changeset 453 bd5107faf4d6
parent 445 eb33780df2f9
parent 452 9f4558b3be66
child 454 a9cd5ea7cc36
--- a/compiler/	Tue May 05 16:25:23 2015 +0200
+++ b/compiler/	Sun May 10 06:46:56 2015 +0100
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
 "{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
 Object subclass:#PPCCompiler
-	instanceVariableNames:'compilerStack compiledParser cache currentMethod ids rootNode
-		constants compiledParserName returnVariable arguments'
+	instanceVariableNames:'compilerStack compiledParser cache currentMethod ids constants
+		compiledParserName compiledParserSuperclass returnVariable
+		arguments'
@@ -36,85 +37,85 @@
 !PPCCompiler methodsFor:'accessing'!
 arguments: args
-	arguments := args
+    arguments := args
-	^ compiledParser 
+    ^ compiledParser 
+    ^ compiledParserSuperclass ifNil: [ PPCompiledParser ]
-	^ compilerStack 
-	    detect:[:m | m isInline not ] 
-	    ifNone:[ self error: 'No non-inlined method']
+    ^ compilerStack 
+        detect:[:m | m isInline not ] 
+        ifNone:[ self error: 'No non-inlined method']
     "Created: / 23-04-2015 / 17:33:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
-	^ currentMethod returnVariable 
+    ^ currentMethod returnVariable 
-	^ ids
-	^ rootNode
+    ^ ids
 ! !
 !PPCCompiler methodsFor:'cleaning'!
 clean: class
 "	Transcript crShow: 'Cleaning time: ',
-	[	
+    [	
 "		self cleanGeneratedMethods: class.
-		self cleanInstVars: class.
-		self cleanConstants: class.
+        self cleanInstVars: class.
+        self cleanConstants: class.
 "	] timeToRun asMilliSeconds asString, 'ms'."
 cleanConstants: class
-	class constants removeAll.
+    class constants removeAll.
 cleanGeneratedMethods: class
-	((Smalltalk respondsTo:#isSmalltalkX) and:[ Smalltalk isSmalltalkX ]) ifTrue:[
-		class methodsDo: [ :mthd |
-			mthd category = #generated ifTrue:[
-				class removeSelector: mthd selector.
-			]
-		]
-	] ifFalse: [ 
-		(class allSelectorsInProtocol: #generated) do: [ :selector | 
-			class removeSelectorSilently: selector ].
-	]
+    ((Smalltalk respondsTo:#isSmalltalkX) and:[ Smalltalk isSmalltalkX ]) ifTrue:[
+        class methodsDo: [ :mthd |
+            mthd category = #generated ifTrue:[
+                class removeSelector: mthd selector.
+            ]
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse: [ 
+        (class allSelectorsInProtocol: #generated) do: [ :selector | 
+            class removeSelectorSilently: selector ].
+    ]
 cleanInstVars: class
-	class class instanceVariableNames: ''.
+    class class instanceVariableNames: ''.
 cleanParsers: class
-	class parsers removeAll.
+    class parsers removeAll.
 ! !
 !PPCCompiler methodsFor:'code generation'!
 add: string
-	currentMethod add: string.
+    currentMethod add: string.
 addComment: string
-	currentMethod add: '"', string, '"'.
+    currentMethod add: '"', string, '"'.
 addConstant: value as: name
-	constants at: name put: value
+    constants at: name put: value
 addOnLine: string
-	currentMethod addOnLine: string.
+    currentMethod addOnLine: string.
 addVariable: name
@@ -124,74 +125,81 @@
 call: anotherMethod
-	currentMethod add: anotherMethod call.
+    currentMethod add: anotherMethod call.
 callOnLine: anotherMethod
-	currentMethod addOnLine: anotherMethod call.
+    currentMethod addOnLine: anotherMethod call.
-	currentMethod dedent
+    currentMethod dedent
-	currentMethod indent
+    currentMethod indent
-	currentMethod nl
-smartRemember: parser
-	self flag: 'deprecated'.
-	^ self smartRemember: parser to: #memento 
+    currentMethod nl
-smartRemember: parser to: variableName
-	parser isContextFree ifTrue: [ 
-		^ variableName, ' := context lwRemember.'.
-	].
-	^ variableName, ':= context remember.'
-smartRestore: parser
-	self flag: 'deprecated'.
-	^ self smartRestore: parser from: #memento 
+smartRemember: parser to: variableName 
+    parser isContextFree ifTrue: [ 
+        self 	codeAssign: 'context lwRemember.' 
+                to: variableName.
+    ] ifFalse: [ 
+        self  codeAssign: 'context remember.'
+                to: variableName.
+    ]
 smartRestore: parser from: mementoName
-	parser isContextFree ifTrue: [ 
-		^ 'context lwRestore: ', mementoName, '.'.
