'MyPackage.gemstone'. ]'.

	The file: field is required in a version. In a version, the file field defines the explicit version of the package to be loaded:
		spec package: 'MyPackage' with: [
			spec file: 'MyPackage.gemstone-dkh.1'. ]'.

	The following may be used as a short cut for specifying the file field in a version:

		spec package: 'MyPackage' with: 'MyPackage.gemstone-dkh.1'.

	For a project spec, the file field specifies the name of the Monticello package that contains the configuration. If you are using the convention of 
	naming the class and package usingthe  'ConfigurationOf' prefix, then there is no need to specify the file field:
		spec project: 'MyProject' with: [
			spec file: 'ConfigurationMyProject'.

	It should only be used when the package name for the configuration is different from the name of the project:

		spec project: 'MyProject' with: [
			spec file: 'MyProject-Metacello'.

    self root file: aString constructor: self

for: attribute do: aBlock
	"conditional version support"

	| blockList |
	blockList := self attributeMap
		at: attribute
		ifAbsent: [ self attributeMap at: attribute put: (blockList := OrderedCollection new) ].
	blockList add: aBlock.
	self addAttribute: attribute

for: attribute version: aString
	"conditional symbolicVersion support"

	self attributeMap at: attribute put: aString.
	self addAttribute: attribute

group: aString overrides: aStringOrCollection
    self root group: aString overrides: aStringOrCollection constructor: self

group: aString with: aStringOrCollection
    self root group: aString with: aStringOrCollection constructor: self

import: aString
    "import names defined in baseline <aString> to be used when loading the version

		spec baseline: 'Sample' with: [ spec repository: 'github://dalehenrich/sample:master/repository' ].
		spec import: 'Sample' ]

    self root import: aString constructor: self

includes: anObject
    self root includes: anObject constructor: self

loads: anObject
    self root loads: anObject constructor: self

name: anObject
    self root name: anObject constructor: self

operator: anObject
    self root operator: anObject constructor: self

package: aString
    self root package: aString constructor: self

package: aString overrides: aBlock
    self root package: aString overrides: aBlock constructor: self

package: packageName with: aBlockOrString
    "Define specification for package <packageName>.
	 If <aBlockOrString> is a String (or Symbol), the String is expected to be a version (or symbolic version).
	If <aBlockOrString> is a Block, the specifications in <aBlockOrString> are applied to the project:
		spec package: 'MyPackage' with: '1.0'.
		spec package: 'MyPackage' with: [
			spec file:'MyPackage-dkh.1'.
			spec repository: '/opt/gemstone/repository'.

    self root package: packageName with: aBlockOrString constructor: self

postLoadDoIt: aSymbol
    self root postLoadDoIt: aSymbol constructor: self

preLoadDoIt: aSymbol
    self root preLoadDoIt: aSymbol constructor: self

project: aString
    self root project: aString constructor: self

project: aString copyFrom: oldSpecName with: aBlock
    self root
        project: aString
        copyFrom: oldSpecName
        with: aBlock
        constructor: self

project: aString overrides: aBlock
    self root project: aString overrides: aBlock constructor: self

project: aString with: aBlockOrString
    self root project: aString with: aBlockOrString constructor: self

projectPackage: aBlock
    "projectPackage spec data folded into project spec"

    self root projectPackage: aBlock constructor: self

removeGroup: aString
    self root removeGroup: aString constructor: self

removePackage: aString
    self root removePackage: aString constructor: self

removeProject: aString
    self root removeProject: aString constructor: self

repositories: aBlock
    self root repositories: aBlock constructor: self

repository: anObject
    self root repository: anObject constructor: self

repository: description username: username password: password
    self root
        repository: description
        username: username
        password: password
        constructor: self

requires: anObject
    self root requires: anObject constructor: self

supplyingAnswers: aCollection
    self root supplyingAnswers: aCollection constructor: self

timestamp: aBlockOrStringOrDateAndTime
    "Define timestamp field of version spec (MetacelloMCVersionSpec).
	 If <aBlockOrStringOrDateAndTime> is a String, the version spec timetamp is set to the String.
	 If <aBlockOrStringOrDateAndTime> is a DateAndTime, the version spec timetamp is set to the printString of the DateAndTime.
	If <aBlockOrStringOrDateAndTime> is a Block, the specifications in <aBlockOrStringOrDateAndTime> are applied to the timestamp spec (MetacelloValueHolderSpec). Not Recommended!!
		spec timestamp: '10/7/2009 14:40'.
		spec timestamp: DateAndTime now'.
		spec timestamp: [
			spec value: '10/7/2009 14:40'. ].

    self root timestamp: aBlockOrStringOrDateAndTime constructor: self

value: anObject
    self root value: anObject constructor: self

version: anObject
    self root version: anObject constructor: self

versionString: anObject
    self root versionString: anObject constructor: self
! !

