author Jan Vrany <>
Wed, 26 Aug 2015 23:01:00 +0100
changeset 532 132d7898a2a1
parent 524 f6f68d32de73
child 534 a949c4fe44df
permissions -rw-r--r--
PPCConfiguration refactoring: [4/10]: introduced a class - PPCPass ... representing a compilation pass over the PPCNode tree. The pass has a common api method: #run:in: which is not used in PPCConfiguration. This simplifed the code and removed some code duplication.

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

PPCPass subclass:#PPCFSAVisitor
	instanceVariableNames:'fsaCache idGen'

!PPCFSAVisitor methodsFor:'accessing'!

idGen: anObject
    idGen := anObject
! !

!PPCFSAVisitor methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!

unorderedChoiceFromFollowSet: followSet
    | followFsas  |
    ^ fsaCache at: followSet ifAbsentPut: [ 
        followFsas := followSet collect: [ :followNode | 
            followNode asFsa 
                name: (idGen idFor: followNode);
                retval: (idGen idFor: followNode); 
        self unorderedChoiceFromFsas: followFsas.

unorderedChoiceFromFsas: fsas
    | result startState |
    result := PEGFsa new.
    startState := PEGFsaState new.
    result addState: startState.
    result startState: startState.

    fsas do: [ :fsa | 
        result adopt: fsa.
        result addTransitionFrom: startState to: fsa startState.

    result determinizeStandard.
    ^ result

visitToken: tokenNode
    | anFsa |

    anFsa := tokenNode asFsa determinize.
    anFsa name: (idGen idFor: tokenNode).
    anFsa retval: (idGen idFor: tokenNode).
    tokenNode fsa: anFsa.
    ^ tokenNode

visitTokenConsumeNode: node
    | epsilon anFsa followSet |
    followSet := node followSetWithTokens.
    epsilon := followSet anySatisfy: [ :e | e acceptsEpsilon ].
    followSet := followSet reject: [ :e | e acceptsEpsilon ].
    epsilon ifTrue: [ followSet add: PPCEndOfFileNode instance ].
    anFsa := self unorderedChoiceFromFollowSet: followSet.
    anFsa name: 'nextToken_', (idGen idFor: node).

    node nextFsa: anFsa.

visitTokenNode: node
    ^ self visitToken: node

visitTokenizingParserNode: node
    "TODO JK: hack alert, change the handling of WS!!"
    self visitWhitespace: node whitespace.

    self visit: node tokens.
    self visit: node parser.
    ^ node

visitTrimmingTokenNode: node
    ^ self visitToken: node

visitWhitespace: node
    "JK HACK: treat ws as token -> create FSA for whitespace"
    | retval |
    retval := self visitToken: node.
    "we don't care about the finals of whitespace"
    node fsa removeFinals.
    ^ retval
! !

!PPCFSAVisitor methodsFor:'initialization'!

    super initialize.
    "for the given set of nodes, remember the unordered choice fsa
        see `unorderedChoiceFromFollowSet:`
    fsaCache := Dictionary new.
! !