-	].
-	^ 'context restore: ', mementoName, '.'.
+    parser isContextFree ifTrue: [ 
+        self add: 'context lwRestore: ', mementoName, '.'.
+    ] ifFalse: [ 
+        self add: 'context restore: ', mementoName, '.'.
+    ]
 ! !
 !PPCCompiler methodsFor:'code generation - coding'!
 codeAssign: code to: variable
-	self assert: variable isNil not.
-	"TODO JK: Hack alert, whatever is magic constant!!"
-	(variable == #whatever) ifFalse: [ 
-		"Do not assign, if somebody does not care!!"
-		self add: variable ,' := ', code.
+    self assert: variable isNil not.
+    "TODO JK: Hack alert, whatever is magic constant!!"
+    (variable == #whatever) ifFalse: [ 
+        "Do not assign, if somebody does not care!!"
+        self add: variable ,' := ', code.
  	] ifTrue: [ 
-		"In case code hava a side effect"
+        "In case code hava a side effect"
  		self add: code	
-	]
+    ]
-	self add: 'self clearError.'.
+    self add: 'self clearError.'.
 codeError: errorMessage
-	self add: 'self error: ''', errorMessage, '''.'
+    self add: 'self error: ''', errorMessage, '''.'
-	self add: 'self halt. '
+    self add: 'self halt. '
+    arguments debug ifTrue: [ 
+        self add: 'Halt ifShiftPressed.'
+    ]
+    self add: 'self nextToken.'
+    "Created: / 23-04-2015 / 18:01:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 23-04-2015 / 20:51:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -206,162 +214,179 @@
 codeReturn: code
-	" - returns whatever is in code OR
-	  - assigns whatever is in code into the returnVariable"
+    " - returns whatever is in code OR
+      - assigns whatever is in code into the returnVariable"
    currentMethod isInline ifTrue:[ 
-		self codeAssign: code to: currentMethod returnVariable. 
+        self codeAssign: code to: currentMethod returnVariable. 
    ] ifFalse: [ 
-		self add: '^ ', code 		
-	]
+        self add: '^ ', code 		
+    ]
     "Created: / 23-04-2015 / 18:01:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
     "Modified: / 23-04-2015 / 20:51:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
 codeStoreValueOf: aBlock intoVariable: aString
-	| tmpVarirable method |
-	self assert: aBlock isBlock.
-	self assert: aString isNil not.
-	tmpVarirable := returnVariable.
-	returnVariable := aString.
-	method := [  
-		aBlock value 
-	] ensure: [ 
-		returnVariable := tmpVarirable 
-	].
-	method isInline ifTrue: [ 
-		self callOnLine: method 
-	] ifFalse: [ 
-		self codeAssign: (method call) to: aString.
-	]	
-	"Created: / 23-04-2015 / 18:21:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | tmpVarirable method |
+    self assert: aBlock isBlock.
+    self assert: aString isNil not.
+    tmpVarirable := returnVariable.
+    returnVariable := aString.
+    method := [  
+        aBlock value 
+    ] ensure: [ 
+        returnVariable := tmpVarirable 
+    ].
+    method isInline ifTrue: [ 
+        self callOnLine: method 
+    ] ifFalse: [ 
+        self codeAssign: (method call) to: aString.
+    ]	
+    "Created: / 23-04-2015 / 18:21:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
+codeTranscriptShow: text
+    (arguments profile) ifTrue: [ 
+        self add: 'Transcript show: ', text storeString, '; cr.'.
+    ]
 ! !
 !PPCCompiler methodsFor:'code generation - ids'!
+asSelector: string
+    "e.g. '234znak 43 ) 2' asLegalSelector = #v234znak432"
+    | toUse |
+ 	toUse := string select: [:char | char isAlphaNumeric or: [ char = $_ ] ].
+    (toUse isEmpty or: [ toUse first isLetter not ])
+        ifTrue: [ toUse := 'v', toUse ].
+    ^ toUse uncapitalized asSymbol.
 idFor: object
-	self assert: (object isKindOf: PPCNode).
-	^ self idFor: object prefixed: object prefix suffixed: object suffix effect: #none
+    self assert: (object isKindOf: PPCNode).
+    ^ self idFor: object prefixed: object prefix suffixed: object suffix effect: #none
 idFor: object prefixed: prefix
-	^ self idFor: object prefixed: prefix effect: #none
+    ^ self idFor: object prefixed: prefix effect: #none
 idFor: object prefixed: prefix effect: effect
-	^ self idFor: object prefixed: prefix suffixed: '' effect: effect.
+    ^ self idFor: object prefixed: prefix suffixed: '' effect: effect.
 idFor: object prefixed: prefix suffixed: suffix effect: effect
-        | name id |
-        ^ ids at: object ifAbsentPut: [ 
-                ((object isKindOf: PPCNode) and: [object name isNotNil]) ifTrue: [ 
-                        "Do not use prefix, if there is a name"
-                        name := object name.
