changeset 435 3bc08fb90133
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parsers/java/	Tue Apr 21 14:57:16 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1119 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/parsers/java' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+PPJavaLexicon subclass:#PPJavaSyntax
+	instanceVariableNames:'compilationUnit annotations packageDeclaration importDeclaration
+		typeDeclaration qualifiedName annotation
+		classOrInterfaceDeclaration classDeclaration interfaceDeclaration
+		normalClassDeclaration enumDeclaration classModifiers
+		typeParameters type typeList classBody jsuper interfaces
+		typeParameter typeBound enumBody enumConstants
+		enumBodyDeclarations enumConstant arguments classBodyDeclaration
+		normalInterfaceDeclaration annotationTypeDeclaration
+		interfaceModifiers interfaceBody interfaceBodyDeclaration block
+		fieldDeclaration methodDeclaration methodModifiers
+		formalParameters throws qualifiedNameList
+		explicitConstructorInvocation blockStatement fieldModifiers
+		variableDeclarators variableDeclarator variableInitializer
+		interfaceFieldDeclaration interfaceMethodDeclaration
+		classOrInterfaceType primitiveType typeArguments typeArgument
+		formalParameterDecls ellipsisParameterDecl normalParameterDecl
+		variableModifiers nonWildcardTypeArguments primary
+		elementValuePairs elementValue elementValuePair
+		conditionalExpression elementValueArrayInitializer
+		annotationTypeBody annotationTypeElementDeclaration
+		annotationMethodDeclaration localVariableDeclarationStatement
+		statement localVariableDeclaration expression parExpression
+		ifStatement assertStatement basicForStatement
+		enhancedForStatement forInit expressionList forStatement
+		whileStatement catches catchClause formalParameter doStatement
+		tryStatement switchBlockStatementGroup switchLabel
+		switchStatement synchronizedStatement returnStatement
+		throwStatement breakStatement continueStatement
+		expressionStatement labeledStatement emptyStatement
+		assignmentOperator conditionalOrExpression
+		conditionalAndExpression inclusiveOrExpression
+		exclusiveOrExpression andExpression equalityExpression
+		instanceofExpression relationalExpression shiftExpression
+		relationalOperator additiveExpression shiftOperator
+		multiplicativeExpression unaryExpression
+		unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus castExpression selector innerCreator
+		superSuffix identifierSuffix creator classCreatorRest
+		arrayCreator createdName arrayInitializer constructorDeclaration
+		constructorModifiers methodNotConstructorDeclaration wildcard
+		emptySquaredParenthesis methodModifierNotAnnotation
+		classModifierNotAnnotation unaryNegationExpression
+		unaryPostfixExpression primaryWithselectors
+		startMethodDeclaration identifierWithAccessors
+		normalParametersWithElipsisDecls normalParametersDecls
+		blockStatements statementWithoutTrailingSubstatement integralType
+		floatingPointType numericType finally'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'PetitJava-Core'
+PPJavaSyntax comment:'Parses Java code into lots of arrays. This parser has a full java gramar coverage'
+!PPJavaSyntax class methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!
+parseMethod: aString
+	^ self new parseMethod: aString
+parseMethod: aString onError: aBlock
+	^ self new parseMethod: aString onError: aBlock
+! !
+!PPJavaSyntax methodsFor:'accessing'!
+	"Default start production."
+	^ compilationUnit end
+! !
+!PPJavaSyntax methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!
+	^(
+" Primary.Identifier"
+	(primary , (self tokenFor: '.'), identifier)
+	/((self tokenFor: 'super'), superSuffix )
+	/(identifier,(self tokenFor: '.'),(self tokenFor: 'super'),superSuffix)
+	)plus.
+^ ((self tokenFor: 'finally'), block).
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'byte')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'short')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'int')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'long')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'char')
+! !
+!PPJavaSyntax methodsFor:'grammar'!
