author Jan Vrany <>
Mon, 23 Nov 2015 11:14:30 +0100
changeset 551 00ebb1b85f53
parent 525 751532c8f3db
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed CI scripts on Windows For an unknown reason, unzip on Windows reports status code 50 (presumably "the disk is (or was) full during extraction.") even if there's plenty of space. To workaround this, simply ignore status code 50 on Windows. Sigh.

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

PPCCodeGenerator subclass:#PPCTokenizingCodeGenerator

!PPCTokenizingCodeGenerator methodsFor:'accessing'!

    self flag: 'Hack alert, the codeGenerator needs refactoring so that we can remove this method'.
    self halt: 'deprecated'.
    "When tokenizing, do not use guards"
    ^ false
! !

!PPCTokenizingCodeGenerator methodsFor:'initialization'!

    super initialize.
    codeGen := PPCTokenizingCodeGen new
! !

!PPCTokenizingCodeGenerator methodsFor:'visiting'!

visitAndNode: node
    | mementoVar  |
    mementoVar := codeGen allocateTemporaryVariableNamed: 'memento'.
    codeGen remember: node child to: mementoVar.

          codeEvaluateAndAssign:[ self visit:node child ]
          to:self retvalVar.

    codeGen restore: node child from: mementoVar.
    codeGen codeReturn.

visitChoiceNode: node
"       true ifTrue: [ ^ super visitChoiceNode: node ]."
    | possibleError memento |
    possibleError := true.

    memento := codeGen allocateTemporaryVariableNamed: 'memento'.
    codeGen codeScannerRememberTo: memento.

    node children do: [ :child |
        | tokenMethodName |

        child acceptsEpsilon "false" ifTrue: [  
            possibleError := false.
            codeGen codeEvaluateAndAssign:[ self visit:child ] to:self retvalVar.
            codeGen codeReturn.
            "makes no sense to compile more..."
            ^ self
        ] ifFalse: [
            child firstSetWithTokens do: [ :first |
                "For each child, for each first compile this:"
                tokenMethodName := codeGen idFor: first.
                codeGen codeIf: '(scanner ', tokenMethodName asString, ')' then: [ 
                    codeGen codeEvaluateAndAssignParsedValueOf:[ self visit:child ] to:self retvalVar.
                    codeGen codeIf: 'error' then: [ 
                        codeGen codeClearError.
                        codeGen codeScannerRestoreFrom: memento.
                    ] else: [ 
                        codeGen codeReturn: self retvalVar.
    possibleError ifTrue: [
        codeGen codeError: 'no choice found'.

    "Modified: / 31-07-2015 / 08:07:59 / Jan Vrany <>"

visitDeterministicChoiceNode: node
    | dictionary isInlined |
    dictionary := IdentityDictionary new.
"	codeGen currentMethod methodName asSymbol = #'ch' ifTrue: [ self halt ]."
    isInlined := node isMarkedForInline.
    node children do: [ :child |
        | firstSet |
        firstSet := child firstSetWithTokens.
        self assert: firstSet size = 1.
        dictionary at: child put: firstSet anyOne.
    "Tokens are unique"
    self assert: dictionary values asSet size = node children size.
    node children do: [ :child |
        | tokenMethodName |
        tokenMethodName := codeGen idFor: (dictionary at: child).
        codeGen code: '(scanner ', tokenMethodName asString, ')'.
        codeGen codeOnLine: ' ifTrue: ['.
        codeGen indent.
        codeGen codeReturnParsedValueOf:[ self visit:child ].
        codeGen dedent.
        isInlined ifTrue:[
            codeGen code: '] ifFalse: ['
        ] ifFalse:[
            codeGen code: '].'.
    codeGen codeError: 'no choice found'.
    isInlined ifTrue:[
        node children size timesRepeat: [ codeGen addOnLine: ']' ].
        codeGen codeOnLine: '.'.

    "Modified: / 21-05-2015 / 15:31:26 / Jan Vrany <>"

visitTokenConsumeNode: node
    | id |
    id := codeGen idFor: node.
    codeGen codeReturn: 'scanner ', id, ' ifNil: [ error := true ].'.

visitTokenNode: node
    self error: 'should not happen!!'

visitTokenizingParserNode: node
    codeGen codeHaltIfShiftPressed.
          codeEvaluateAndAssign:[ self visit:node parser ]
          to:self retvalVar.
    codeGen codeReturn.

visitTrimmingTokenCharacterNode: node
    self error: 'should not happen!!'

visitTrimmingTokenNode: node
    self error: 'should not happen!!'
! !

!PPCTokenizingCodeGenerator class methodsFor:'documentation'!


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
! !