changeset 0 739fe9b7253e
child 4 90de244a7fa2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PPExpressionParser.st	Thu Aug 18 20:56:17 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+"{ Package: 'squeak:petitparser' }"
+PPDelegateParser subclass:#PPExpressionParser
+	instanceVariableNames:'operators'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'PetitParser-Tools'
+PPExpressionParser comment:'A PPExpressionParser is a parser to conveniently define an expression grammar with prefix, postfix, and left- and right-associative infix operators.
+The following code initializes a parser for arithmetic expressions. First we instantiate an expression parser, a simple parser for expressions in parenthesis and a simple parser for integer numbers.
+	expression := PPExpressionParser new.
+	parens := $( asParser token trim , expression , $) asParser token trim 
+		==> [ :nodes | nodes second ].
+	integer := #digit asParser plus token trim
+		==> [ :token | token value asInteger ].
+Then we define on what term the expression grammar is built on:
+	expression term: parens / integer.
+Finally we define the operator-groups in descending precedence. Note, that the action blocks receive both, the terms and the parsed operator in the order they appear in the parsed input. 
+	expression
+		group: [ :g |
+			g prefix: $- asParser token trim do: [ :op :a | a negated ] ];
+		group: [ :g |
+			g postfix: ''++'' asParser token trim do: [ :a :op | a + 1 ].
+			g postfix: ''--'' asParser token trim do: [ :a :op | a - 1 ] ];
+		group: [ :g |
+			g right: $^ asParser token trim do: [ :a :op :b | a raisedTo: b ] ];
+		group: [ :g |
+			g left: $* asParser token trim do: [ :a :op :b | a * b ].
+			g left: $/ asParser token trim do: [ :a :op :b | a / b ] ];
+		group: [ :g |
+			g left: $+ asParser token trim do: [ :a :op :b | a + b ].
+			g left: $- asParser token trim do: [ :a :op :b | a - b ] ].
+After evaluating the above code the ''expression'' is an efficient parser that evaluates examples like:
+	expression parse: ''-8++''.
+	expression parse: ''1+2*3''.
+	expression parse: ''1*2+3''.
+	expression parse: ''(1+2)*3''.
+	expression parse: ''8/4/2''.
+	expression parse: ''8/(4/2)''.
+	expression parse: ''2^2^3''.
+	expression parse: ''(2^2)^3''.
+Instance Variables:
+	operators	<Dictionary>	The operators defined in the current group.'
+!PPExpressionParser methodsFor:'private'!
+build: aParser left: aChoiceParser
+	^ (aParser separatedBy: aChoiceParser) foldLeft: [ :a :op :b | op first value: a value: op second value: b ]
+build: aParser postfix: aChoiceParser
+	^ aParser , aChoiceParser star map: [ :term :ops | ops inject: term into: [ :result :operator | operator first value: result value: operator second ] ]
+build: aParser prefix: aChoiceParser
+	^ aChoiceParser star , aParser map: [ :ops :term | ops reversed inject: term into: [ :result :operator | operator first value: operator second value: result ] ]
+build: aParser right: aChoiceParser
+	^ (aParser separatedBy: aChoiceParser) foldRight: [ :a :op :b | op first value: a value: op second value: b ]
+buildOn: aParser
+	^ self buildSelectors inject: aParser into: [ :term :selector |
+		| list |
+		list := operators at: selector ifAbsent: [ #() ].
+		list isEmpty
+			ifTrue: [ term ]
+			ifFalse: [
+				self
+					perform: selector with: term 
+					with: (list size = 1
+						ifTrue: [ list first first ==> [ :operator | Array with: list first second with: operator ] ]
+						ifFalse: [ 
+							list
+								inject: PPChoiceParser new
+								into: [ :choice :each | choice / (each first ==> [ :operator | Array with: each second with: operator ]) ] ]) ] ]
+	^ #(build:prefix: build:postfix: build:right: build:left:)
+operator: aSymbol parser: aParser do: aBlock
+	parser isNil
+		ifTrue: [ ^ self error: 'You did not specify a term when creating the receiver.' ].
+	operators isNil
+		ifTrue: [ ^ self error: 'Use #group: to define precedence groups in descending order.' ].
+	(operators at: aSymbol ifAbsentPut: [ OrderedCollection new ])
+		addLast: (Array with: aParser asParser with: aBlock)
+! !
+!PPExpressionParser methodsFor:'specifying'!
+group: aOneArgumentBlock
+	"Defines a priority group by evaluating aOneArgumentBlock."
+	operators := Dictionary new.
+	parser := [ 
+		aOneArgumentBlock value: self.
+	 	self buildOn: parser ]
+			ensure: [ operators := nil ]
+left: aParser do: aThreeArgumentBlock
+	"Define an operator aParser that is left-associative. Evaluate aThreeArgumentBlock with the first term, the operator, and the second term."
+	self operator: #build:left: parser: aParser do: aThreeArgumentBlock
+postfix: aParser do: aTwoArgumentBlock
+	"Define a postfix operator aParser. Evaluate aTwoArgumentBlock with the term and the operator."
+	self operator: #build:postfix: parser: aParser do: aTwoArgumentBlock
+prefix: aParser do: aTwoArgumentBlock
+	"Define a prefix operator aParser. Evaluate aTwoArgumentBlock with the operator and the term."
+	self operator: #build:prefix: parser: aParser do: aTwoArgumentBlock
+right: aParser do: aThreeArgumentBlock
+	"Define an operator aParser that is right-associative. Evaluate aThreeArgumentBlock with the first term, the operator, and the second term."
+	self operator: #build:right: parser: aParser do: aThreeArgumentBlock
+term: aParser
+	"Defines the initial term aParser of the receiver."
+	parser isNil
+		ifTrue: [ parser := aParser ]
+		ifFalse: [ self error: 'Unable to redefine the term.' ]
+! !
+!PPExpressionParser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Id: PPExpressionParser.st,v 1.1 2011-08-18 18:56:17 cg Exp $'
+! !