initial checkin
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Wed, 22 Nov 2006 14:25:18 +0100
changeset 131 622afe46d4cf
parent 130 37a980ba1cb7
child 132 10598f65948b
initial checkin
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Nov 22 14:25:18 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/monticello' }"
+MCTool subclass:#MCVersionHistoryBrowser
+	instanceVariableNames:'ancestry index repositoryGroup package infos'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Monticello-UI'
+!MCVersionHistoryBrowser methodsFor:'accessing'!
+ancestry: anAncestry
+	ancestry _ anAncestry
+	^ self snapshotForInfo: ancestry
+	"Answer the value of index"
+	^ index
+index: anObject
+	"Set the value of index"
+	index _ anObject
+	^ infos ifNil: [infos _ ancestry withBreadthFirstAncestors]
+	^ self infos collect: [:ea | ea name]
+package: aMCPackage
+	package _ aMCPackage
+	^ MCRepositoryGroup default
+	^ self infos at: self selection ifAbsent: [nil]
+	^ self snapshotForInfo: self selectedInfo
+	^ index ifNil: [0]
+selection: aNumber
+	index _ aNumber.
+	self changed: #selection; changed: #summary
+snapshotForInfo: aVersionInfo
+	^ (self repositoryGroup versionWithInfo: aVersionInfo) snapshot
+	| selInfo |
+	selInfo _ self selectedInfo.
+	^ selInfo 
+		ifNil: ['']
+		ifNotNil: [selInfo summary]
+! !
+!MCVersionHistoryBrowser methodsFor:'morphic ui'!
+	^ 440@169.
+	^ ancestry name, ' History'
+getMenu: aMenu
+	index < 2 ifTrue: [^ aMenu].
+	self fillMenu: aMenu fromSpecs: 
+		(Array
+			with: (Array with: 'view changes -> ', ancestry name with: #viewChanges)
+			with: #('spawn history' spawnHistory)).
+	^ aMenu
+	MCVersionHistoryBrowser new
+		ancestry: self selectedInfo;
+		package: package;
+		show
+	"Note that the patchLabel will be parsed in MCPatchBrowser>>installSelection, so don't translate it!!"
+	| patch patchLabel |
+	patchLabel _ 'changes between {1} and {2}' format: { self selectedInfo name. ancestry name }.
+	patch _ self baseSnapshot patchRelativeToBase: self selectedSnapshot.
+	(MCPatchBrowser forPatch: patch) label: patchLabel; show
+	^ #(
+		((listMorph:selection:menu: list selection getMenu:) (0 0 0.3 1))
+		((textMorph: summary) (0.3 0 1 1))
+	 	)
+! !
+!MCVersionHistoryBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/monticello/,v 1.1 2006-11-22 13:25:18 cg Exp $'
+! !