author Jan Vrany <>
Wed, 05 Sep 2012 16:34:21 +0000
changeset 6 2cd0e1bd3518
parent 2 7b5f1be6a996
permissions -rw-r--r--
- MetacelloAbstractVersionConstructor changed: #project - MetacelloVersionNumber changed: #collapseZeros - MetacelloProjectReferenceSpec added: #versionString - MetacelloSpecTestCase variable renamed in: #projectWith: - extensions ...

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/metacello' }"

Magnitude variableSubclass:#MetacelloVersionNumber

!MetacelloVersionNumber class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

fromString: aString

	| new components |
	components := OrderedCollection new.
	(aString findTokens: '.') do: [:subString | | strs |
		strs := subString findTokens: '-'.
		"first subString token could be an integer"
		components add: (self extractNumericComponent: strs first).
		strs size > 1
			ifTrue: [
				"remaining are uncoditionally Strings, because of leading $-"
				components addAll: strs allButFirst ]].
	new := self new: components size.
	1 to: components size do: [:i | new at: i put: (components at: i) ].
! !

!MetacelloVersionNumber class methodsFor:'private'!

extractNumericComponent: subString
	"$. separated components are integers"

	| number |
	number := [subString asNumber] 
						on: Error 
						do: [:ex | ex return: subString ].
	^number asString = subString
		ifTrue: [ number ]
		ifFalse: [ subString ]
! !

!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'accessing'!


	| base |
	base := self copyFrom: 1 to: self size - 1.
	base at: base size put: (base at: base size) + 1.


	| strm |
	strm := WriteStream on: String new.
	self printOn: strm.
	^strm contents
! !

!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'comparing'!

< aMetacelloVersionNumber

	| condensed aCondensed |
	aMetacelloVersionNumber species = self species
		ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
	condensed := self collapseZeros.
	aCondensed := aMetacelloVersionNumber collapseZeros.
	(condensed ~~ self or: [ aCondensed ~~ aMetacelloVersionNumber ])
		ifTrue: [ ^ condensed compareLessThan: aCondensed ].
	^ self compareLessThan: aMetacelloVersionNumber

= aMetacelloVersionNumber

	| condensed aCondensed |
	aMetacelloVersionNumber species = self species
		ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
	condensed := self collapseZeros.
	aCondensed := aMetacelloVersionNumber collapseZeros.
	(condensed ~~ self or: [ aCondensed ~~ aMetacelloVersionNumber ])
		ifTrue: [ ^ condensed compareEqualTo: aCondensed ].
	^ self compareEqualTo: aMetacelloVersionNumber


"Returns a numeric hash key for the receiver."

| mySize interval hashValue |

(mySize := self size) == 0
  ifTrue: [ ^15243 ].

"Choose an interval so that we sample at most 5 elements of the receiver"
interval := ((mySize - 1) // 4) max: 1.

hashValue := 4459.
1 to: mySize by: interval do: [ :i | | anElement |
  anElement := self at: i.
  (anElement isKindOf: SequenceableCollection)
    ifTrue: [
      hashValue := (hashValue bitShift: -1) bitXor: anElement size.
    ifFalse: [
      hashValue := (hashValue bitShift: -1) bitXor: anElement hash.

^ hashValue abs

match: aVersionPattern
	"Answer whether the version number of the receiver matches the given pattern string.

	 A Metacello version number is made up of version sequences delimited by the characters $. and $-.
	 The $. introduces a numeric version sequence and $- introduces an alphanumeric version sequence.
	 A version pattern is made up of version pattern match sequences. also delimited by the characters $. 
	 and $-.. Each pattern match sequence is tested against the corresponding version sequence of the 
	 receiver, using the 'standard' pattern matching rules. All sequences must answer true for a match.
	 The special pattern sequence '?' is a match for the corresponding version sequence and all subsequent 
	 version sequences. '?' as the version pattern matches all versions. No more version pattern 
	 sequences are permitted once the '?' sequence is used. If used, it is the last version pattern
	 sequence. "
	| patternVersion mySize patternSize |
	patternVersion := aVersionPattern asMetacelloVersionNumber.
	mySize := self size.
	patternSize := patternVersion size.
	mySize = patternSize 
		ifFalse: [ 
			mySize < patternSize ifTrue: [ ^false ].
			(patternVersion at: patternSize) ~= '?' ifTrue: [ ^false ].
			mySize := patternSize ].
	1 to: mySize do: [:i | | pattern |
		pattern := (patternVersion at: i) asString.
		pattern = '?'
			ifTrue: [i = mySize ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'Invalid version match pattern: ', aVersionPattern printString ]]
			ifFalse: [ (pattern match: (self at: i) asString)  ifFalse: [ ^false ]]].
  '1.1.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '*.*.*'. -> true
  '1.1.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '*.#.*'. -> true
  '1.10.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '*.#.*'. -> false
  '1.1.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '*.*'. -> false
  '1.1.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '*.?'. -> true
  '1.0' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '1.?'. -> true
  '2.0' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '1.?'. -> false
  '1.1.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '?'. -> true
  '1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '*.?'. -> false
  '1-alpha5.0' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '1-alpha*.?'. -> true
  '1-alpha15.0.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '1-alpha*.?'. -> true
  '1.1' asMetacelloVersionNumber match: '?.?'. -> ERROR: invalid version match pattern

~> aMetacelloVersionNumber

	aMetacelloVersionNumber size == 1 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
	^self >= aMetacelloVersionNumber and: [ self < aMetacelloVersionNumber approximateBase ]
! !