+	^(self tokenFor: '('),
+		expressionList optional,
+	(self tokenFor: ')')
+	^ 	(	(self tokenFor: 'new') , createdName ,
+			emptySquaredParenthesis plus,
+			arrayInitializer)
+		/(	(self tokenFor: 'new'), createdName ,
+			((self tokenFor: '['), expression , (self tokenFor: ']')) plus,
+			emptySquaredParenthesis star)
+	^ (self tokenFor: '{'),
+		(variableInitializer , ((self tokenFor: ','), variableInitializer ) star) optional,
+		(self tokenFor: ',') optional,
+	   (self tokenFor: '}')
+	^ (self tokenFor: '{') ,
+		blockStatements,
+	 (self tokenFor: '}')
+	^	arguments , classBody optional
+	^ (annotations optional, packageDeclaration) optional , importDeclaration star , typeDeclaration plus
+	^ classOrInterfaceType 
+	/	primitiveType 
+	^	(	(self tokenFor: 'new'), nonWildcardTypeArguments optional , classOrInterfaceType , classCreatorRest)
+		/	arrayCreator
+	^conditionalExpression
+	/ annotation 
+	/ elementValueArrayInitializer
+	^ (self tokenFor: '{') ,
+		(elementValue , 
+			((self tokenFor: ',') , elementValue ) star
+		) optional ,
+		((self tokenFor: ',') optional ),
+	  (self tokenFor: '}')
+	^ identifier , (self tokenFor: '=') , elementValue 
+	^ elementValuePair , ((self tokenFor: ',') , elementValuePair ) star
+	^ (
+		(	nonWildcardTypeArguments optional,
+			((self tokenFor: 'this') / (self tokenFor: 'super')))
+		/	(primary ,
+			(self tokenFor: '.') ,
+			nonWildcardTypeArguments optional,
+			(self tokenFor: 'super'))) ,
+		arguments , 
+		(self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ identifier,
+	((self tokenFor: '.'), identifier ) star,
+	identifierSuffix optional
+^	((self tokenFor: 'import') , (self tokenFor: 'static') optional , identifier),
+	(	(	(self tokenFor: '.') , (self tokenFor: '*'))
+		/(	((self tokenFor: '.') , identifier) plus , ((self tokenFor: '.') , (self tokenFor: '*')) optional)
+	),
+	(self tokenFor: ';')
+	^	(self tokenFor: '.'), (self tokenFor: 'new'),
+		nonWildcardTypeArguments optional,
+		identifier ,
+		typeArguments optional,
+		classCreatorRest 
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'implements') , typeList
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'extends') , type
+	^(self tokenFor: '<'),
+		typeList ,
+	(self tokenFor: '>')
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'package') , qualifiedName , (self tokenFor: ';')
+	^		parExpression 
+		/(	(self tokenFor: 'this'),
+			((self tokenFor: '.'), identifier ) star,
+			identifierSuffix optional)
+		/	identifierWithAccessors
+		/(	(self tokenFor: 'super'), superSuffix )
+		/	literal
+		/	creator
+		/(	primitiveType,
+			emptySquaredParenthesis star,
+			(self tokenFor: '.'), (self tokenFor: 'class'))
+		/(	(self tokenFor: 'void'), (self tokenFor: '.'), (self tokenFor: 'class'))
+	^ identifier , ((self tokenFor: '.'), identifier ) star
+	^ type , ((self tokenFor: '&') , type) star
+	^ (self tokenFor: ';') / classOrInterfaceDeclaration
+	^ type , ((self tokenFor: ','), type) star
+	^ identifier , ((self tokenFor: 'extends') , typeBound) optional
+	^ (self tokenFor: '<') , 
+			typeParameter , 
+			((self tokenFor: ',') , typeParameter) star , 
+		(self tokenFor: '>')
+	^ unaryNegationExpression
+	 /castExpression
+	 /unaryPostfixExpression
+	^	arrayInitializer 
+	/	expression	
+! !
+!PPJavaSyntax methodsFor:'grammar-annotations'!
+	^(self tokenFor: '@') , qualifiedName ,
+	((self tokenFor: '(') , 
+		(elementValuePairs / elementValue) optional , 
+		(self tokenFor: ')') ) optional
+	self flag: 'check whether method modifiers are the right modifiers to use'.
+	^ methodModifiers ,
+	type ,
+	identifier ,
+	(self tokenFor: '('), (self tokenFor: ')'),
+	((self tokenFor: 'default'), elementValue ) optional ,
+	(self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ (self tokenFor: '{')  ,
+	(annotationTypeElementDeclaration star),
+	(self tokenFor: '}')
+	^ interfaceModifiers , (self tokenFor: '@'),
+	(self tokenFor: 'interface') ,
+	identifier ,
+	annotationTypeBody
+	^ annotationMethodDeclaration
+	/ interfaceFieldDeclaration 
+	/ normalClassDeclaration
+	/ enumDeclaration 
+	/ annotationTypeDeclaration 
+	/ (self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ annotation plus
+! !
+!PPJavaSyntax methodsFor:'grammar-classes'!
