author Claus Gittinger <>
Wed, 12 Feb 2014 15:53:34 +0100
changeset 903 ce9914318a74
parent 615 494a5e49a8ab
permissions -rw-r--r--

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/monticello' }"

MCTool subclass:#MCCodeTool

MCCodeTool comment:'MCCodeTool is an abstract superclass for those Monticello browsers that display code.
It contains copies of the various CodeHolder methods that perform the various menu operations in the method list.

!MCCodeTool methodsFor:'menus'!

	"Add the receiver's method to the current change set if not already there"

	self selectedClassOrMetaClass ifNotNilDo: [ :cl |
		self selectedMessageName ifNotNilDo: [ :sel |
			ChangeSet current adoptSelector: sel forClass: cl.
			self changed: #annotations ]]

	"Open up a protocol-category browser on the value of the receiver's current selection.    If in mvc, an old-style protocol browser is opened instead.  Someone who still uses mvc might wish to make the protocol-category-browser work there too, thanks."

	| aClass |

	(Smalltalk isMorphic and: [Smalltalk includesKey: #Lexicon]) ifFalse: [^ self spawnFullProtocol].
	(aClass _ self selectedClassOrMetaClass) ifNotNil:
		[(Smalltalk at: #Lexicon) new openOnClass: aClass inWorld: ActiveWorld showingSelector: self selectedMessageName]

	"Present a menu of the currently selected message, as well as all messages sent by it.  Open a message set browser of all implementors of the selector chosen."

	self systemNavigation browseAllImplementorsOf: (self selectedMessageName ifNil: [ ^nil ])

	"Create and schedule a full Browser and then select the current class and message."

	| myClass |
	(myClass _ self selectedClassOrMetaClass) ifNotNil:
		[Browser fullOnClass: myClass selector: self selectedMessageName]

	"Present a menu of the currently selected message, as well as all messages sent by it.  Open a message set browser of all senders of the selector chosen."

	self systemNavigation browseAllCallsOn: (self selectedMessageName ifNil: [ ^nil ])

	"Create and schedule a message set browser on all versions of the 
	currently selected message selector."

	| class selector compiledMethod |
	class _ self selectedClassOrMetaClass.
	selector _ self selectedMessageName.
	compiledMethod _ class compiledMethodAt: selector ifAbsent: [ ^self ].
		browseVersionsOf: compiledMethod
		class: class theNonMetaClass
		meta: class isMeta
		category: self selectedMessageCategoryName
		selector: selector

	"Create and schedule a class list browser on the receiver's hierarchy."

	self systemNavigation  spawnHierarchyForClass: self selectedClassOrMetaClass
		selector: self selectedMessageName	"OK if nil"

classListMenu: aMenu 

	aMenu addList: #(
		('browse full (b)'			browseMethodFull)
		('browse hierarchy (h)'		classHierarchy)
		('browse protocol (p)'		browseFullProtocol)
"		-
		('printOut'					printOutClass)
		('fileOut'					fileOutClass)
"		-
		('show hierarchy'			methodHierarchy)
"		('show definition'			editClass)
		('show comment'			editComment)
"		-
		('inst var refs...'			browseInstVarRefs)
		('inst var defs...'			browseInstVarDefs)
		('class var refs...'			browseClassVarRefs)
		('class vars'					browseClassVariables)
		('class refs (N)'				browseClassRefs)
		('rename class ...'			renameClass)
		('copy class'				copyClass)
		('remove class (x)'			removeClass)
		('find method...'				findMethodInChangeSets)).

