author Jan Vrany <>
Wed, 10 Jun 2020 21:33:27 +0100
changeset 650 4c6ed0a28d18
parent 538 16e8536f5cfb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Replace `ifNil:[...]` with `isNil ifTrue:[...]` The latter is optimized by compilers and therefore faster.

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler/benchmarks' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

Object subclass:#PPCBenchmark
	instanceVariableNames:'sources report contextClass compile parser context input compiler
		profile repetitions'

!PPCBenchmark class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    "return an initialized instance"

    ^ self basicNew initialize.
! !

!PPCBenchmark class methodsFor:'benchmarking-CalipeL'!

    | benchmarkSuiteClass |
    benchmarkSuiteClass := Smalltalk at: #BenchmarkSuite.
    benchmarkSuiteClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self error: 'CalipeL is not loaded.'
    ^ (benchmarkSuiteClass  class:self) run

    PPCBenchmark run.

run: selectorOrSelectors
    | benchmarkSuiteClass benchmarkSuite |
    benchmarkSuiteClass := Smalltalk at: #BenchmarkSuite.
    benchmarkSuiteClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self error: 'CalipeL is not loaded.'
    selectorOrSelectors isSymbol ifTrue:[ 
        benchmarkSuite := (benchmarkSuiteClass  class:self selector: selectorOrSelectors ) run
    ] ifFalse:[ 
        benchmarkSuite := benchmarkSuiteClass new.
        selectorOrSelectors do:[:each | 
            benchmarkSuite addBenchmark: (BenchmarkInstance class: self selector: each)   
    ^ benchmarkSuite run
    PPCBenchmark run: #benchmarkRBParserC

    "Modified: / 18-08-2015 / 16:34:12 / Jan Vrany <>"

spy: benchmark
    | benchmarkInstanceClass |

    benchmarkInstanceClass := Smalltalk at: #BenchmarkInstance.
    benchmarkInstanceClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self error: 'CalipeL is not loaded.'

    ^ (benchmarkInstanceClass class:self selector:benchmark) spy

    "Created: / 11-05-2015 / 16:31:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 16-05-2015 / 19:19:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!PPCBenchmark methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ repetitions

repetitions: anObject
    repetitions := anObject
! !

!PPCBenchmark methodsFor:'benchmark support'!

compile: value
    compile := value

measure: aParser on: anInput name: aString
    | time result p |
    self halt: 'deprecated?'.
    context := self context.
    p := compile ifTrue: [ 
        aParser end compile
    ] ifFalse: [ 
        aParser end

    time := Time millisecondsToRun: [ result := p parse: anInput withContext: context ].

    self assert: result isPetitFailure not.
    self reportFor: aParser context: context input: anInput time: time name: aString.

reportFor: aParser context: aContext input: anInput time: time name: name
    Transcript crShow: (self getMetaInfo: name).
    Transcript crShow: '	Compile: ', compile asString.	
    Transcript crShow: '	Total time: ', time asString, ' ms'.
    Transcript crShow: '	Time per character: ', 
    (((time / anInput size) asFloat * 1000) asString truncateTo: 6), 
    ' microseconds'.
"	Transcript crShow: '	Backtrack per character: ',
    ((aContext backtrackCount / anInput size) asFloat asString truncateTo: 6),
    Transcript crShow: '	Remembers per character: ',
    ((aContext rememberCount / input size) asFloat asString truncateTo: 6),

reportInput: anInput time: time name: name
    | size |
    size := anInput inject: 0 into: [:r :e | r + e size  ].
    Transcript crShow: 'Size: ', size asString.
    Transcript crShow: name, ' time: ', time asString.
    Transcript crShow: 'Time per character: ', (time / size * 1000.0) asString, ' microseconds'.
    (context isKindOf: PPCProfilingContext) ifTrue: [ 
        context inspect.
! !

