changeset 421 7e08b31e0dae
parent 405 0470a5e6e712
child 427 a7f5e6de19d2
--- a/PPContext.st	Wed Nov 19 10:52:37 2014 +0000
+++ b/PPContext.st	Mon Nov 24 00:09:23 2014 +0000
@@ -198,9 +198,17 @@
 restoreProperties: aPPContextMemento
 	aPPContextMemento stream == stream ifFalse: [ self error: 'Oops!!' ].
+	properties ifNil: [ ^ self ].
+	properties keysDo: [ :key |
+		(aPPContextMemento hasProperty: key)
+			ifTrue: [ properties at: key put: (aPPContextMemento propertyAt: key) ]
+			ifFalse: [ properties removeKey: key  ]. 
+	].
 	aPPContextMemento keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
-		self propertyAt: key put: value
-	].
+		properties at: key put: value
+	]
 ! !
 !PPContext methodsFor:'stream mimicry'!
@@ -257,6 +265,36 @@
 	^ stream skip: anInteger 
+skipTo: anObject 
+	^ stream skipTo: anObject 
+skipToAll: aString
+	"Set the access position of the receiver to be past the next occurrence of the subCollection. Answer whether subCollection is found.  No wildcards, and case does matter."
+	| pattern startMatch |
+	pattern := aString readStream.
+	startMatch := nil.
+	[ pattern atEnd ] whileFalse: 
+		[ stream atEnd ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
+		stream next = pattern next 
+			ifTrue: [ pattern position = 1 ifTrue: [ startMatch := stream position ] ]
+			ifFalse: 
+				[ pattern position: 0.
+				startMatch ifNotNil: 
+					[ stream position: startMatch.
+					startMatch := nil ] ] ].
+	^ true
+skipToAnyOf: aCharacterSet 
+	"Set the access position of the receiver to be past the next occurrence of
+	a character in the character set. Answer whether a fitting character is found."
+	[stream atEnd]
+		whileFalse: [ (aCharacterSet includes: stream next) ifTrue: [^true]].
+	^false
 	^ stream uncheckedPeek