	"Copy the selected selector to the clipboard"

	| selector |
	(selector _ self selectedMessageName) ifNotNil:
		[Clipboard clipboardText: selector asString]

	"Put a description of the selected message on a file"

	self selectedMessageName ifNotNil:
		[Cursor write showWhile:
			[self selectedClassOrMetaClass fileOutMethod: self selectedMessageName]]

	"Find and open a changeSet containing the current method."

	| aName |
	(aName _ self selectedMessageName) ifNotNil: [
		ChangeSorter browseChangeSetsWithClass: self selectedClassOrMetaClass
					selector: aName]

	"Create and schedule a method browser on the hierarchy of implementors."

	self systemNavigation methodHierarchyBrowserForClass: self selectedClassOrMetaClass
		selector: self selectedMessageName

methodListKey: aKeystroke from: aListMorph 
	aKeystroke caseOf: {
		[$b] -> [self browseMethodFull].
		[$h] -> [self classHierarchy].
		[$O] -> [self openSingleMessageBrowser].
		[$p] -> [self browseFullProtocol].
		[$o] -> [self fileOutMessage].
		[$c] -> [self copySelector].
		[$n] -> [self browseSendersOfMessages].
		[$m] -> [self browseMessages].
		[$i] -> [self methodHierarchy].
		[$v] -> [self browseVersions]}
		 otherwise: []

methodListMenu: aMenu
	"Build the menu for the selected method, if any."
	self selectedMessageName ifNotNil: [
	aMenu addList:#(
			('browse full (b)' 						browseMethodFull)
			('browse hierarchy (h)'					classHierarchy)
			('browse method (O)'					openSingleMessageBrowser)
			('browse protocol (p)'					browseFullProtocol)
			('fileOut (o)'							fileOutMessage)
			('printOut'								printOutMessage)
			('copy selector (c)'						copySelector)).
		aMenu addList: #(
			('browse senders (n)'						browseSendersOfMessages)
			('browse implementors (m)'					browseMessages)
			('inheritance (i)'						methodHierarchy)
			('versions (v)'							browseVersions)
		('change sets with this method'			findMethodInChangeSets)
"		('x revert to previous version'				revertToPreviousVersion)"
		('remove from current change set'		removeFromCurrentChanges)
"		('x revert & remove from changes'		revertAndForget)"
		('add to current change set'				adoptMessageInCurrentChangeset)
"		('x copy up or copy down...'				copyUpOrCopyDown)"
"		('x remove method (x)'					removeMessage)"
"	aMenu addList: #(
			('x inst var refs...'						browseInstVarRefs)
			('x inst var defs...'						browseInstVarDefs)
			('x class var refs...'						browseClassVarRefs)
			('x class variables'						browseClassVariables)
			('x class refs (N)'							browseClassRefs)
	^ aMenu

	| msgName mr |
	"Create and schedule a message list browser populated only by the currently selected message"

	(msgName _ self selectedMessageName) ifNil: [^ self].

	mr _ MethodReference new
		setStandardClass: self selectedClassOrMetaClass
		methodSymbol: msgName.

	self systemNavigation 
		browseMessageList: (Array with: mr)
		name: mr asStringOrText
		autoSelect: nil

perform: selector orSendTo: otherTarget 

	"Selector was just chosen from a menu by a user. If can respond, then  
	perform it on myself. If not, send it to otherTarget, presumably the  
	editPane from which the menu was invoked."

	(self respondsTo: selector)
		ifTrue: [^ self perform: selector]
		ifFalse: [^ super perform: selector orSendTo: otherTarget]

	"Write a file with the text of the selected message, for printing by a web browser"

	self selectedMessageName ifNotNil: [
		self selectedClassOrMetaClass fileOutMethod: self selectedMessageName
							asHtml: true]

	"Tell the changes mgr to forget that the current msg was changed."

	ChangeSet current removeSelectorChanges: self selectedMessageName 
			class: self selectedClassOrMetaClass.
	self changed: #annotations
! !

!MCCodeTool methodsFor:'subclassResponsibility'!

	"Build an annotations string for the various browsers"

	"Answer the class that is selected, or nil"
	self subclassResponsibility

	"Answer the class that is selected, or nil"
	self subclassResponsibility

	"Answer the method category of the method that is selected, or nil"
	self subclassResponsibility

	"Answer the name of the selected message"
	self subclassResponsibility
! !

!MCCodeTool class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/monticello/,v 1.2 2012-09-11 21:20:58 cg Exp $'
! !