author Jan Vrany <>
Sat, 19 Mar 2016 00:12:47 +0100
changeset 556 51c6afba5c91
parent 538 16e8536f5cfb
permissions -rw-r--r--
CI: Use VM provided by Pharo team on both Linux and Windows. Hand-crafter Pharo VM is no longer needed as the Linux slave in SWING build farm has been upgraded so it has compatible GLIBC. This makes CI scripts simpler and more usable for other people.

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler/tests' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

PPAbstractParserTest subclass:#PPCTokenizingTest
	instanceVariableNames:'parser result context node id node2 id2 id1 node1 node3 options

!PPCTokenizingTest methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!

assert: p parse: whatever
    ^ result := super assert: p parse: whatever.

assert: p parse: whatever end: end
    ^ result := super assert: p parse: whatever end: end

    | parserClass scannerClass |
    parserClass := (Smalltalk at: options parserName ifAbsent: [nil]).
    parserClass notNil ifTrue:[ 
        parserClass removeFromSystem

    scannerClass := (Smalltalk at: options scannerName ifAbsent: [nil]).
    scannerClass notNil ifTrue:[ 
        scannerClass removeFromSystem

    "Modified: / 24-07-2015 / 19:50:52 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ context := PPCProfilingContext new

parse: whatever
    ^ result := super parse: whatever.

    options := (PPCCompilationOptions new)
    compiler := PPCCompiler new.
    compiler context options:options.
    self cleanClass.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 10:22:29 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "self cleanClass"

    | p1 p2 a1 a2 |
    a1 := 'a' asParser token name: 't1'; yourself.
    a2 := 'b' asParser token name: 't2'; yourself.
    p1 := a1 star.
    p2 := a2.
    parser := compiler compile: (p1 / p2).

    self assert: parser parse: ''.
    self assert: result isEmpty.
    self assert: parser parse: 'a'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'aa'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'a'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'b' end: 0.
    self assert: result isEmpty.

    self assert: parser parse: 'c' end: 0.

    parser := compiler compile: (('a' asParser token , 'b' asParser token) / 'a' asParser token).

    self assert: parser parse: 'ab'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'b'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'a'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'a'.

    self assert: parser fail: '_'.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 12:36:21 / Jan Vrany <>"

    | p1 p2 |
    p1 := 'a' asParser token, 'b' asParser token.
    p2 := 'b' asParser token / 'a' asParser token.
    parser := compiler compile: (p1 / p2).
    self assert: parser parse: 'ab'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'b'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'a'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'a'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'b'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'b'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'c'.

    | p1 p2 a1 a2 |
    a1 := 'a' asParser token name: 't1'; yourself.
    a2 := 'a' asParser token name: 't2'; yourself.
    p1 := a1, 'b' asParser token.
    p2 := a2.
    parser := compiler compile: (p1 / p2).
    self assert: parser parse: 'ab'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'b'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'a'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'a'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'b'.

    | p1 p2 a1 a2 |
    a1 := 'a' asParser token name: 't1'; yourself.
    a2 := 'a' asParser token name: 't2'; yourself.
    p1 := a1, 'b' asParser token.
    p2 := 'b' asParser token / a2.
    parser := compiler compile: (p1 / p2).
    self assert: parser parse: 'ab'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'b'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'a'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'a'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'b'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'b'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'c'.

    parser := compiler compile:(('foo' asParser token and) / ('bar' asParser token and)) 
                    , 'bar' asParser token.
    self assert: parser parse: 'bar'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 12:36:30 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := compiler compile: ('foo' asParser / 'bar' asParser) token.

