changeset 633 4be0b0537d80
parent 632 9b86bc3001da
child 634 e63445bb2c9a
--- a/PPCompositeParserTest.st	Thu Jul 05 09:23:44 2018 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser' }"
-PPAbstractParseTest subclass:#PPCompositeParserTest
-	instanceVariableNames:'parser result'
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'PetitTests-Core'
-!PPCompositeParserTest class methodsFor:'accessing'!
-	^ Array with: PPParserResource
-! !
-!PPCompositeParserTest class methodsFor:'testing'!
-	^ self name = #PPCompositeParserTest
-! !
-!PPCompositeParserTest methodsFor:'accessing'!
-	self subclassResponsibility
-	^ PPParserResource current parserAt: self parserClass
-! !
-!PPCompositeParserTest methodsFor:'parsing'!
-fail: aString rule: aSymbol
-	| production |
-	production := self parserInstance
-		productionAt: aSymbol.
-	result := production end
-		parse: aString.
-	self
-		assert: result isPetitFailure
-		description: 'Able to parse ' , aString printString.
-	^ result
-parse: aString
-	^ self parse: aString rule: #start
-parse: aString rule: aSymbol
-	| production |
-	production := self parserInstance.
-	aSymbol = #start
-		ifFalse: [ production := production productionAt: aSymbol ].
-	result := production parse: aString.
-	self
-		deny: result isPetitFailure
-		description: 'Unable to parse ' , aString printString
-		resumable: true.
-	^ result
-! !
-!PPCompositeParserTest methodsFor:'running'!
-	super setUp.
-	parser := self parserInstance
-	super tearDown.
-	parser := result := nil
-! !
-!PPCompositeParserTest methodsFor:'utilities'!
-assert: aCollection is: anObject
-	self parse: aCollection.
-	self
-		assert: result = anObject
-		description: 'Got: ' , result printString , '; Expected: ' , anObject printString
-		resumable: true
-! !
-!PPCompositeParserTest class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Id: PPCompositeParserTest.st,v 1.2 2012-01-13 11:22:50 cg Exp $'
-! !