+	^ (self tokenFor: '{') , classBodyDeclaration star , (self tokenFor: '}')
+	^ (self tokenFor: ';')
+	/ ((self tokenFor: 'static') optional , block)
+	/ fieldDeclaration
+	/ methodDeclaration
+	/ classDeclaration 
+	/ interfaceDeclaration 
+	^ normalClassDeclaration 
+	/ enumDeclaration
+	^ classDeclaration 
+	/ interfaceDeclaration
+	^ identifier ,
+	typeArguments optional,
+	((self tokenFor: '.'), identifier , typeArguments optional ) star
+	^ variableModifiers ,
+	type ,
+	('...' asParser token trim) ,
+	identifier
+		^ fieldModifiers , type , variableDeclarators , (self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ ((self tokenFor: 'volatile') /
+		(self tokenFor: 'final') /
+		(self tokenFor: 'protected') /
+		(self tokenFor: 'private') /
+		(self tokenFor: 'public') /
+		(self tokenFor: 'static') /
+		(self tokenFor: 'transient') /
+		annotation) star
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'float')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'double').
+	^ variableModifiers ,
+	type ,
+	identifier ,
+	emptySquaredParenthesis star
+	^ ellipsisParameterDecl
+	/  normalParametersWithElipsisDecls 
+	/  normalParametersDecls 
+	^ (self tokenFor: '(') ,
+	formalParameterDecls optional ,
+	(self tokenFor: ')')
+	^ classModifiers , (self tokenFor: 'class') , identifier ,
+		typeParameters optional,
+		jsuper optional,
+		interfaces optional ,
+		classBody
+	^ variableModifiers ,
+	type ,
+	identifier ,
+	emptySquaredParenthesis star
+	^ normalParameterDecl , 
+		((self tokenFor: ',') , normalParameterDecl) star
+	^ (normalParameterDecl , 
+		(self tokenFor: ',')) plus , 
+		ellipsisParameterDecl
+	^  integralType / floatingPointType
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'boolean')  / numericType
+	^ (	classOrInterfaceType 
+		/ primitiveType
+	), 
+	emptySquaredParenthesis star
+	^ type
+	/ wildcard
+	^ (self tokenFor: '<') , 
+		(typeArgument , ((self tokenFor: ','), typeArgument) star ) , 
+	(self tokenFor: '>')
+	^ identifier ,
+	((self tokenFor: '[') , (self tokenFor: ']')) star ,
+	((self tokenFor: '=') , variableInitializer) optional
+	^ variableDeclarator , ((self tokenFor: ','), variableDeclarator) star
+	^ (self tokenFor: '?') ,
+		(	((self tokenFor: 'extends')/(self tokenFor: 'super')), 
+			type 
+		) optional
+! !
+!PPJavaSyntax methodsFor:'grammar-classes-enum'!
+	^ (self tokenFor: '{') ,
+		enumConstants optional ,
+		(self tokenFor: ',') optional ,
+		enumBodyDeclarations optional ,
+		(self tokenFor: '}')
+	^ (self tokenFor: ';') , classBodyDeclaration star
+	^ annotations optional , identifier , arguments optional , classBody optional 
+	^ enumConstant , ((self tokenFor: ',') , enumConstant) star
+	^ classModifiers ,
+	   (self tokenFor: 'enum'),
+	   identifier ,
+	   interfaces optional,
+	   enumBody
+! !
+!PPJavaSyntax methodsFor:'grammar-classes-interface'!
+	^ (self tokenFor: '{') , interfaceBodyDeclaration star , (self tokenFor: '}')
+	^ interfaceFieldDeclaration
+	/ interfaceMethodDeclaration
+	/ interfaceDeclaration 
+	/ classDeclaration 
+	/ (self tokenFor: ';')
+	^normalInterfaceDeclaration 
+	/ annotationTypeDeclaration
+	^ fieldModifiers , 
+	type ,
+	variableDeclarators ,
+	(self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ methodModifiers ,
+	typeParameters optional,
+	((self tokenFor: 'void') / type) ,
+	identifier ,
+	formalParameters ,
+	emptySquaredParenthesis star ,
+	throws optional ,
+	(self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ ((self tokenFor: 'abstract')
+		/(self tokenFor: 'protected') 
+		/(self tokenFor: 'private') 
+		/(self tokenFor: 'public') 
+		/(self tokenFor: 'static')
+		/(self tokenFor: 'strictfp') 
+		/annotation) star
+	^ interfaceModifiers , 
+	(self tokenFor: 'interface') , 
+	identifier , 
+	typeParameters optional , 
+	((self tokenFor: 'extends') , typeList ) optional ,
+	interfaceBody
+! !
