author Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>
Sat, 19 Mar 2016 00:12:47 +0100
changeset 556 51c6afba5c91
parent 421 7e08b31e0dae
permissions -rw-r--r--
CI: Use VM provided by Pharo team on both Linux and Windows. Hand-crafter Pharo VM is no longer needed as the Linux slave in SWING build farm has been upgraded so it has compatible GLIBC. This makes CI scripts simpler and more usable for other people.

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser' }"

Object subclass:#PPToken
	instanceVariableNames:'collection start stop value'

!PPToken class methodsFor:'initialization'!

	"Platform independent newline sequence. LF: Unix, CR+LF: Windows, and CR: Apple."
	| cr lf |
	cr := Character codePoint: 13.
	lf := Character codePoint: 10.
	NewLineParser := lf asParser / (cr asParser , lf asParser optional)
! !

!PPToken class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

	self error: 'Token can only be created using a dedicated constructor.'

on: aSequenceableCollection
	^ self on: aSequenceableCollection start: 1 stop: aSequenceableCollection size value: nil

on: aSequenceableCollection start: aStartInteger stop: aStopInteger value: anObject
	^ self basicNew 
		initializeOn: aSequenceableCollection
		start: aStartInteger stop: aStopInteger
		value: anObject
! !

!PPToken methodsFor:'accessing'!

	"Answer the underlying collection of this token."

	^ collection

	"Answer the size of this token in the underlying collection."

	^ stop - start + 1

	"Answer the start position of this token in the underlying collection."

	^ start

	"Answer the stop position of this token in the underlying collection."
	^ stop
! !

!PPToken methodsFor:'accessing-values'!

	"Answer the consumed input of this token."

	^ collection copyFrom: start to: stop

	"Answer the parsed value of this token."

	^ value

	self notify: 'Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.'.
	^ self inputValue
! !

!PPToken methodsFor:'comparing'!

= anObject
	^ self class = anObject class and: [ self parsedValue = anObject parsedValue ]

	^ self parsedValue hash
! !

!PPToken methodsFor:'copying'!

copyFrom: aStartInteger to: aStopInteger
	^ self class on: collection start: start + aStartInteger - 1 stop: stop + aStopInteger - 3 value: value
! !

!PPToken methodsFor:'initialization'!

initializeOn: aSequenceableCollection start: aStartInteger stop: aStopInteger value: anObject
	collection := aSequenceableCollection.
	start := aStartInteger.
	stop := aStopInteger.
	value := anObject
! !

!PPToken methodsFor:'printing'!

printOn: aStream
	super printOn: aStream.
	aStream nextPut: $[; print: self start; nextPut: $,; print: self stop; nextPut: $].
	aStream nextPut: $(; print: self parsedValue; nextPut: $)
! !

!PPToken methodsFor:'private'!

        "Parser a platform independent newline sequence. LF: Unix, CR+LF: Windows, and CR: Apple."
        | cr lf |

        cr := Character codePoint: 13.
        lf := Character codePoint: 10.
        ^ lf asParser
        / (cr asParser , lf asParser optional)

    "Modified: / 04-10-2014 / 00:02:15 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
! !

!PPToken methodsFor:'querying'!

	"Answer the column number of this token in the underlying collection."
	| position |
	position := 0.
	(NewLineParser , [ :stream |
		start <= stream position
			ifTrue: [ ^ start - position ].
		position := stream position ] asParser
		/ #any asParser) star
			parse: collection.
	 ^ start - position

	"Answer the line number of this token in the underlying collection."
	| line |
	line := 1.
	(NewLineParser , [ :stream |
		start <= stream position
			ifTrue: [ ^ line ].
		line := line + 1 ] asParser
		/ #any asParser) star
			parse: collection.
	^ line
! !

!PPToken class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPToken.st,v 1.6 2014-03-04 20:10:06 cg Exp $'

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPToken.st,v 1.6 2014-03-04 20:10:06 cg Exp $'

    ^ '$Id: PPToken.st,v 1.6 2014-03-04 20:10:06 cg Exp $'
! !

PPToken initialize!