-                        "Selector sanitizing inlined here as Smalltalk/X does not
-                         support asLegalSelector"
-                        name := name select: [:char | char isAlphaNumeric].
-                        (name isEmpty or: [ name first isLetter not ])
-                            ifTrue: [ name := 'v', name ].
-                        id := (name, suffix) asSymbol.
-                        "Make sure, that the generated ID is uniqe!!"
-                        (ids includes: id) ifTrue: [ 
-                                (id, '_', ids size asString) asSymbol 
-                        ] ifFalse: [ 
-                                id
-                        ]
-                ] ifFalse: [ 
-                        (prefix, '_', (ids size asString), suffix) asSymbol
-                ]
+    | name id |
+    ^ ids at: object ifAbsentPut: [ 
+        ((object isKindOf: PPCNode) and: [object name isNotNil]) ifTrue: [ 
+            "Do not use prefix, if there is a name"
+            name := self asSelector: object name.
+            id := (name, suffix) asSymbol.
+            "Make sure, that the generated ID is uniqe!!"
+            (ids includes: id) ifTrue: [ 
+                (id, '_', ids size asString) asSymbol 
+            ] ifFalse: [ 
+                id
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse: [ 
+            (prefix, '_', (ids size asString), suffix) asSymbol
+    ]
-    "Modified: / 01-05-2015 / 14:38:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+idFor: object suffixed: suffix
+    self assert: (object isKindOf: PPCNode) description: 'Shold use PPCNode for ids'.
+    ^ self idFor: object prefixed: object prefix suffixed: suffix effect: #none
 ! !
 !PPCCompiler methodsFor:'code generation - support'!
 cache: id as: value
-	cache at: id put: value.
+    cache at: id put: value.
 cachedValue: id
-	^ cache at: id ifAbsent: [ nil ]
+    ^ cache at: id ifAbsent: [ nil ]
 checkCache: id
-	| method  |
-	"Check if method is hand written"
-	method := compiledParser ifNotNil: [ compiledParser compiledMethodAt: id ifAbsent: [ nil ] ].
-	method ifNotNil: [ ^ PPCCompiledMethod new id: id; yourself ].
-	^ self cachedValue: id
+    | method  |
+    "Check if method is hand written"
+    method := compiledParser ifNotNil: [ compiledParser compiledMethodAt: id ifAbsent: [ nil ] ].
+    method ifNotNil: [ ^ PPCCompiledMethod new id: id; yourself ].
+    ^ self cachedValue: id
-	| retval |
-	retval := compilerStack pop.
-	currentMethod := compilerStack isEmpty 
-		ifTrue: [ nil ]
-		ifFalse: [ compilerStack top ].
-	^ retval
+    | retval |
+    retval := compilerStack pop.
+    currentMethod := compilerStack isEmpty 
+        ifTrue: [ nil ]
+        ifFalse: [ compilerStack top ].
+    ^ retval
     "Modified: / 21-11-2014 / 12:27:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
-        compilerStack push: currentMethod.
-        (compilerStack size > 500 )ifTrue: [ self error: 'unless it is very complex grammar, there is an error somewhere' ]
+    compilerStack push: currentMethod.
+    (compilerStack size > 500 )ifTrue: [ self error: 'unless it is very complex grammar, there is an error somewhere' ]
     "Modified: / 21-11-2014 / 12:27:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
 startInline: id
-	(cache includesKey: id) ifTrue: [ self error: 'OOOUPS!!' ].
-	currentMethod := PPCInlinedMethod new.
-	currentMethod id: id.   
-	currentMethod profile: arguments profile.
-	currentMethod returnVariable: returnVariable.
-	self push.
+    | indentationLevel |
+    (cache includesKey: id) ifTrue: [ self error: 'OOOUPS!!' ].
+    indentationLevel := currentMethod indentationLevel.
+    currentMethod := PPCInlinedMethod new.
+    currentMethod id: id.   
+    currentMethod profile: arguments profile.
+    currentMethod returnVariable: returnVariable.
+    currentMethod indentationLevel: indentationLevel.
+    self push.
     "Modified: / 23-04-2015 / 18:28:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
 startMethod: id
-	(cache includesKey: id) ifTrue: [ self error: 'OOOUPS!!' ].
+    (cache includesKey: id) ifTrue: [ self error: 'OOOUPS!!' ].
-	currentMethod := PPCMethod new.
-	currentMethod id: id.
-	currentMethod profile: arguments profile.    
-	self push.      
+    currentMethod := PPCMethod new.
+    currentMethod id: id.
+    currentMethod profile: arguments profile.    
+    self push.      