+!PPJavaSyntax methodsFor:'grammar-classes-method'!
+	^ constructorModifiers optional , 
+	   typeParameters optional , 
+	   identifier,
+	   formalParameters ,
+	   throws optional , 
+	   (self tokenFor: '{' ) , 
+			explicitConstructorInvocation optional ,
+			blockStatement star ,
+	   (self tokenFor: '}')
+	^ ((self tokenFor: 'protected')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'private')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'public')
+		/ annotation) plus
+	^ constructorDeclaration 
+	/ methodNotConstructorDeclaration
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'abstract')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'final')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'native')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'protected')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'private')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'public')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'static')
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'strictfp') 
+		/ (self tokenFor: 'synchronized') 
+	^ (	methodModifierNotAnnotation
+		/ annotation) star
+	^ methodModifiers,
+	   typeParameters optional,
+	   ((self tokenFor: 'void') / type),
+	   identifier,
+	   formalParameters ,
+	   emptySquaredParenthesis star ,
+	   throws optional,
+	   (block / (self tokenFor: ';'))
+parseMethod: aString 
+	^ self parseMethod: aString onError: [ :msg :pos | self error: msg ]
+parseMethod: aString onError: aBlock
+	^ startMethodDeclaration parse: aString onError: aBlock
+	^ qualifiedName , ((self tokenFor: ',') , qualifiedName ) star
+	^ methodDeclaration end
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'throws') , qualifiedNameList
+! !
+!PPJavaSyntax methodsFor:'grammar-expressions'!
+	^ multiplicativeExpression , 
+	(( (self tokenFor: '+') / (self tokenFor: '-') ) , multiplicativeExpression ) star
+	^ equalityExpression , ((self tokenFor: '&') , equalityExpression) star
+	^ (self tokenFor: '=')
+	/ (self tokenFor: '>>>=')
+	/	(self tokenFor: '>>=')
+	/	(self tokenFor: '<<=')
+	/	(self tokenFor: '&=')
+	/	(self tokenFor: '^=')
+	/	(self tokenFor: '|=')
+	/	(self tokenFor: '-=')
+	/	(self tokenFor: '+=')
+	/	(self tokenFor: '%=')
+	/	(self tokenFor: '/=')
+	/	(self tokenFor: '*=')
+	^ ((self tokenFor: '('), 
+			primitiveType ,
+		(self tokenFor: ')'), unaryExpression )
+	/ ((self tokenFor: '('),
+			type,
+		(self tokenFor: ')'), unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus )
+	^inclusiveOrExpression ,
+	((self tokenFor: '&&'), inclusiveOrExpression ) star
+	^conditionalOrExpression ,
+	((self tokenFor: '?'), expression , (self tokenFor: ':'), conditionalExpression ) optional
+	^conditionalAndExpression ,
+	((self tokenFor: '||'), conditionalAndExpression ) star
+	^ instanceofExpression , 
+	(((self tokenFor: '!!=') / (self tokenFor: '==')) , instanceofExpression) star
+	^ andExpression , ((self tokenFor: '^') , andExpression) star
+	^ conditionalExpression , 
+	(assignmentOperator , expression) optional
+	^ (		emptySquaredParenthesis plus , (self tokenFor: '.'), (self tokenFor: 'class'))
+		/	(((self tokenFor: '[') , expression , (self tokenFor: ']')) plus)
+		/	arguments 
+		/	((self tokenFor: '.'),
+			(	(self tokenFor: 'class')
+			/	(self tokenFor: 'this')
+			/	((self tokenFor: 'super'), arguments)
+			/	(nonWildcardTypeArguments , identifier , arguments)))
+		/	innerCreator
+	^ exclusiveOrExpression , 
+	((self tokenFor: '|') , exclusiveOrExpression) star
+	^  relationalExpression , 
+	((self tokenFor: 'instanceof') , type) optional
+	^ unaryExpression , 
+	(( (self tokenFor: '*') 
+	   / (self tokenFor: '/') 
+	   / (self tokenFor: '%') ) , unaryExpression ) star
+	^ (self tokenFor: '(') , expression , (self tokenFor: ')')
+	^ primary, selector star
+	^  shiftExpression , 
+	(relationalOperator , shiftExpression) star
+	^ (self tokenFor: '<=')
+	/ (self tokenFor: '>=')
+	/	(self tokenFor: '<')
+	/	(self tokenFor: '>')
+	^	(	(self tokenFor: '.') , identifier, arguments optional )
+		/(	(self tokenFor: '.'), (self tokenFor: 'this'))
+		/(	(self tokenFor: '.'), (self tokenFor: 'super'), superSuffix)
+		/	innerCreator 
+		/(	(self tokenFor: '['), expression , (self tokenFor: ']'))
+	^ additiveExpression,
+	(shiftOperator , additiveExpression) star
+	self flag: 'maybe it should be detokenized, check the behavior with javac'.
