author Jan Vrany <>
Tue, 16 Jun 2015 06:45:26 +0100
changeset 489 0ca7a70db0f5
parent 435 3bc08fb90133
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix in codegen for inlined sequence nodes. For inlined sequence nodes, generate nested ifs rather than sequential code which does not work when inlined. The reason is that #codeReturn: in inline generates instvar assignment, not method return, so in sequential code the next child of a sequence will be probed even if previous failed. If that happends, the whole sequence fail and therefore we must generate nested ifs to correctly handle this w.r.t. inlining.

@REM -------
@REM make using lcc compiler
@REM type lccmake, and wait...
@REM do not edit - automatically generated from ProjectDefinition
@REM -------
make.exe -N -f bc.mak -DUSELCC=1 %*