!PPCBenchmark methodsFor:'benchmarks'!

    | time |
    self assert: '../java-src' asFileReference exists description: '../java-src directory with java sources expected'.

    parser := PPJavaSyntax new.
    context := PPCContext new.
    context initializeFor: parser.
    input := sources javaSourcesBig.

    time := [ input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]] timeToRun asMilliSeconds.
    self reportInput: input time: time name: 'Java Syntax'.

    | time |
    self assert: '../java-src' asFileReference exists description: '../java-src directory with java sources expected'.

    parser := PPJavaSyntax new compile.
    context := PPCContext new.
    context initializeFor: parser.
    input := sources javaSourcesBig.

    time := [ input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]] timeToRun asMilliSeconds.
    self reportInput: input time: time name: 'Java Syntax Compiled'.
! !

!PPCBenchmark methodsFor:'benchmarks - expression grammar'!

    | time |

    self setupExpressionGrammar.

    time := [ input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]] timeToRun asMilliSeconds.
    self reportInput: input time: time name: 'Expression Grammar'.

    | time |

    self setupExpressionGrammarCompiled.

    time := [ input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]] timeToRun asMilliSeconds.
    self reportInput: input time: time name: 'Compiled Expression Grammar'.

    | time |

    self setupExpressionGrammarTokenized.

    time := [ input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]] timeToRun asMilliSeconds.
    self reportInput: input time: time name: 'Tokenized Expression Grammar'.

    | time |

    self setupLL1ExpressionGrammar.

    time := [ input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]] timeToRun asMilliSeconds.
    self reportInput: input time: time name: 'LL1 Expression Grammar'.

    | time |

    self setupLL1ExpressionGrammarCompiled.

    time := [ input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]] timeToRun asMilliSeconds.
    self reportInput: input time: time name: 'Compiled LL1 Expression Grammar'.

    | time |

    self setupLL1ExpressionGrammarTokenized.

    time := [ input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]] timeToRun asMilliSeconds.
    self reportInput: input time: time name: 'Tokenized LL1 Expression Grammar'.
! !

!PPCBenchmark methodsFor:'benchmarks - micro'!

    self measure: self anyStar on: sources petitParserPackage.
    self measure: self anyStar on: (sources changesSized: 1000*1000) name: #anyStar.

    self measure: self anyStar on: sources petitParserPackage.
    self measure: self anyStarBlock on: (sources changesSized: 1000*1000) name: #anyStarBlock.

    self measure: self anyStar on: sources petitParserPackage.
    parser := (self tokenParser / #any asParser) star.
    self measure: parser on: (sources changesSized: 1000*1000) name: #token.
! !

!PPCBenchmark methodsFor:'benchmarks - smalltalk'!

    | time  |
    parser := OpalCompiler new.
    input := sources smalltalkSourcesBig.
    time := [ input do: [ :source | parser parse: source ]] timeToRun asMilliseconds.
    self reportInput: input time: time name: 'Opal'

    | time |

    self setupSmalltalkGrammar.

    time := [ input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]] timeToRun asMilliSeconds.
    self reportInput: input time: time name: 'Smalltalk Grammar'.

    | time  |

    self setupSmalltalkGrammarCompiled.

    repetitions timesRepeat: [ 
        time := [ input do: [ :source | 
            parser parse: source withContext: context 
        ]] timeToRun asMilliSeconds.
        self reportInput: input time: time name: 'Compiled Smalltalk Grammar'.

    | time   |

    self setupSmalltalkGrammarTokenized.
    repetitions timesRepeat: [ 	
        time := [ input do: [ :source | 
                parser parse: source withContext: context ] 
        ] timeToRun asMilliSeconds.
        self reportInput: input time: time name: 'Tokenized Smalltalk Grammar'.
    size := input inject: 0 into: [:r :e | r + e size  ].
    Transcript crShow: 'Compiled Grammar time: ', time asString.
    Transcript crShow: 'Time per character: ', (time / size * 1000.0) asString, ' microseconds'.

    | time |
    parser := PPSmalltalkParser new.
    context := PPContext new.
    context initializeFor: parser.
    input := sources smalltalkSourcesBig.

    time := [ input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]] timeToRun asMilliSeconds.
    self reportInput: input time: time name: 'Smalltalk Parser'.

    | time |

    compiler := PPCCompiler new.
    parser := compiler compile: (PPSmalltalkParser new).
    context := PPCContext new.
    context initializeFor:parser.
    input := sources smalltalkSourcesBig.
    time := [
            input do:[:source | 
                parser parse:source withContext:context
        ] timeToRun 
        name:'Smalltalk Parser Compiled'.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 11:38:38 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!PPCBenchmark methodsFor:'benchmarks-CalipeL'!