+	^ (self tokenFor: '<<')
+	/ (self tokenFor: '>>>')
+	/	(self tokenFor: '>>')
+	^ (block/ emptyStatement/ expressionStatement/assertStatement/switchStatement/ doStatement/ breakStatement).
+	^ arguments 
+	/ (	(self tokenFor: '.'), typeArguments optional ,
+		identifier ,
+		arguments optional)
+	^ (((self tokenFor: '++')
+		/(self tokenFor: '+')
+		/(self tokenFor: '--')
+		/(self tokenFor: '-')),
+			unaryExpression)
+	/unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus
+	^ ((self tokenFor: '~') / (self tokenFor: '!!')), unaryExpression
+	^ primaryWithselectors,
+	  ( (self tokenFor: '++')
+	   /(self tokenFor: '--')) optional
+! !
+!PPJavaSyntax methodsFor:'grammar-modifiers'!
+	^	(self tokenFor: 'abstract') 
+	/	(self tokenFor: 'final') 
+	/	(self tokenFor: 'protected') 
+	/	(self tokenFor: 'private') 
+	/	(self tokenFor: 'public') 
+	/	(self tokenFor: 'static')
+	/	(self tokenFor: 'strictfp') 
+	^ (classModifierNotAnnotation 
+		/annotation) star
+	^((self tokenFor: 'final') 
+	  / annotation) star
+! !
+!PPJavaSyntax methodsFor:'grammar-statements'!
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'assert') , expression , 
+	((self tokenFor: ':'), expression ) optional ,
+	(self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'for') ,
+	(self tokenFor: '('),
+		forInit optional, (self tokenFor: ';'),
+		expression , (self tokenFor: ';'),
+		expressionList optional,
+	(self tokenFor: ')'),
+	statement
+	^ localVariableDeclarationStatement
+	/ classOrInterfaceDeclaration 
+	/ statement
+	^ (blockStatement star).
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'break') , identifier optional , (self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'catch') ,
+	(self tokenFor: '(') ,
+		formalParameter ,
+	(self tokenFor: ')'), 
+	block
+		^ catchClause plus
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'continue') , identifier optional , (self tokenFor: ';')
+	^(self tokenFor: 'do') , statement ,
+	(self tokenFor: 'while') , parExpression ,
+	(self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ (self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'for') , 
+	(self tokenFor: '(') , 
+		variableModifiers , 
+		type , 
+		identifier , 
+		(self tokenFor: ':'),
+		expression,
+	(self tokenFor: ')'),
+	statement
+	^ expression , ((self tokenFor: ','), expression ) star
+	^ expression , (self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ localVariableDeclaration 
+	/ expressionList 
+	^ enhancedForStatement 
+	/ basicForStatement
+	^(self tokenFor: 'if') , parExpression , statement , 
+	((self tokenFor: 'else'), statement ) optional
+	^ identifier , (self tokenFor: ':') , statement 
+	^ variableModifiers , type , variableDeclarators 
+	^ localVariableDeclaration , (self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'return') , expression optional , (self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ statementWithoutTrailingSubstatement
+	/ ifStatement
+	/ forStatement
+	/ whileStatement
+	/ tryStatement
+	/ synchronizedStatement
+	/ returnStatement
+	/ throwStatement
+	/ continueStatement
+	/ labeledStatement
+	^ switchLabel , blockStatement star
+	^ ((self tokenFor: 'case') , expression , (self tokenFor: ':'))
+	/ ((self tokenFor: 'default'), (self tokenFor: ':'))
+	^(self tokenFor: 'switch') , parExpression , 
+	(self tokenFor: '{'),
+		switchBlockStatementGroup star ,
+	(self tokenFor: '}')
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'synchronized') , parExpression , block
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'throw') , expression , (self tokenFor: ';')
+	^ (self tokenFor: 'try') , block ,
+	(	(catches , (self tokenFor: 'finally') , block)
+		/ catches
+		/ finally 
+	).
+	^(self tokenFor: 'while') , parExpression , statement
+! !