!MetacelloAbstractVersionConstructor methodsFor:'api callbacks'!

setAuthorWithBlock: aBlock

	| spec |
	(spec := self root getAuthor) == nil
		ifTrue: [ 
			spec := self project valueHolderSpec.
			self root setAuthor: spec ].
	self with: spec during: aBlock

setAuthorWithString: aString

	self root author: aString

setBaseline: aString
    | spec projectSpec |
    projectSpec := self project baselineOfProjectSpec
        name: aString;
        className: 'BaselineOf' , aString;
    spec := self project projectReferenceSpec
        name: aString;
        projectReference: projectSpec;
    self root packages merge: spec.
    ^ projectSpec

setBaseline: aString withBlock: aBlock
    | projectSpec |
    projectSpec := self setBaseline: aString.
    self with: projectSpec during: aBlock

setBlessingWithBlock: aBlock

	| spec |
	(spec := self root getBlessing) == nil
		ifTrue: [ 
			spec := self project valueHolderSpec.
			self root setBlessing: spec ].
	self with: spec during: aBlock

setBlessingWithString: aString

	self root blessing: aString

setConfiguration: aString withBlock: aBlock
    | spec projectSpec |
    projectSpec := self project configurationOfProjectSpec
        name: aString;
    spec := self project projectReferenceSpec
        name: aString;
        projectReference: projectSpec;
    self root packages merge: spec.
    self with: projectSpec during: aBlock

setDescriptionWithBlock: aBlock

	| spec |
	(spec := self root getDescription) == nil
		ifTrue: [ 
			spec := self project valueHolderSpec.
			self root setDescription: spec ].
	self with: spec during: aBlock

setDescriptionWithString: aString

	self root description: aString

setPackage: aString withBlock: aBlock

	| spec |
	spec := 
		(self project packageSpec)
			name: aString;
	self root packages merge: spec.
	self with: spec during: aBlock

setPackage: aString withString: aFile

	| spec |
	spec := 
		(self project packageSpec)
			name: aString;
			file: aFile;
	self root packages merge: spec.

setProject: aString withBlock: aBlock
    | spec projectSpec |
    projectSpec := self project projectSpec
        name: aString;
    spec := self project projectReferenceSpec
        name: aString;
        projectReference: projectSpec;
    self root packages merge: spec.
    self with: projectSpec during: aBlock

setProject: aString withString: versionString

	| spec projectSpec |
	projectSpec := 
		(self project projectSpec)
			name: aString;
			versionString: versionString;
	spec := 
		(self project projectReferenceSpec)
			name: aString;
			projectReference: projectSpec;
	self root packages merge: spec.

setTimestampWithBlock: aBlock

	| spec |
	(spec := self root getTimestamp) == nil
		ifTrue: [ 
			spec := self project valueHolderSpec.
			self root setTimestamp: spec ].
	self with: spec during: aBlock

setTimestampWithString: aString

	self root timestamp: aString
! !

!MetacelloAbstractVersionConstructor methodsFor:'api spec callbacks'!

authorForVersion: aBlockOrString
    aBlockOrString setAuthorInMetacelloConfig: self

baselineForVersion: aString
    self setBaseline: aString

baselineForVersion: aString with: aBlock
    aBlock setBaseline: aString withInMetacelloConfig: self

blessingForVersion: aBlockOrString
    aBlockOrString setBlessingInMetacelloConfig: self

classNameForProject: aString
    self root className: aString

configurationForVersion: aString with: aBlock
    aBlock setConfiguration: aString withInMetacelloConfig: self

descriptionForVersion: aBlockOrString
    aBlockOrString setDescriptionInMetacelloConfig: self

fileForPackage: aString
    self root file: aString

fileForProject: aString
    self root file: aString

groupForVersion: aString overrides: aStringOrCollection
    | spec |
    spec := self project groupSpec
        name: aString;
        includes: aStringOrCollection;
    self root packages add: spec

groupForVersion: aString with: aStringOrCollection
    | spec |
    spec := self project groupSpec
        name: aString;
        includes: aStringOrCollection;
    self root packages merge: spec

importForVersion: aString
    self root import: aString

includesForPackage: anObject
    self root includes: anObject

loadsForProject: anObject
    self root loads: anObject

nameForProject: aString
    self root name: aString

operatorForProject: anObject
    self root operator: anObject

packageForVersion: aString
    | spec |
    spec := self project packageSpec
        name: aString;
    self root packages add: spec

packageForVersion: aString overrides: aBlock
    | spec |
    spec := self project packageSpec
        name: aString;
    self root packages add: spec.
    self with: spec during: aBlock