    <setup: #setupExpressionGrammar>
    <benchmark: 'Petit Expression Grammar - Standard'>
    input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    <setup: #setupExpressionGrammarTokenized>
    <teardown: #teardownExpressionGrammarTokenized>
    <benchmark: 'Petit Expression Grammar - Tokenized'>
    input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    <setup: #setupJavaSyntax>
    <benchmark: 'Petit Java Parser - Standard'>
    input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    <setup: #setupJavaSyntaxCompiled>
    <teardown: #teardownJavaSyntaxCompiled>
    <benchmark: 'Petit Java Parser - Compiled'>
    input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    <setup: #setupLRPParser>
    <benchmark: 'LRP Parser - Standard'>

    1000 timesRepeat:[ 
        input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    "Created: / 18-08-2015 / 16:27:27 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <setup: #setupLRPParserCompiled>
    <teardown: #teardownLRPParserCompiled>
    <benchmark: 'LRP Parser - Compiled'>
    1000 timesRepeat:[ 
        input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    "Created: / 18-08-2015 / 16:26:49 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <setup: #setupLRPParser>
    <benchmark: 'LRP Parser - Standard johanfabry.39'>

    1000 timesRepeat:[ 
        input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    "Created: / 18-08-2015 / 16:49:01 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <setup: #setupRBParser>
    <benchmark: 'RB Smalltalk Parser'>
    input do: [ :source | RBParser parseMethod: source ]

    <setup: #setupSmalltalkGrammar>
    <benchmark: 'Petit Smalltalk Grammar - Standard'>
    input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    <setup: #setupSmalltalkGrammarCompiled>
    <teardown: #teardownSmalltalkGrammarCompiled>
    <benchmark: 'Petit Smalltalk Grammar - Compiled'>
    input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    <setup: #setupSmalltalkGrammarTokenized>
    <teardown: #teardownSmalltalkGrammarTokenized>
    <benchmark: 'Petit Smalltalk Grammar - Tokenized'>
    input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    <setup: #setupSmalltalkNoopParserCompiled>
    <teardown: #teardownSmalltalkNoopParserCompiled>
    <benchmark: 'Petit Smalltalk Parser (noop)- Compiled'>
    input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    "Created: / 16-05-2015 / 09:45:55 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <setup: #setupSmalltalkNoopParserTokenized>
    <teardown: #teardownSmalltalkNoopParserTokenized>
    <benchmark: 'Petit Smalltalk Parser (noop) - Tokenized'>
    input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    "Created: / 16-05-2015 / 09:46:15 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <setup: #setupSmalltalkParser>
    <benchmark: 'Petit Smalltalk Parser - Standard'>
    input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    <setup: #setupSmalltalkParserCompiled>
    <teardown: #teardownSmalltalkParserCompiled>
    <benchmark: 'Petit Smalltalk Parser - Compiled'>
    input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    <setup: #setupSmalltalkParserTokenized>
    <teardown: #teardownSmalltalkParserTokenized>
    <benchmark: 'Petit Smalltalk Parser - Tokenized'>
    input do: [ :source | parser parse: source withContext: context ]

    "Created: / 16-05-2015 / 09:45:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!PPCBenchmark methodsFor:'intitialization'!

    ^ contextClass new

    super initialize.
    sources := PPCResources current.
    contextClass := PPCContext.

    compile := false.
    profile := false.
    repetitions := 3
! !

!PPCBenchmark methodsFor:'meta'!

getMetaInfo: key
    | info |
    info := self metaInfo select: [ :each | each key = key ].
    info isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ 'unknown benchmark' ].
    ^ info anyOne value

    ^ { 
        #anyStar -> '.* Parser'.
        #token -> 'Token Parser'.
        #tokenCompiled -> 'Token Parser Compiled'.
        #anyStarBlock -> 'context next in loop'.
! !

