author Jan Vrany <>
Wed, 26 Aug 2015 23:01:00 +0100
changeset 532 132d7898a2a1
parent 524 f6f68d32de73
permissions -rw-r--r--
PPCConfiguration refactoring: [4/10]: introduced a class - PPCPass ... representing a compilation pass over the PPCNode tree. The pass has a common api method: #run:in: which is not used in PPCConfiguration. This simplifed the code and removed some code duplication.

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

PPCRewritingVisitor subclass:#PPCTokenDetector

!PPCTokenDetector methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!

visitActionNode: node	

    (node hasProperty: #trimmingToken) ifTrue: [ 
        | child whitespace |
        self change.
        child := self visitWithTokenVisitor: node child secondChild.
        whitespace := self visitWithTokenVisitor: node child firstChild.
        ^ PPCTrimmingTokenNode new
            name: node name;
            child: child;
            whitespace: whitespace;
            tokenClass: node child secondChild tokenClass;
            properties: node properties copy;

    ^ super visitActionNode: node

visitTokenNode: node	
    | child newChild |
    self change.
    child := node child.
    newChild := self visitWithTokenVisitor: node child.
    node replace: child with: newChild.
    ^ node

visitTrimNode: node
    self visitChildren: node.

    (node child isKindOf: PPCTokenNode) ifTrue: [  
        self change.
        ^ PPCTrimmingTokenNode new
            name: node name;
            child: node child child;
            tokenClass: node child tokenClass;
            whitespace: node trimmer;
            parser: node parser;

    ^ node

visitWithTokenVisitor: node
    | retval forbiddenNodes copyVisitor tokenVisitor |
    copyVisitor := PPCCopyVisitor new.
    tokenVisitor := PPCTokenVisitor new.
    forbiddenNodes := openSet copy.
    tokenVisitor forbiddenNodes: forbiddenNodes.

    retval := copyVisitor visit: node.
    retval := tokenVisitor visit: retval.
    ^ retval
! !