!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'converting'!


! !

!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'copying'!

copyFrom: start to: stop 
	"Answer a copy of a subset of the receiver, starting from element at 
	index start until element at index stop."

	| newSize new j |
	newSize := stop - start + 1.
	new := self species new: newSize.
	j := 0.
	start to: stop do: [:i |
		new at: j + 1 put: (self at: i).
		j := j + 1 ].
! !

!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'enumerating'!

do: aBlock 
	"Refer to the comment in Collection|do:."
	1 to: self size do:
		[:index | aBlock value: (self at: index)]

do: elementBlock separatedBy: separatorBlock
	"Evaluate the elementBlock for all elements in the receiver,
	and evaluate the separatorBlock between."

	| beforeFirst | 
	beforeFirst := true.
	self do:
		[:each |
			ifTrue: [beforeFirst := false]
			ifFalse: [separatorBlock value].
		elementBlock value: each]
! !

!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'operations'!

	| int |
	self size to: 1 by: -1 do: [ :index | 
		(int := self at: index) isString
			ifFalse: [ 
				int > 0
					ifTrue: [ self at: index put: int - 1 ].
				^ self ] ]


	| int |
	self size to: 1 by: -1 do: [:index | 
		(int := self at: index) isString 
			ifFalse: [ 
				self at: index put: int + 1.
				^self ]].
! !

!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'printing'!

	"Answer a string that represents the receiver."

	^ self printString

printOn: aStream

	| beforeFirst | 
	beforeFirst := true.
	self do:
		[:each |
			ifTrue: [beforeFirst := false]
			ifFalse: [
				each isString
					ifTrue: [ aStream nextPut: $- ]
					ifFalse: [ aStream nextPut: $. ] ].
		aStream nextPutAll: each asString ]
! !

!MetacelloVersionNumber methodsFor:'private'!

        "the rule must be that zeros can be collapsed as long as the series of zeros ends in a string term"

        | collection newSize new j lastElementIsStringOrZero canCollapse |
        (self size = 0 or: [ (self at: 1) == 0])
                ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
        collection := OrderedCollection new.
        lastElementIsStringOrZero := true.
        canCollapse := true.
        self size to: 1 by: -1 do: [ :i | 
                | element |
                element := self at: i.
                (canCollapse and: [ element == 0 ])
                        ifTrue: [ 
                                        ifFalse: [ 
                                                canCollapse := false.
                                                collection addFirst: element.]]
                        ifFalse: [ 
                                collection addFirst: element.
                                canCollapse := lastElementIsStringOrZero := element isString ] ].
        collection size = self size
                ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
        newSize := collection size.
        new := self species new: newSize.
        j := 0.
                do: [ :element | 
                        new at: j + 1 put: element.
                        j := j + 1 ].
        ^ new

    "Modified: / 05-09-2012 / 17:20:05 / Jan Vrany <>"

compareEqualTo: aMetacelloVersionNumber

	| mySize |
	aMetacelloVersionNumber species = self species ifFalse: [ ^false ].
	mySize := self size.
	mySize = aMetacelloVersionNumber size 
		ifFalse: [ ^false ].
	1 to: mySize do: [:i |
		(self at: i) = (aMetacelloVersionNumber at: i) ifFalse: [ ^false ]].

compareLessThan: aMetacelloVersionNumber

	| mySize aSize commonSize count more |
	mySize := self size.
	aSize := aMetacelloVersionNumber size.
	commonSize :=  mySize min: aSize.
	count := 0.
	more := true.
	[ more and: [ count < commonSize ]] whileTrue: [
		(self at: count + 1) = (aMetacelloVersionNumber at: count + 1)
			ifTrue: [ count := count + 1 ]
			ifFalse: [ more := false ]].
	count < commonSize
		ifTrue: [ 
			^(self at: count + 1) 
				metacelloVersionComponentLessThan: (aMetacelloVersionNumber at: count + 1) ].
	mySize < aSize
		ifTrue: [ 
			mySize = 0 ifTrue: [ ^true ].
			"if the versions at commonSize are equal and the next version slot in aMetacelloVersionNumber 
			 is a string, then it's considered that I'm > aMetacelloVersionNumber
			 (i.e., '2.9.9' is greater than '2.9.9-alpha.2')"
			(self at: commonSize) = (aMetacelloVersionNumber at: commonSize)
				ifFalse: [ ^true ]. 
			^(aMetacelloVersionNumber at: commonSize+1) isString not]
		ifFalse: [ 
			mySize = aSize ifTrue: [ ^false ].
			aSize <= 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
			"if the versions at commonSize are equal and the next version slot is a string, 
			 then it's considered that I'm < aMetacelloVersionNumber
			 (i.e., '2.9.9-alpha.2' is less than '2.9.9')"
			(self at: commonSize) = (aMetacelloVersionNumber at: commonSize)
				ifFalse: [ ^false ].
			 ^(self at: commonSize+1) isString]
! !

!MetacelloVersionNumber class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Id::                                                                                                                        $'
! !