packageForVersion: packageName with: aBlockOrString
    aBlockOrString setPackage: packageName withInMetacelloConfig: self

postLoadDoItForPackage: aSymbol
    self postLoadDoItForSpec: aSymbol

postLoadDoItForProject: aSymbol
    self postLoadDoItForSpec: aSymbol

postLoadDoItForSpec: aSymbol
    self validateDoItSelector: aSymbol.
    self root postLoadDoIt: aSymbol

postLoadDoItForVersion: aSymbol
    self postLoadDoItForSpec: aSymbol

preLoadDoItForPackage: aSymbol
    self preLoadDoItForSpec: aSymbol

preLoadDoItForProject: aSymbol
    self preLoadDoItForSpec: aSymbol

preLoadDoItForSpec: aSymbol
    self validateDoItSelector: aSymbol.
    self root preLoadDoIt: aSymbol

preLoadDoItForVersion: aSymbol
    self preLoadDoItForSpec: aSymbol

projectForVersion: aString
    self project: aString with: ''

projectForVersion: aString copyFrom: oldSpecName with: aBlock
    | spec projectSpec |
    projectSpec := self project projectSpec
        name: aString;
    spec := self project projectReferenceSpec
        name: aString;
        projectReference: projectSpec;
    self root packages copy: oldSpecName to: spec.
    self with: projectSpec during: aBlock

projectForVersion: aString overrides: aBlock
    | spec projectSpec |
    projectSpec := self project projectSpec
        name: aString;
    spec := self project projectReferenceSpec
        name: aString;
        projectReference: projectSpec;
    self root packages add: spec.
    self with: projectSpec during: aBlock

projectForVersion: aString with: aBlockOrString
    aBlockOrString setProject: aString withInMetacelloConfig: self

projectPackageForProject: aBlock
    self with: self root during: aBlock

removeGroupForVersion: aString
    | spec |
    spec := self project groupSpec
        name: aString;
    self root packages remove: spec

removePackageForVersion: aString
    | spec |
    spec := self project packageSpec
        name: aString;
    self root packages remove: spec

removeProjectForVersion: aString
    | spec |
    spec := self project projectReferenceSpec
        name: aString;
    self root packages remove: spec

repositoriesForPackage: aBlock
    self repositoriesForSpec: aBlock

repositoriesForProject: aBlock
    self repositoriesForSpec: aBlock

repositoriesForSpec: aBlock
    self with: self root repositories during: aBlock

repositoriesForVersion: aBlock
    self repositoriesForSpec: aBlock

repositoryForPackage: anObject
    self repositoryForSpec: anObject

repositoryForPackage: aString username: username password: password
    self repositoryForSpec: aString username: username password: password

repositoryForProject: anObject
    self repositoryForSpec: anObject

repositoryForProject: aString username: username password: password
    self repositoryForSpec: aString username: username password: password

repositoryForRepositories: anObject
    self repositoryForSpec: anObject

repositoryForRepositories: aString username: username password: password
    self repositoryForVersion: aString username: username password: password

repositoryForSpec: anObject
    self root repository: anObject

repositoryForSpec: aString username: username password: password
    self root repository: aString username: username password: password

repositoryForVersion: anObject
    self repositoryForSpec: anObject

repositoryForVersion: aString username: username password: password
    self repositoryForSpec: aString username: username password: password

requiresForPackage: anObject
    self root requires: anObject

supplyingAnswersForPackage: anObject
    self root answers: anObject

timestampForVersion: aBlockOrStringOrDateAndTime
    aBlockOrStringOrDateAndTime setTimestampInMetacelloConfig: self

valueForValueHolder: anObject
    self root value: anObject

versionForProject: anObject
    self versionStringForProject: anObject

versionForVersion: anObject
    self versionStringForVersion: anObject

versionStringForProject: anObject
    self root versionString: anObject

versionStringForVersion: anObject
    self versionStringForProject: anObject
! !

!MetacelloAbstractVersionConstructor methodsFor:'initialization'!

    attributeMap := attributeOrder := nil
! !

!MetacelloAbstractVersionConstructor methodsFor:'private'!

evaluatePragma: pragma
	currentContext := pragma.
	[ self configuration perform: pragma selector with: self ] ensure: [ currentContext := nil ]

with: aMetacelloSpec during: aBlock
    | previousRoot |
    previousRoot := self root.
    self root: aMetacelloSpec.
        ensure: [ self root: previousRoot ]
! !

!MetacelloAbstractVersionConstructor methodsFor:'validation'!

validateDoItSelector: anObject

	anObject == nil ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
	anObject isSymbol ifFalse: [ self error: 'Invalid message selector for doit: ', anObject printString ].
! !

!MetacelloAbstractVersionConstructor class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Id::                                                                                                                        $'
! !