changeset 515 b5316ef15274
parent 502 1e45d3c96ec5
child 516 3b81c9e53352
child 524 f6f68d32de73
--- a/compiler/	Fri Jul 24 15:06:54 2015 +0100
+++ b/compiler/	Mon Aug 17 12:13:16 2015 +0100
@@ -3,14 +3,35 @@
 "{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
 Object subclass:#PPCScanner
-	instanceVariableNames:'matches stream maxPriority currentChar'
+	instanceVariableNames:'match matchPosition matches tokens stream currentChar
+		maxSymbolNumber position'
+!PPCScanner class methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!
+"	^ self == PPCScanner"
+    ^ true
+! !
 !PPCScanner methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ maxSymbolNumber
+maxSymbolNumber: value
+    maxSymbolNumber := value
+    "returns the start position before the scan method..."
+    ^ position
     ^ stream
@@ -19,49 +40,185 @@
     stream := anObject
 ! !
-!PPCScanner methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!
-recordMatch: match 
- 	^ self recordMatch: match priority: 0
-recordMatch: match priority: currentPriority
-    (maxPriority < currentPriority) ifTrue: [ 
-        matches := IdentityDictionary new.
-        maxPriority := currentPriority.
-    ].
-    (maxPriority == currentPriority) ifTrue: [ 
-     	matches at: match put: stream position
- 	].
-    ^ self returnPriority: SmallInteger minVal.
-returnPriority: priority
-    (maxPriority < priority) ifTrue: [ 
-        ^ IdentityDictionary new
-    ].
-    ^ matches keysAndValuesRemove: [ :key :value | key class == PEGFsaFailure ]
-! !
 !PPCScanner methodsFor:'initialization'!
     super initialize.
-    matches := IdentityDictionary new.	
-    maxPriority := SmallInteger minVal.
+    maxSymbolNumber := self class classVarNamed: #MaxSymbolNumber.
+    tokens := self class classVarNamed: #Tokens.
+    matches := Array new: maxSymbolNumber withAll: -2.
+    position := 0.
+    matchPosition := nil. "This flag says that multimode run the last time"
+    position := stream position.
+"	matches := Array new: maxSymbolNumber."
+reset: tokenList
+    "Method should not be used, it is here for debugging and testing purposes"
+    self error: 'deprecated'.
+    matchPosition := nil. "This flag says that multimode run the last time"
+    tokens := tokenList.
+    matches := Array new: tokens size.
+"	matches := IdentityDictionary new.	"
+    match := nil.
+    matchPosition := -1.						"this is a flag that the distnict mode was running"
+"	matches := nil."
+    position := stream position.
+! !
+!PPCScanner methodsFor:'results'!
+    matchPosition := nil.
+    match := nil.
+    matches := Array new: maxSymbolNumber withAll: -2.
+    position := 0.
+    matchPosition := nil.
+    match := nil.
+    position := 0.
+    ^ position == 0
+indexOf: symbol
+    (1 to: tokens size) do: [ :index | (tokens at: index) == symbol ifTrue: [^ index ] ]. 
+"	^ match isNil not."
+    ^ match isNotNil
+"	^ matchPosition isNil not"
+match: symbolNumber
+"	matches isNil ifTrue: [ ^ false ]."
+    "
+        The general idea here is optimization. I cannot initialize 
+        the matches before each token, it would be too expensive.
+    "
+    ^ (matches at: symbolNumber) > position
+matchSymbol: symbol
+    matches isNil ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
+    (1 to: tokens size) do: [ :index | (tokens at: index) == symbol ifTrue: [
+        ^ (matches at: index) > position
+    ] ]. 
+    | dictionary |
+    "TODO JK: refactor"	
+    self isSingleMatch ifFalse: [ 
+        dictionary := IdentityDictionary new.
+        (1 to: matches size) do: [ :index | 
+            (self match: index) ifTrue: [ 
+                dictionary 
+                    at: (tokens at: index)
+                    put: (matches at: index)
+            ]
+        ].
+        ^ dictionary
+    ].
+    dictionary := IdentityDictionary new.
+    match isNil ifFalse: [ 
+        dictionary at: match put: matchPosition.
+    ].
+    ^ dictionary
+    ^ match
+    ^ matchPosition
+resultPosition: symbolNumber
+    ^ matches at: symbolNumber
+resultPositionForSymbol: symbol
+    tokens isNil ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
+    (1 to: tokens size) do: [ :index | (tokens at: index) == symbol ifTrue: [
+        ^ matches at: index
+    ] ]. 
+! !
+!PPCScanner methodsFor:'results - distinct'!
+recordDistinctMatch: matchValue
+    match := matchValue.
+    matchPosition := stream position.
+recordDistinctMatch: matchValue offset: offset
+    match := matchValue.
+    currentChar isNil ifFalse: [ 
+        matchPosition := stream position - offset.
+    ] ifTrue: [ 
+        matchPosition := stream position.
+    ]
+    ^ match isNotNil
+! !
+!PPCScanner methodsFor:'results - universal'!
+recordFailure: index
+    matches at: index put: -1.
+recordFailure: index offset: offset
+    matches at: index put: -1.
+recordMatch: index
+ 	matches at: index put: stream position.
+recordMatch: index offset: offset
+    currentChar isNil ifFalse: [ 
+        matches at: index put: stream position - offset.
+    ] ifTrue: [ 
+        matches at: index put: stream position.
+    ].
+    ^ matches
 ! !
 !PPCScanner methodsFor:'scanning'!
-consumeConditionally: character
-    ^ (stream peek == character) ifTrue: [ stream next. true ] ifFalse: [ false ]
+    self error: 'deprecated?'.
     stream next
@@ -71,10 +228,16 @@
 peekBetween: start and: stop
     (currentChar == nil) ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
-    ^ start <= currentChar codePoint and: [ currentChar codePoint <= stop ]
+    ^ (start <= currentChar codePoint) and: [ currentChar codePoint <= stop ]
     currentChar := stream next
 ! !
+!PPCScanner methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^ (matchPosition == nil) not
+! !