author Jan Vrany <>
Tue, 18 Sep 2012 18:24:44 +0000
changeset 16 25ac697dc747
parent 14 f01fe37493e9
permissions -rw-r--r--
- Updated from branch master

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/metacello/core' }"

Magnitude subclass:#MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber
	instanceVariableNames:'normalVersion preReleaseVersion buildVersion'

!MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

fromString: aString
    ^ self fromString: aString forPattern: false

fromString: aString forPattern: forPattern
    | new tokens preRelease build versionString identifierCount normalEnd preReleaseEnd normalComponents preReleaseComponents buildComponents |
    normalComponents := OrderedCollection new.
    preReleaseComponents := OrderedCollection new.
    buildComponents := OrderedCollection new.
    preRelease := aString indexOf: $- startingAt: 1.
    build := aString indexOf: $+ startingAt: 1.
    (build > 0 and: [ preRelease > build ])
        ifTrue: [ preRelease := 0 ].
    normalEnd := preRelease = 0
        ifTrue: [ 
            build = 0
                ifTrue: [ aString size ]
                ifFalse: [ build - 1 ] ]
        ifFalse: [ preRelease - 1 ].
    versionString := aString copyFrom: 1 to: normalEnd.
    identifierCount := 0.
    (versionString findTokens: '.')
        do: [ :subString | 
            | integer |
                ifTrue: [ integer := subString ]
                ifFalse: [ 
                    integer := subString asInteger.
                    integer < 0
                        ifTrue: [ self error: 'invalid version number: normal version component must be integer ' , subString printString ] ].
            normalComponents add: integer.
            identifierCount := identifierCount + 1 ].
    (forPattern not and: [ identifierCount ~= 3 ])
        ifTrue: [ self error: 'invalid version number: normal version must have only 3 components' ].
    preReleaseEnd := build = 0
        ifTrue: [ aString size ]
        ifFalse: [ build - 1 ].
    preRelease > 0
        ifTrue: [ 
            versionString := aString copyFrom: preRelease + 1 to: preReleaseEnd.
            (versionString findTokens: '.')
                do: [ :subString | 
                    (forPattern or: [ self isSemanticIdentifier: subString ])
                        ifFalse: [ self error: 'invalid version number: preRelease version component must be one of [0-9A-Za-z-]' ].
                    preReleaseComponents add: (self extractNumericComponent: subString forPattern: forPattern) ] ].
    build > 0
        ifTrue: [ 
            versionString := aString copyFrom: build + 1 to: aString size.
            (versionString findTokens: '.')
                do: [ :subString | 
                    (forPattern or: [ self isSemanticIdentifier: subString ])
                        ifFalse: [ self error: 'invalid version number: build version component must be one of [0-9A-Za-z-]' ].
                    buildComponents add: (self extractNumericComponent: subString forPattern: forPattern) ] ].
    ^ self new
        normalVersion: normalComponents;
        preReleaseVersion: preReleaseComponents;
        buildVersion: buildComponents;
! !

!MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber class methodsFor:'private'!

extractNumericComponent: subString forPattern: forPattern
    "$. separated components are integers"

    | number |
        ifTrue: [ ^ subString ].
    number := [ subString asNumber ]
        on: Error
        do: [ :ex | ex return: subString ].
    ^ number asString = subString
        ifTrue: [ number ]
        ifFalse: [ subString ]

isSemanticIdentifier: aString
    "whether the receiver is composed entirely of alphanumerics"

        do: [ :c | 
            c isAlphaNumeric
                ifFalse: [ 
                    c = $-
                        ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ] ].
    ^ true
! !

!MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber methodsFor:'accessing'!


	| base |
	base := self copyFrom: 1 to: self size - 1.
	base at: base size put: (base at: base size) + 1.

    buildVersion ifNil: [ buildVersion := #() ].
    ^ buildVersion

buildVersion: anObject
	buildVersion := anObject

    normalVersion ifNil: [ normalVersion := #() ].
    ^ normalVersion

normalVersion: anObject
	normalVersion := anObject

    preReleaseVersion ifNil: [ preReleaseVersion := #() ].
    ^ preReleaseVersion

preReleaseVersion: anObject
	preReleaseVersion := anObject


	| strm |
	strm := WriteStream on: String new.
	self printOn: strm.
	^strm contents
! !

!MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber methodsFor:'comparing'!

< aMetacelloVersionNumber
    aMetacelloVersionNumber species = self species
        ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    ^ self compareLessThan: aMetacelloVersionNumber

= aMetacelloVersionNumber
    aMetacelloVersionNumber species = self species
        ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    ^ self compareEqualTo: aMetacelloVersionNumber

    ^ self versionComponents hash

match: aVersionPattern
    "Answer whether the version number of the receiver matches the given pattern string.

	 A Metacello version number is made up of version sequences delimited by the characters $. and $-.
	 The $. introduces a numeric version sequence and $- introduces an alphanumeric version sequence.
	 A version pattern is made up of version pattern match sequences. also delimited by the characters $. 
	 and $-.. Each pattern match sequence is tested against the corresponding version sequence of the 
	 receiver, using the 'standard' pattern matching rules. All sequences must answer true for a match.
	 The special pattern sequence '?' is a match for the corresponding version sequence and all subsequent 
	 version sequences. '?' as the version pattern matches all versions. No more version pattern 
	 sequences are permitted once the '?' sequence is used. If used, it is the last version pattern
	 sequence. "

    | patternVersion mySize patternSize components |
    patternVersion := (self class fromString: aVersionPattern forPattern: true) versionComponents.
    components := self versionComponents.
    mySize := components size.
    patternSize := patternVersion size.
    mySize = patternSize
        ifFalse: [ 
            mySize < patternSize
                ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
            (patternVersion at: patternSize) ~= '?'
                ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
            mySize := patternSize ].
    1 to: mySize do: [ :i | 
        | pattern |
        pattern := (patternVersion at: i) asString.
        pattern = '?'
            ifTrue: [ 
                i = mySize
                    ifFalse: [ ^ self error: 'Invalid version match pattern: ' , aVersionPattern printString ] ]
            ifFalse: [ 
                (pattern match: (components at: i) asString)
                    ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ] ].
    ^ true

~> aMetacelloVersionNumber

	aMetacelloVersionNumber size == 1 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
	^self >= aMetacelloVersionNumber and: [ self < aMetacelloVersionNumber approximateBase ]
! !

!MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber methodsFor:'converting'!

    ^ self
! !

!MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber methodsFor:'copying'!

copyFrom: start to: stop 
	"Answer a copy of a subset of the receiver, starting from element at 
	index start until element at index stop."

	| newSize new j |
	newSize := stop - start + 1.
	new := self species new: newSize.
	j := 0.
	start to: stop do: [:i |
		new at: j + 1 put: (self at: i).
		j := j + 1 ].
! !

!MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber methodsFor:'enumerating'!

do: aBlock 
	"Refer to the comment in Collection|do:."
	1 to: self size do:
		[:index | aBlock value: (self at: index)]

do: elementBlock separatedBy: separatorBlock
	"Evaluate the elementBlock for all elements in the receiver,
	and evaluate the separatorBlock between."

	| beforeFirst | 
	beforeFirst := true.
	self do:
		[:each |
			ifTrue: [beforeFirst := false]
			ifFalse: [separatorBlock value].
		elementBlock value: each]
! !

!MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber methodsFor:'operations'!

	| int |
	self size to: 1 by: -1 do: [ :index | 
		(int := self at: index) isString
			ifFalse: [ 
				int > 0
					ifTrue: [ self at: index put: int - 1 ].
				^ self ] ]


	| int |
	self size to: 1 by: -1 do: [:index | 
		(int := self at: index) isString 
			ifFalse: [ 
				self at: index put: int + 1.
				^self ]].
! !

!MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber methodsFor:'printing'!

	"Answer a string that represents the receiver."

	^ self printString

print: components prefix: prefixChar on: aStream
    | beforeFirst |
    beforeFirst := true.
        do: [ :component | 
                ifTrue: [ 
                    beforeFirst := false.
                    prefixChar ifNotNil: [ aStream nextPut: prefixChar ] ]
                ifFalse: [ aStream nextPut: $. ].
            aStream nextPutAll: component asString ]

printOn: aStream
    self print: self normalVersion prefix: nil on: aStream.
    self print: self preReleaseVersion prefix: $- on: aStream.
    self print: self buildVersion prefix: $+ on: aStream
! !

!MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber methodsFor:'private'!

compareEqualTo: aMetacelloVersionNumber
    aMetacelloVersionNumber species = self species
        ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    (self compareEqualTo: self normalVersion other: aMetacelloVersionNumber normalVersion)
        ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    (self compareEqualTo: self preReleaseVersion other: aMetacelloVersionNumber preReleaseVersion)
        ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    ^ self compareEqualTo: self buildVersion other: aMetacelloVersionNumber buildVersion

compareEqualTo: myComponents other: otherComponents
    | mySize |
    mySize := myComponents size.
    mySize = otherComponents size
        ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    1 to: mySize do: [ :i | 
        (myComponents at: i) = (otherComponents at: i)
            ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ].
    ^ true

compareLessThan: aMetacelloVersionNumber
    | myComponents otherComponents defaultResult |
    aMetacelloVersionNumber species = self species
        ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    myComponents := self normalVersion.
    otherComponents := aMetacelloVersionNumber normalVersion.
    defaultResult := true.
    (self compareEqualTo: myComponents other: otherComponents)
        ifTrue: [ defaultResult := false ]
        ifFalse: [ 
            (self compareLessThan: myComponents other: otherComponents version: #'normal')
                ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ].
    myComponents := self preReleaseVersion.
    otherComponents := aMetacelloVersionNumber preReleaseVersion.
    (self compareEqualTo: myComponents other: otherComponents)
        ifTrue: [ 
            myComponents size > 0
                ifTrue: [ defaultResult := false ] ]
        ifFalse: [ ^ self compareLessThan: myComponents other: otherComponents version: #'preRelease' ].
    myComponents := self buildVersion.
    otherComponents := aMetacelloVersionNumber buildVersion.
    ^ (self compareEqualTo: myComponents other: otherComponents)
        ifTrue: [ defaultResult ]
        ifFalse: [ self compareLessThan: myComponents other: otherComponents version: #'build' ]

compareLessThan: myComponents other: otherComponents version: version
    | mySize aSize commonSize count more |
    mySize := myComponents size.
    aSize := otherComponents size.
    commonSize := mySize min: aSize.
    count := 0.
    more := true.
    [ more and: [ count < commonSize ] ]
        whileTrue: [ 
            (myComponents at: count + 1) = (otherComponents at: count + 1)
                ifTrue: [ count := count + 1 ]
                ifFalse: [ more := false ] ].
    count < commonSize
        ifTrue: [ ^ (myComponents at: count + 1) metacelloSemanticVersionComponentLessThan: (otherComponents at: count + 1) ].
    mySize < aSize
        ifTrue: [ 
            mySize = 0
                ifTrue: [ 
                    #'preRelease' == version
                        ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
                    ^ true ].
            (myComponents at: commonSize) = (otherComponents at: commonSize)
                ifFalse: [ ^ true ].
            ^ true ]
        ifFalse: [ 
            mySize = aSize
                ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
            aSize = 0
                ifTrue: [ 
                    #'build' == version
                        ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
                    ^ true ].
            (myComponents at: commonSize) = (otherComponents at: commonSize)
                ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
            ^ true ]

    ^ self normalVersion , self preReleaseVersion , self buildVersion
! !

!MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Id::                                                                                                                        $'
! !