    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: parser parse: 'bar'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'bar'.
    self assert: parser fail: '_'.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 12:35:42 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := compiler compile:('foo' asParser token trim / 'bar' asParser token trim).
    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: parser parse: 'bar'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'bar'.
    self assert: parser fail: '_'.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 12:36:37 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := compiler compile: ('foo' asParser token , 'bar' asParser token) 
                    / ('foo' asParser token , 'baz' asParser token).
    self assert: parser parse: 'foobar'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'foobaz'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'baz'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'foobaq'.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 12:36:54 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := compiler compile:('foo' asParser token , 'bar' asParser token) star , 'foo' asParser token.
    self assert: parser parse: 'foobarfoobarfoo'.
    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'bar'.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 12:37:01 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := compiler compile: (('foo' asParser token , 'bar' asParser token) star , 'foo' asParser token) 
                    / ('foo' asParser token , 'baz' asParser token).

    self assert: parser parse: 'foobarfoobarfoo'.
    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'bar'.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 12:37:10 / Jan Vrany <>"

    | start stop epsilon |
    start := $( asParser token.
    stop := $) asParser token.
    epsilon := '' asParser token.
    self should: [
        compiler compile: (start , epsilon , stop)
    ] raise: Exception.
    self assert: parser parse: '()'.
    self assert: parser fail: '('.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 12:40:19 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := compiler compile: ('foo' asParser token).
    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: parser fail: 'boo'.

    parser := compiler compile: ('foo' asParser token) , ('bar' asParser token).

    self assert: parser parse: 'foobar'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 12:40:11 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := compiler compile: ('foo' asParser trimmingToken) , ('bar' asParser trimmingToken).

    self assert: parser parse: 'foobar'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'foo  bar'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    self assert: parser parse: '  foo  bar'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 12:40:05 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser :=   compiler compile: ('foo' asParser trimmingToken) , ('bar' asParser trimmingToken) 
                     , ('baz' asParser trimmingToken).
    self assert: parser parse: 'foobarbaz'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.

    self assert: parser parse: ' foo  bar  baz  '.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'bar'.
    self assert: result third inputValue = 'baz'.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 12:39:59 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := compiler compile: ('foo' asParser token star).
    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: parser parse: 'boo' end: 0.
    self assert: result isEmpty.

    parser := compiler compile: ('foo' asParser token , 'bar' asParser token) star.

    self assert: parser parse: 'foobar'.
    self assert: context tokenReads size = 1.
    self assert: parser parse: 'bar' end: 0.
    self assert: result isEmpty.
    self assert: context tokenReads size = 1.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 12:39:51 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := compiler compile: ('a' asParser trimmingToken star , 'b' asParser trimmingToken).

    self assert: parser parse: 'ab'.
    self assert: parser parse: 'aaab'.
    self assert: result size = 2.
    self assert: result first size = 3.
    self assert: parser fail: 'ac'.

    "Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 12:39:45 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |  a b optionsWith  |
    "based on the PPSmalltlakGrammar>>blockArgumentsWith"
    a := $| asParser smalltalkToken
    b := $] asParser smalltalkToken
    optionsWith := (a / b and ==> [:t | ]) wrapped
        name: 'optionsWith'; 

    parser := compiler compile: (optionsWith).
    self assert: parser parse: '|'.

    self assert: parser parse: ']' end: 0.

    | choice1 choice2 a1 b1 a2 b2 tricky |
    a1 := $| asParser token
    b1 := $] asParser token
    choice1 := (a1 / b1) wrapped
        name: 'choice1'; 

    a2 := $| asParser token
    b2 := $] asParser token
    choice2 := (a2 / b2) wrapped
        name: 'choice1'; 
    tricky := (a1 asParser, choice1) / (b2 asParser, choice2).

    parser := compiler compile: (tricky).
    self assert: parser parse: '||'.

    self assert: parser parse: '|]'.

    self assert: parser parse: ']|'.

    self assert: parser parse: ']]'.