!PPCBenchmark methodsFor:'parsers'!

    ^ #any asParser star

    ^ [ :ctx | [ctx atEnd] whileFalse: [ ctx next ] ] asParser

    ^ #letter asParser, (#letter asParser / #digit asParser) star trim
! !

!PPCBenchmark methodsFor:'profiling'!

    contextClass := PPCProfilingContext.
    profile := true.
! !

!PPCBenchmark methodsFor:'setup & teardown'!

    parser := PPExpressionGrammar new.
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor: parser.
    input := sources expressionSourcesMedium.

    compiler := PPCCompiler newWithOptions: #( #tokenize: false ).
    compiler options parserName:#PPCompiledExpressionGrammar.
    compiler options scannerName:#PPCompiledExpressionScanner.
    parser := compiler compile: (PPExpressionGrammar new).
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor:parser.
    input := sources expressionSourcesMedium.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 11:38:00 / Jan Vrany <>"

    compiler := PPCCompiler newWithOptions: #( #tokenize: true ).
    compiler options parserName:#PPTokenizedExpressionGrammar.
    compiler options scannerName:#PPTokenizedExpressionScanner.
    parser := compiler compile: (PPExpressionGrammar new).
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor:parser.
    input := sources expressionSourcesMedium.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 11:36:49 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := PPJavaSyntax new.
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor: parser.
    input := sources javaSourcesBig.

    parser := PPJavaSyntax new compile.
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor: parser.
    input := sources javaSourcesBig.

    size := input inject: 0 into: [:r :e | r + e size  ].
    Transcript crShow: 'Compiled Grammar time: ', time asString.
    Transcript crShow: 'Time per character: ', (time / size * 1000.0) asString, ' microseconds'.

    parser := PPLL1ExpressionGrammar new.
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor: parser.
    input := sources expressionSourcesBig.

    compiler := PPCCompiler newWithOptions: #( #tokenize: false ).
    compiler options parserName:#PPCompiledLL1ExpressionGrammar.
    compiler options scannerName:#PPCompiledLL1ExpressionScanner.
    parser := compiler compile: (PPLL1ExpressionGrammar new).
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor:parser.
    input := sources expressionSourcesBig.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 11:37:58 / Jan Vrany <>"

    compiler := PPCCompiler newWithOptions: #( #tokenize: true ).
    compiler options parserName:#PPTokenizedLL1ExpressionGrammar.
    compiler options scannerName:#PPTokenizedLL1ExpressionScanner.
    parser := compiler compile: (PPLL1ExpressionGrammar new).
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor:parser.
    input := sources expressionSourcesBig.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 11:36:47 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := PPCLRPParser new.
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor: parser.
    input := PPCLRPSourcesResource current sources

    "Created: / 18-08-2015 / 16:34:57 / Jan Vrany <>"

    compiler := PPCCompiler newWithOptions: #( #tokenize: false ).
    parser := compiler compile: (PPCLRPParser new).
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor:parser.
    input := PPCLRPSourcesResource current sources

    "Created: / 18-08-2015 / 16:35:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 11:37:55 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := PPCLRPParser_johanfabry_39 new.
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor: parser.
    input := PPCLRPSourcesResource current sources

    "Created: / 18-08-2015 / 16:48:22 / Jan Vrany <>"

    input := sources smalltalkSourcesBig.

    parser := PPSmalltalkGrammar new.
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor: parser.
    input := sources smalltalkSourcesBig.

    compiler := PPCCompiler newWithOptions: #( #tokenize: false ).
    compiler options parserName:#'PPSmalltalkGrammarC_Unviersal'.
    compiler options profile:profile.
    parser := compiler compile: (PPSmalltalkGrammar new).
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor:parser.
    profile ifTrue:[
        input := sources smalltalkSourcesSmall.
    ] ifFalse:[
        input := sources smalltalkSourcesBig.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 11:37:30 / Jan Vrany <>"

    compiler := PPCCompiler newWithOptions: #( #tokenize: true ).
    compiler options parserName:#'PPSmalltalkGrammarC_Tokenizing'.
    compiler options scannerName:#'PPSmalltalkGrammarC_Scanner'.
    compiler options profile:profile.
    parser := compiler compile: (PPSmalltalkGrammar new).
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor:parser.
    profile ifTrue:[
        input := sources smalltalkSourcesSmall.
    ] ifFalse:[
        input := sources smalltalkSourcesBig.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 11:36:45 / Jan Vrany <>"

    compiler := PPCCompiler newWithOptions: #( #tokenize: false ).
    parser := compiler compile: (PPCSmalltalkNoopParser new).
    context := PPCContext new.
    context initializeFor:parser.
    input := sources smalltalkSourcesBig.

