changeset 435 3bc08fb90133
child 436 e1c44b571db9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parsers/java/	Tue Apr 21 14:57:16 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/parsers/java' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+PPJavaSyntax subclass:#PPJavaParser
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'PetitJava-Core'
+PPJavaParser comment:'A parser which creates an AST upor parsing the code'
+!PPJavaParser methodsFor:'accessing'!
+	^ super annotation ==> [:nodes | PJAnnotationNode typeName: nodes second]
+	^super classModifierNotAnnotation ==> [:tokenKeyword | PJModifierNode keyword: tokenKeyword inputValue]
+	^ super formalParameters ==> [:nodes | nodes second]
+	^super methodModifierNotAnnotation ==> [:tokenKeyword | PJModifierNode keyword: tokenKeyword inputValue]
+	^ super qualifiedName
+		==> [ :nodes | 
+			nodes second notEmpty
+				ifTrue: [ self nameFromQualified: (Array with: nodes first withAll: (nodes second collect: [ :e | e second value ])) ]
+				ifFalse: [ PJSimpleNameNode identifier: nodes first value ] ]
+! !
+!PPJavaParser methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!
+^ super endOfLineComment ==> [ :nodes | PJEndOfLineCommentsNode comment:  nodes second .].
+	 ^super floatingPointLiteral trim ==> [ :token | PJFloatLiteralNode newFrom: token inputValue ]
+ ^super separator trim ==> [:token | PJSeparatorNode separatorValue: (token inputValue)]
+^ super traditionalComment ==> [ :nodes | PJTraditionalCommentsNode comment:  (nodes second ).].
+! !
+!PPJavaParser methodsFor:'grammar-classes'!
+	^ super normalClassDeclaration 
+! !
+!PPJavaParser methodsFor:'grammar-classes-method'!
+	^ super block ==> [ :nodes | 
+			| blockNode |
+			blockNode := PJBlockNode new.
+			blockNode statements: nodes second.
+			blockNode]
+	^ super constructorDeclaration ==> [:nodes |
+		|constructor|
+		constructor := PJConstructorDeclarationNode named: nodes third name.
+		constructor
+			statements: nodes eighth;
+			modifiers: nodes first;
+			returnType: nodes second;
+			parameters: nodes fourth.
+		constructor]
+	^ super expressionStatement ==> [ :nodes | 
+			| expressionStatementNode |
+			expressionStatementNode := PJExpressionStatementNode new.
+			expressionStatementNode expression: nodes first.
+			expressionStatementNode]
+	^ super localVariableDeclaration ==> [ :nodes | 
+			| declarationNode |
+			declarationNode := PJLocalVariableDeclarationStatementNode new.
+			declarationNode
+				type: nodes second;
+				declarators: (nodes third second collect: [:each | each second]) asOrderedCollection.
+			declarationNode declarators addFirst: nodes third first.
+			declarationNode]
+	^ super localVariableDeclarationStatement ==> [ :nodes | nodes first]
+	^ super methodNotConstructorDeclaration ==> [:nodes |
+			| methodDeclarationNode |
+			methodDeclarationNode := PJMethodDeclarationNode named: nodes fourth name.
+			methodDeclarationNode modifiers: nodes first.
+			methodDeclarationNode returnType: nodes third.
+			methodDeclarationNode body: nodes eighth.
+			methodDeclarationNode parameters: nodes fifth.
+			methodDeclarationNode	
+				 ]
+	^ super normalParameterDecl ==> [:nodes |
+		| declarator |
+		declarator := PJParameterDeclaratorNode new.
+		declarator
+			modifiers: nodes first;
+			type: nodes second;
+			identifier: nodes third;
+			arrayLevel: nodes fourth size.
+		declarator]
+	^ super normalParametersDecls ==> [ :nodes | 
+			| declarationNode |
+			((nodes second collect: [ :element | element second ]) asOrderedCollection)
+				addFirst: nodes first; yourself]
+	 ^super nullLiteral trim ==> [:token | PJNullLiteralNode literalValue: (token inputValue)]
+	^ super returnStatement ==> [ :nodes | 
+			| returnNode |
+			returnNode := PJReturnStatementNode new.
+			returnNode expression: nodes second.
+			returnNode]
+	^ super variableDeclarator ==> [:nodes |
+		| declarator |
+		declarator := PJVariableDeclaratorNode new.
+		declarator
+			variable: nodes first;
+			arrayLevel: nodes second size.
+		nodes third ifNotNilDo: [:node | declarator initializer: node second].	
+		declarator]
+! !
