author Jan Vrany <>
Mon, 23 Nov 2015 11:14:30 +0100
changeset 551 00ebb1b85f53
parent 425 0a5c4929af56
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed CI scripts on Windows For an unknown reason, unzip on Windows reports status code 50 (presumably "the disk is (or was) full during extraction.") even if there's plenty of space. To workaround this, simply ignore status code 50 on Windows. Sigh.

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/analyzer/tests' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

PPAbstractParserTest subclass:#PPSearcherTest

!PPSearcherTest methodsFor:'running'!

	searcher := PPSearcher new
! !

!PPSearcherTest methodsFor:'testing'!

	| result |
		matches: PPPattern any
		do: [ :parser :answer | 
				add: parser;
				yourself ].
	result := searcher execute: $a asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result size equals: 1.
	result := searcher execute: $a asParser star initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result size equals: 2.
	result := searcher execute: $a asParser , $b asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result size equals: 3

	| result |
		matches: (PPPattern class: PPLiteralObjectParser)
		do: [ :parser :answer | 
				add: parser;
				yourself ].
	result := searcher execute: $a asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result size equals: 1.
	self assert: (result allSatisfy: [ :each | each class = PPLiteralObjectParser ]).
	result := searcher execute: 'abc' asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result isEmpty.
	result := searcher execute: #any asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result isEmpty.
	result := searcher execute: $a asParser / #any asParser , $b asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result size equals: 2.
	self assert: (result allSatisfy: [ :each | each class = PPLiteralObjectParser ])

	| result |
		matches: (PPPattern kind: PPLiteralParser)
		do: [ :parser :answer | 
				add: parser;
				yourself ].
	result := searcher execute: $a asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result size equals: 1.
	self assert: (result allSatisfy: [ :each | each class = PPLiteralObjectParser ]).
	result := searcher execute: 'abc' asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result size equals: 1.
	self assert: (result allSatisfy: [ :each | each class = PPLiteralSequenceParser ]).
	result := searcher execute: #any asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result isEmpty.
	result := searcher execute: $a asParser / #any asParser , $b asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result size equals: 2.
	self assert: (result allSatisfy: [ :each | each class = PPLiteralObjectParser ])

	| result |
		matchesAnyOf: (Array with: $a asParser with: $b asParser)
		do: [ :parser :answer | 
				add: parser;
				yourself ].
	result := searcher execute: $a asParser , $b asParser , $c asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result size equals: 2.
	self assert: result first literal equals: $a.
	self assert: result last literal equals: $b

	| result |
		matches: $a asParser
		do: [ :parser :answer | 
			answer first add: parser.
			answer ].
		matches: PPPattern any
		do: [ :parser :answer | 
			answer second add: parser.
			answer ].
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $a asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: (Array with: OrderedCollection new with: OrderedCollection new).
	self assert: result first size equals: 2.
	self assert: result first first literal equals: $a.
	self assert: result first last literal equals: $a.
	self assert: result last size equals: 2.
	self assert: result last first class equals: PPSequenceParser.
	self assert: result last last literal equals: $b

	| result |
		matches: (PPPattern name: 'foo')
		do: [ :parser :answer | 
				add: parser;
				yourself ].
	result := searcher execute: $a asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result isEmpty.
	result := searcher execute: ($a asParser name: 'foo') initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result size equals: 1.
	self assert: result first name equals: 'foo'.
	result := searcher execute: ($a asParser name: 'bar') , ($b asParser name: 'foo') initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result size equals: 1.
	self assert: result first name equals: 'foo'

		should: [ PPPattern new ]
		raise: Error

	| recursive |
	recursive := PPDelegateParser new.
	recursive setParser: recursive.
	searcher matches: recursive do: [ :parser :answer | parser ].
	self assert: (searcher execute: recursive) equals: recursive.
	self assert: (searcher execute: $a asParser) isNil.
	self assert: (searcher execute: $a asParser / $b asParser star) isNil

	| pattern result |
		matches: (pattern := PPPattern any) , pattern
		do: [ :parser :answer | 
				add: parser;
				yourself ].
	result := searcher execute: $a asParser , $b asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result isEmpty.
	result := searcher execute: $a asParser , $a asParser initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result size equals: 1.
	result := searcher execute: $a asParser , ($a asParser , $b asParser) initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result isEmpty.
	result := searcher execute: $b asParser , ($a asParser , $a asParser) initialAnswer: OrderedCollection new.
	self assert: result size equals: 1
! !

!PPSearcherTest methodsFor:'testing-copy'!

	| old new |
	old := $a asParser ==> [ :token | $b ].
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := $a asParser token trim.
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := nil asParser.
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := PPFailingParser message: 'problem'.
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := $a asParser , $b asParser , $c asParser.
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := $a asParser.
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := [ :stream | ] asParser.
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := #word asParser.
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := 'foo' asParser caseInsensitive.
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := PPDelegateParser new.
	old setParser: old.
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := PPChoiceParser new.
	old setParsers: (Array with: old).
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := #word asParser star.
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := #word asParser starGreedy: #digit asParser.
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := #word asParser starLazy: #digit asParser.
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).

	| old new |
	old := #word asParser min: 5 max: 10.
	new := old copyInContext: Dictionary new.
	self assert: (old match: old inContext: Dictionary new).
	self assert: (old match: new inContext: Dictionary new).
	self deny: (old == new).
! !

!PPSearcherTest methodsFor:'testing-lists'!

	| result |
		matches: PPListPattern any , $a asParser , PPListPattern any
		do: [ :parser :answer | true ].
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $a asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $a asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $b asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $a asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $b asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $b asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $a asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $b asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result

	| result |
		matches: PPListPattern any , $b asParser
		do: [ :parser :answer | true ].
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $a asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $a asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $b asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $a asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $b asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $b asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $a asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $b asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result

	| result |
		matches: $a asParser , PPListPattern any
		do: [ :parser :answer | true ].
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $a asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $a asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $b asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $a asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $b asParser , $a asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $a asParser , $b asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self assert: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $a asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result.
	result := searcher
		execute: $b asParser , $b asParser , $b asParser
		initialAnswer: false.
	self deny: result
! !

!PPSearcherTest class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/analyzer/tests/,v 1.1 2014-03-04 15:43:09 cg Exp $'

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/analyzer/tests/,v 1.1 2014-03-04 15:43:09 cg Exp $'


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
! !