    "Created: / 16-05-2015 / 09:44:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 11:37:27 / Jan Vrany <>"

    compiler := PPCCompiler newWithOptions: #( #tokenize: true ).
    parser := compiler compile: (PPCSmalltalkNoopParser new).
    context := PPCContext new.
    context initializeFor:parser.
    input := sources smalltalkSourcesBig.

    "Created: / 16-05-2015 / 09:44:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 11:36:43 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := PPSmalltalkParser new.
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor: parser.
    input := sources smalltalkSourcesBig.

    compiler := PPCCompiler newWithOptions: #( #tokenize: false ).
    parser := compiler compile: (PPSmalltalkParser new).
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor:parser.
    input := sources smalltalkSourcesBig.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 11:37:25 / Jan Vrany <>"

    compiler := PPCCompiler newWithOptions: #( #tokenize: true ).
    parser := compiler compile: (PPSmalltalkParser new).
    context := self context.
    context initializeFor:parser.
    input := sources smalltalkSourcesBig.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 11:36:40 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser class removeFromSystem.

    parser class removeFromSystem.
    size := input inject: 0 into: [:r :e | r + e size  ].
    Transcript crShow: 'Compiled Grammar time: ', time asString.
    Transcript crShow: 'Time per character: ', (time / size * 1000.0) asString, ' microseconds'.

    parser class removeFromSystem.
    size := input inject: 0 into: [:r :e | r + e size  ].
    Transcript crShow: 'Compiled Grammar time: ', time asString.
    Transcript crShow: 'Time per character: ', (time / size * 1000.0) asString, ' microseconds'.

    "Created: / 18-08-2015 / 16:36:11 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser class removeFromSystem.
    size := input inject: 0 into: [:r :e | r + e size  ].
    Transcript crShow: 'Compiled Grammar time: ', time asString.
    Transcript crShow: 'Time per character: ', (time / size * 1000.0) asString, ' microseconds'.

    parser class removeFromSystem.
    size := input inject: 0 into: [:r :e | r + e size  ].
    Transcript crShow: 'Compiled Grammar time: ', time asString.
    Transcript crShow: 'Time per character: ', (time / size * 1000.0) asString, ' microseconds'.

    "Created: / 11-05-2015 / 16:33:27 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser class removeFromSystem.
    size := input inject: 0 into: [:r :e | r + e size  ].
    Transcript crShow: 'Compiled Grammar time: ', time asString.
    Transcript crShow: 'Time per character: ', (time / size * 1000.0) asString, ' microseconds'.

    "Created: / 16-05-2015 / 09:44:40 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser class removeFromSystem.
    size := input inject: 0 into: [:r :e | r + e size  ].
    Transcript crShow: 'Compiled Grammar time: ', time asString.
    Transcript crShow: 'Time per character: ', (time / size * 1000.0) asString, ' microseconds'.

    "Created: / 16-05-2015 / 09:44:46 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser class removeFromSystem.
    size := input inject: 0 into: [:r :e | r + e size  ].
    Transcript crShow: 'Compiled Grammar time: ', time asString.
    Transcript crShow: 'Time per character: ', (time / size * 1000.0) asString, ' microseconds'.

    parser class removeFromSystem.
    size := input inject: 0 into: [:r :e | r + e size  ].
    Transcript crShow: 'Compiled Grammar time: ', time asString.
    Transcript crShow: 'Time per character: ', (time / size * 1000.0) asString, ' microseconds'.

    "Created: / 16-05-2015 / 09:47:11 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!PPCBenchmark class methodsFor:'documentation'!


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
! !