changeset 479 6316a98b7150
parent 478 711c8bc1ec04
child 481 34ee0d3c72e7
--- a/compiler/	Mon Jun 01 23:15:52 2015 +0100
+++ b/compiler/	Tue Jun 02 00:16:55 2015 +0100
@@ -204,19 +204,41 @@
 !PPCCodeGenerator methodsFor:'visiting'!
 visitActionNode: node
-    | blockId |
+    | blockNode blockBody blockNodesVar |
-    blockId := 'block_', (compiler idFor: node).
-    compiler addConstant: node block as: blockId.
+    blockNode := node block ast copy.
+    self assert: blockNode arguments size == 1.
+    blockNodesVar := blockNode arguments first .
+    blockBody := blockNode body.
+    "Replace all references to blockNodeVar to retvalVar..."
+    blockBody variableNodesDo:[:variableNode| 
+        variableNode name = blockNodesVar name ifTrue:[ 
+            variableNode token value: self retvalVar.
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Block return value is return value of last statement.
+     So if the method is not inline, make last statement a return.
+        if the method is inline, make it assignment to retvalVar."
+    compiler currentMethod isInline ifTrue:[ 
+        |  assignment |
+        assignment := RBAssignmentNode variable: (RBVariableNode named: self retvalVar) value:  blockBody statements last.
+        blockBody replaceNode: blockBody statements last withNode: assignment.
+    ] ifFalse:[  
+        | return |
+        return := RBReturnNode value: blockBody statements last.
+        blockBody replaceNode: blockBody statements last withNode: return.
+    ].
     compiler codeStoreValueOf: [ self visit: node child ] intoVariable: self retvalVar.
     compiler codeIf: 'error' then: [ 
         compiler codeReturn: 'failure'. 
-    ] else: [ 
-        compiler codeReturn: blockId, ' value: ', self retvalVar. 
+    ] else: [
+        compiler code: blockBody.    
-    "Modified (format): / 01-06-2015 / 23:03:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-06-2015 / 23:58:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
 visitAndNode: node