+!PPJavaParser methodsFor:'grammar-literals-boolean'!
+ ^ super booleanLiteral trim ==> [:token | 
+		| value |
+		(token inputValue = 'false') 
+			ifTrue:  [ value := false]
+			ifFalse: [(token inputValue = 'true') 
+				ifTrue: [value := true]
+				ifFalse: [self error: 'A Boolean Literal must be either false or true']].
+		PJBooleanLiteralNode booleanValue: value.]
+! !
+!PPJavaParser methodsFor:'grammar-literals-string'!
+	^ super additiveExpression ==> self infixOpProcessor  .
+	^ super andExpression ==> self infixOpProcessor
+ ^super characterLiteral trim ==> [:token | PJCharacterLiteralNode literalValue: (token inputValue allButFirst allButLast)]
+	self flag: 'NA: temporary hack, should interpret nodes instead of returning first'.
+	^ super classOrInterfaceType ==> [ :nodes | nodes first ]
+	^ super conditionalAndExpression ==> self infixOpProcessor
+ ^super conditionalExpression ==> [:node | node second ifNil: [node first] ifNotNil: [node]]
+	^ super conditionalOrExpression ==> self infixOpProcessor
+	^ super equalityExpression ==> self infixOpProcessor
+	^ super exclusiveOrExpression ==> self infixOpProcessor
+ ^super expression ==> [:node | node second ifNil: [node first] ifNotNil: [
+		|operation| 
+		operation := PJInfixOperationNode new.
+		operation
+			left: node first;
+			operator: node second first inputValue asSymbol;
+			right: node second second.
+		operation]]
+ ^super identifier ==> [:token | PJIdentifierNode newWithName: token inputValue]
+	^ super identifierWithAccessors ==> [:node | node second isEmpty & node third isNil ifTrue: [node first] ifFalse: [node]]
+ ^super ifStatement ==> [:node |
+	| statementNode |
+	statementNode := PJIfStatementNode new.
+	statementNode
+		condition: node second;
+		thenPart: node third.
+	node fourth ifNotNil: [
+		statementNode elsePart: node fourth second].
+	statementNode]
+ ^super inclusiveOrExpression ==> self infixOpProcessor
+	^ [:node |
+		(node second asOrderedCollection addFirst: node first; yourself) fold: [:left :current |
+			|operation| 
+			operation := PJInfixOperationNode new.
+			operation
+			left: left;
+			operator: current first inputValue asSymbol;
+			right: current second.
+			operation]]
+ ^super instanceofExpression ==> [:node | node second ifNil: [node first] ifNotNil: [node]]
+ ^super integerLiteral trim ==> [ :token | PJIntegerLiteralNode newFrom: token inputValue ]
+	^ super multiplicativeExpression ==> self infixOpProcessor
+ ^super parExpression ==> [ :nodes | nodes second ]
+	^ super primaryWithselectors ==> [:node |
+		"JK: I have no idea, what this fold is supposed to do, 
+		 but #object: causes DNU, so I commented it out
+		"
+		node first ]
+		"(node second asOrderedCollection addFirst: node first; yourself) fold: [:inner :outer | outer object: inner]]
+		"
+ ^super primitiveType ==> [:token | PJPrimitiveTypeNode type: token inputValue]
+ ^super relationalExpression ==> self infixOpProcessor
+ ^super shiftExpression ==> [:node | node second ifEmpty: [node first] ifNotEmpty: [node]]
+ ^super stringLiteral trim ==> [:token | PJStringLiteralNode literalValue: (token inputValue allButFirst allButLast)]
+	^ super type
+		==> [ :nodes | 
+			| pjtype |
+			nodes second notEmpty
+				ifTrue: [ pjtype := PJArrayTypeNode elementType: nodes first dimensions: nodes second size ]
+				ifFalse: [ pjtype := nodes first ].
+			pjtype ]
+	^ super unaryPostfixExpression ==> [:node | node second ifNil: [node first] ifNotNil: [node]]
+ ^super whileStatement ==> [ :nodes |
+	| while | 
+	while := PJWhileStatementNode new.
+	while expression: nodes second.
+	while statement: nodes third.
+	while ]
+! !
+!PPJavaParser methodsFor:'private'!
+nameFromQualified: aCollection
+	^(aCollection size = 1)
+		ifTrue: [PJSimpleNameNode identifier: aCollection first]
+          ifFalse: [
+			PJQualifiedNameNode 
+				name: (PJSimpleNameNode identifier: aCollection last)
+				qualifier: (self nameFromQualified: aCollection allButLast ).]
+! !