-	self cache: id as: currentMethod.
+    self cache: id as: currentMethod.
     "Modified: / 23-04-2015 / 18:36:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
-	^ self pop.
+    ^ self pop.
     "Modified: / 23-04-2015 / 18:28:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
-        self cache: currentMethod methodName as: currentMethod.
-        arguments profile ifTrue: [ Transcript show: currentMethod code; cr. ].
-        ^ self pop.
+    self cache: currentMethod methodName as: currentMethod.
+    arguments profile ifTrue: [ Transcript show: currentMethod code; cr. ].
+    ^ self pop.
     "Modified: / 01-05-2015 / 14:18:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
-	^ compilerStack top
+    ^ compilerStack top
 ! !
 !PPCCompiler methodsFor:'code generation - variables'!
@@ -387,104 +412,73 @@
 !PPCCompiler methodsFor:'compiling'!
-	self installVariables.
-	self installMethods.
-	self installClassConstants.
+    self installVariables.
+    self installMethods.
+    self installClassConstants.
-	^ compiledParser
+    ^ compiledParser
 copy: parser
-	^ parser transform: [ :p | p copy ].
+    ^ parser transform: [ :p | p copy ].
-	constants keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
-		compiledParser constants at: key put: value
-	]
+    constants keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
+        compiledParser constants at: key put: value
+    ]
-	cache keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :method |
-		compiledParser compileSilently: method code classified: 'generated'.
-	]
+    cache keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :method |
+        compiledParser compileSilently: method code classified: 'generated'.
+    ]
-	| varString |
-	varString := constants keys inject: '' into: [:r :e | r, ' ', e  ].
-	PPCompiledParser 
-		subclass: compiledParserName  
-		instanceVariableNames: varString 
-		classVariableNames: '' 
-		poolDictionaries: '' 
-		category: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'.
-	compiledParser := Smalltalk at: compiledParserName.
-precomputeFirstSets: root
-	| firstSets |
-	firstSets := root firstSets.
-	root allNodesDo: [ :node |
-		node firstSet: (firstSets at: node).
-	]
+    | varString |
+    varString := constants keys inject: '' into: [:r :e | r, ' ', e  ].
-precomputeFollowSets: root
-	| followSets |
-	followSets := root followSets.
-	root allNodesDo: [ :node |
-		node followSet: (followSets at: node).
-	]
+    (self compiledParserSuperclass) 
+        subclass: compiledParserName  
+        instanceVariableNames: varString 
+        classVariableNames: '' 
+        poolDictionaries: '' 
+        category: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'.
-precomputeFollowSetsWithTokens: root
-	| followSets |
-	followSets := root followSetsSuchThat: [:e | e isTerminal or: [ e isKindOf: PPCTrimmingTokenNode ]].
-	root allNodesDo: [ :node |
-		node followSetWithTokens: (followSets at: node).
-	]
-toCompilerTree: parser
-	^ parser asCompilerTree
+    compiledParser := Smalltalk at: compiledParserName.
 ! !
 !PPCCompiler methodsFor:'initialization'!
 initializeForCompiledClassName: aString
-	self initialize.
-	compilerStack := Stack new.
-	cache := IdentityDictionary new.
-	constants := IdentityDictionary new.
-	ids := IdentityDictionary new.
+    self initialize.
+    compilerStack := Stack new.
+    cache := IdentityDictionary new.
+    constants := IdentityDictionary new.
+    ids := IdentityDictionary new.
-	compiledParserName := aString asSymbol.
-	((Smalltalk respondsTo:#isSmalltalkX) and:[ Smalltalk isSmalltalkX ]) ifTrue:[
-		| rPackageOrganizer |
-		rPackageOrganizer := Smalltalk at: #RPackageOrganizer.
-		rPackageOrganizer notNil ifTrue:[
-			rPackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'.
-		].
-	] ifFalse: [ 
-		RPackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'.
-	].
+    compiledParserName := aString asSymbol.
+    ((Smalltalk respondsTo:#isSmalltalkX) and:[ Smalltalk isSmalltalkX ]) ifTrue:[
+        | rPackageOrganizer |
+        rPackageOrganizer := Smalltalk at: #RPackageOrganizer.
+        rPackageOrganizer notNil ifTrue:[
+            rPackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'.
+        ].
+    ] ifFalse: [ 
+        RPackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'.
+    ].
-	Smalltalk at: compiledParserName ifPresent: [ :class |
-		compiledParser := class.
-		self clean: compiledParser.
-	].
+    Smalltalk at: compiledParserName ifPresent: [ :class |
+        compiledParser := class.
+        self clean: compiledParser.
+    ].
+    Transcript cr; show: 'intialized for: ', aString; cr.
 ! !
 !PPCCompiler class methodsFor:'documentation'!