author Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>
Sat, 19 Mar 2016 00:12:47 +0100
changeset 556 51c6afba5c91
parent 421 7e08b31e0dae
permissions -rw-r--r--
CI: Use VM provided by Pharo team on both Linux and Windows. Hand-crafter Pharo VM is no longer needed as the Linux slave in SWING build farm has been upgraded so it has compatible GLIBC. This makes CI scripts simpler and more usable for other people.

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser' }"

PPChoiceParser subclass:#PPLimitedChoiceParser

!PPLimitedChoiceParser methodsFor:'accessing'!

	^ limit

limit: anObject
	limit := anObject
! !

!PPLimitedChoiceParser methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!

// aRule 
	^ self copyWith: aRule

	limit := nil asParser

parseOn: aPPContext
	"This is optimized code that avoids unnecessary block activations, do not change. When all choices fail, the last failure is answered."

	| element limitResult memento |
	"self halt."
	1 to: parsers size do: [ :index |
		memento := aPPContext remember.
		element := (parsers at: index)
			parseOn: aPPContext.
		(element isPetitFailure not) ifTrue: [ 
			"check limit"
			limitResult := limit parseOn: aPPContext.
			limitResult isPetitFailure ifTrue: [ 
				element := PPFailure message: 'limit failed' at: aPPContext position .
				aPPContext restore: memento.
			] ifFalse: [ ^ element ].
	^ element
! !