changeset 387 e2b2ccaa4de6
child 441 6f0eb79b3dda
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/islands/Make.proto	Wed Oct 08 00:33:44 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# $Header$
+# automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_petitparser_islands.
+# Warning: once you modify this file, do not rerun
+# stmkmp or projectDefinition-build again - otherwise, your changes are lost.
+# The Makefile as generated by this Make.proto supports the following targets:
+#    make         - compile all st-files to a classLib
+#    make clean   - clean all temp files
+#    make clobber - clean all
+# This file contains definitions for Unix based platforms.
+# It shares common definitions with the win32-make in Make.spec.
+# position (of this package) in directory hierarchy:
+# (must point to ST/X top directory, for tools and includes)
+# subdirectories where targets are to be made:
+# subdirectories where Makefiles are to be made:
+# (only define if different from SUBDIRS)
+# if your embedded C code requires any system includes,
+# add the path(es) here:,
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next lines ***
+LOCALINCLUDES= -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/analyzer -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic
+# if you need any additional defines for embedded C code,
+# add them here:,
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next lines ***
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next line ***
+# additional C-libraries that should be pre-linked with the class-objects
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next line ***
+# additional C targets or libraries should be added below
+all:: preMake classLibRule postMake
+# Enforce recompilation of package definition class if Mercurial working
+# copy state changes. Together with --guessVersion it ensures that package
+# definition class always contains correct binary revision string.
+ifneq (**NOHG**, $(shell hg root 2> /dev/null || echo -n '**NOHG**'))
+stx_goodies_petitparser_islands.$(O): $(shell hg root)/.hg/dirstate
+# run default testsuite for this package
+test: $(TOP)/goodies/builder/reports
+	$(MAKE) -C $(TOP)/goodies/builder/reports -f Makefile.init
+	$(TOP)/goodies/builder/reports/ -D . -r Builder::TestReport -p $(PACKAGE)
+# add more install actions here
+# add more install actions for aux-files (resources) here
+# add more preMake actions here
+# add more postMake actions here
+postMake:: cleanjunk
+# build all mandatory prerequisite packages (containing superclasses) for this package
+	cd ../../../libbasic && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+	cd ../../../libbasic2 && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+# build all packages containing referenced classes for this package
+# they are nor needed to compile the package
+	-rm -f *.s *.s2
+	-rm -f *.o *.H
+clobber:: clean
+	-rm -f *.so *.dll
+# BEGINMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line; make depend needs it
+$(OUTDIR)PPInputEnds.$(O) PPInputEnds.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)PPIsland.$(O) PPIsland.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)PPNonEmptyParser.$(O) PPNonEmptyParser.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPDelegateParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)PPWater.$(O) PPWater.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPDelegateParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)stx_goodies_petitparser_islands.$(O) stx_goodies_petitparser_islands.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/LibraryDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ProjectDefinition.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)PPMemoizingIsland.$(O) PPMemoizingIsland.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/islands/PPIsland.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)extensions.$(O): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPChoiceParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPContext.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPDelegateParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPEpsilonParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPListParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPLiteralParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPOptionalParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPPredicateParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPRepeatingParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPSequenceParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+# ENDMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line