    |  symbol symbolLiteralArray symbolLiteral arrayItem  arrayLiteral |
    "based on symbolLiteral symbolLiteralArray in SmalltalkGrammar"

    symbol := PPDelegateParser new.
    symbol setParser: 'foo' asParser.
    symbol name: 'symbol'.
    symbolLiteralArray := PPDelegateParser new.
    symbolLiteralArray setParser: symbol token.
    symbolLiteralArray name: 'symbolLiteralArray'.
    symbolLiteral := PPDelegateParser new.
    symbolLiteral setParser: $# asParser token, symbol token ==> [:e | e isNil. e ].
    "                                                                  ^^^^^^^ "    
    " This is here to trick Smalltalk/X JIT optimizer which would create
      a __shared__ arg0-returning block. Because it is __shared__ it won't
      have a sourceposition filled and hence the inlining would fail.
      Sigh, there must be a better solution..."
    symbolLiteral name: 'symbolLiteral'.
    arrayLiteral := PPDelegateParser new.
    arrayLiteral setParser: '#(' asParser token, symbolLiteralArray, ')' asParser token.
    arrayLiteral name: 'arrayLiteral'.

    arrayItem := arrayLiteral / symbolLiteral.

    parser := compiler compile: (arrayItem).

    self assert: parser parse: '#(foo)'.
    self assert: parser parse: '#foo'.

    "Modified (comment): / 17-08-2015 / 23:07:35 / Jan Vrany <>"

    parser := compiler compile: ('foo' asParser token trim end).
    self assert: parser parse: 'foo'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: parser parse: 'foo  '.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: parser parse: '  foo'.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: parser parse: '  foo   '.
    self assert: result inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: parser fail: 'boo'.

    | token |
    token := $a asParser token.
    parser := compiler compile: (token plus).

    self assert: parser parse: 'a'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: context tokenReads size = 1.

    self flag: 'add the assertion here?'.
"	self assert: context invocations size = 5."

    | token |
    token := $a asParser token.
    parser := compiler compile: (token plus).

    self assert: parser parse: 'aaa'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: result third inputValue = 'a'.
    self assert: context tokenReads size = 1.
    self flag: 'Add the assertion here?'.
"	self assert: context invocations size = 7."

    | token |
    token := 'foo' asParser token name: 'fooToken'; yourself.
    parser := compiler compile: (token plus).

    self assert: parser parse: 'foofoo'.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: (parser scanner class methodDictionary includesKey: #fooToken).
    self assert: (parser scanner class methodDictionary includesKey: #scan_fooToken).

    | token ws trimmingToken |

    compiler removePass: PPCInliningVisitor.    
    token := 'foo' asParser token.
    ws := #blank asParser star name: 'consumeWhitespace'; yourself.
    trimmingToken := ((ws, token, ws) ==> #second) 
        propertyAt: 'trimmingToken' put: true; 
    parser := compiler compile: (trimmingToken plus).

    self assert: parser parse: ' foo '.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: (context invocations select: [:e | e = #scan_consumeWhitespace ]) size = 3.

    "Modified: / 04-09-2015 / 15:02:02 / Jan Vrany <>"

    | token ws trimmingToken |

    compiler removePass: PPCInliningVisitor.    
    token := 'foo' asParser token.
    ws := #blank asParser star name: 'consumeWhitespace'; yourself.
    trimmingToken := ((ws, token, ws) ==> #second) 
        propertyAt: 'trimmingToken' put: true; 
    parser := compiler compile: (trimmingToken plus).

    self assert: parser parse: ' foo foo '.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: (context invocations select: [:e | e = #scan_consumeWhitespace ]) size = 4.

    "Modified: / 04-09-2015 / 15:02:08 / Jan Vrany <>"

    | token ws trimmingToken |

    compiler removePass: PPCInliningVisitor.    
    token := 'foo' asParser token.
    ws := #blank asParser star name: 'consumeWhitespace'; yourself.
    trimmingToken := ((ws, token, ws) ==> #second) 
        propertyAt: 'trimmingToken' put: true; 
    parser := compiler compile: (trimmingToken plus).

    self assert: parser parse: ' foo  foo  foo  '.
    self assert: result first inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result second inputValue = 'foo'.
    self assert: result third inputValue = 'foo'.

    self assert: (context invocations select: [:e | e = #scan_consumeWhitespace ]) size = 5.

    "Modified: / 04-09-2015 / 15:02:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !